This page offers an overview of all Research Stations found in Area Zero in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. You’ll find links to our other pages that include information on TMs and Pokémon found around each Research Station!
Where to Find all Research Stations¶
Below you’ll find a breakdown of all research stations in the Area Zero and how to get to them. In total there are x4 Research Stations. Once you’ve unlocked all the research stations via The Way Home story quest, you’ll be able to fast travel between them freely by heading into one of the research stations and interacting with the green circle near the entrance and choosing another research station to travel to.
Use the green platforms to teleport to different Research Stations.
Research Station No. 1¶
Research Station No. 1 is the first of the four Research Stations and is found near the top of the crater. Head to our pages on all Pokémon near Research Station No. 1 and all TMs near Research Station No. 1 for more information.
Research Station No. 3 is found at the top of the crater area.
Research Station No. 2¶
Research Station No. 2 is found down the sloped path from Research Station No. 1. Head to our page on all Pokémon near Research Station No. 2 and all TMs near Research Station No. 2 for more information.
Head further down the semi-linear path towards Research Station No. 2.
Research Station No. 3¶
Continue down the semi linear path towards Research Station No. 3. Right opposite Research Station No. 3, you’ll find the entrance into the cave. The area around Research Station No. 3 also opens up a little and you’ll be able to explore more freely the open areas and the waterfall and shallow lake nearby. Head to our page on all Pokémon near Research Station No. 3 and all TMs near Research Station No. 3 for more information.
Research Station No. 3 is found opposite the cave entrance.
Research Station No. 4¶
Research Station No. 4 is found within the cave. Head down the gravel path from the cave entrance opposite Research Station No. 3, and you’ll find the 4th station on the
Head to our page on all Pokémon near Research Station No. 4 and all TMs near Research Station No. 4 for more information.
Head half way down into the cave and you’ll find the fourth research station.
Base Zero¶
Base Zero is found right at the bottom of the crystal cave. You can continue along the path from Research Station No. 4. At the base of this cave, you’ll find all sorts of Pokémon, including Miraidon/Koraidon, who can be found opposite the entrance into Base Zero. Head to our page on all Pokémon near Base Zero and all TMs near Base Zero for more information.
Base Zero is at the bottom of the cave.
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