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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Best Cinderace Event Tera Raid Builds

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page offers a guide on the best Pokémon to make a "Cinderace" IconCinderace Tera Raid Build with. The event runs from midnight on the 30th of December to the end of 1st of January 2023, and then again from midnight on the 13th of January to the end of 15th of January 2023.

Cinderace Tera Raid Builds

Though Cinderace is a Fire Fire type, it’ll have the Fighting Fighting tera type. This means you’ll wanna use a Cinderace Tera Raid Build that’s strong against Fighting types, and/or isn’t weak to fighting types.

Cinderace is the next 7-star tera raid event!

You can expect Cinderace to have some strong Fighting Fighting type moves and some Fire Fire type moves, and maybe a few surprises (stay tuned for info during the event release!). With the Fighting Fighting tera type, its Fighting fighting moves will do extra damage as well. Fighting Fighting Type moves also do x2 damage against the following types:

  • Normal Normal
  • Ice Ice
  • Bug Bug
  • Dark Dark
  • Steel Steel

Fighting Fighting type Pokémon will take x2 damage from the following:

  • Fairy Fairy
  • Psychic Psychic
  • Flying Flying

If you participated in the "Charizard" IconCharizard 7-Star Tera Raid event, you’ll likely have used a strong Fairy Fairy-type Cinderace Tera Raid Build, such as Azumarill, Flutter Mane or Sylveon. Given that Fairy types also do x2 damage to Fighting types, they will do really well in this Cinderace Tera Raid Event. Though, we wouldn’t be surprised if Cinderace had a Poison or Steel type move up its sleeve to deal with everyone’s OP Charizard Tera Raid Fairy builds (stay tuned)!

Azumarill Tera Raid Build

A Water and Fairy type, Azumaril is only weak against Electric Types. Additionally, it’ll only take x0.5 damage from any fire type moves that Cinderace might pull out.

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Fairy Adamant HP and Attack Huge Power Belly Drum, "Play Rough" iconPlay Rough, Superpower, "Liquidation" iconLiquidation Attack Weight

The above moveset is focused on reducing attack and damage stats whilst maximizing "Azumarill" IconAzumarill’s damage output. Superpower lowers attack and defense, "Play Rough" iconPlay Rough lowers attack and "Liquidation" iconLiquidation gives players a 20% chance of knocking an opponent’s defense down by one stage. Belly Drums kicks up a user’s attack stat up to the maximum amount at the cost of 50% HP, which is a powerhouse move when combined with Azumarill’s moveset.

Azumarill is a Water and Fairy Type Pokemon.

Huge Power ability will also boost Azumarill’s attack stat, with its Adamant nature boosting its attack stat further. Azumarill is also a tanky lil guy so that’ll help when withstanding Cinderace’s blows.

Help with finding Azumarill, its moveset and more can be found in our best Azumarill Tera Raid build.

Flutter Mane Tera Raid Build

Flutter Mane is a Scarlet exclusive Paradox Pokémon found in Area Zero. It is a Ghost and Fairy type, meaning it’ll know some strong Fairy type moves that’ll do well against Cinderace.

You’ll want your Flutter Mane to have the following:

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Fairy Modest Special Attack and Special Defense Protosynthesis Moonblast, "Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball, "Calm Mind" iconCalm Mind, "Fake Tears" iconFake Tears "Booster Energy" iconBooster Energy.

This build, like the Azumarill one, focuses on using a strong Fairy move and buffing it with raised Sp. Attack and debuffing the opponent.

Protosynthesis and "Booster Energy" iconBooster Energy are a strong combo because the ability reads: if Harsh Sunlight is active or if it’s holding Booster Energy, the Pokemon’s highest stat is boosted by 30% if the stat is Attack, Defense, Special Attack, or Special Defense or 50% if the stat is Speed.

Flutter Mane can be found before trainers reach Zero Base in Pokemon Scarlet

The Modest nature is the most ideal nature because it increases Special Attack, and your focus for the Flutter Mane tera build is to max out your Sp. Attack for Moonblast. Moonblast is a special Fairy move that inflicts a ton of damage and has a 30% chance of lowering the target’s Special Attack. It has an accuracy of 100% and has a base power of 90. Flutter Mane learns this move at level 84.

"Fake Tears" iconFake Tears is a great move to pair with Moonblast because it harshly lowers the target’s Special Defense by two stages, allowing your Flutter Mane to do a ton more damage! You can find TM Fake Tears just southeast of Cortondo (map marker). To make the TM, you’ll need 400 LP to craft, x3 "Bonsly Tears" iconBonsly Tears and x3 "Teddiursa Claw" iconTeddiursa Claws.

Flutter Mane’s main weakness is that it’ll likely get knocked out quite quickly against any strong attack moves, as it doesn’t have a ton of HP. Head over to our guide on a Flutter Mane Tera Raid Build for more information!

Sylveon Tera Raid Build

Introduced in generation six, "Sylveon" IconSylveon is one of the finer examples of a Fairy type Pokémon. It’s also one of the best Cinderace Event Pokémon builds thanks to its effectiveness against Fairy types:

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Fairy Modest HP and Sp. Atk Pixilate "Hyper Voice" iconHyper Voice, "Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain, "Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball, "Fake Tears" iconFake Tears "Metronome" iconMetronome

Sylveon is a powerful Fairy-type attacker. Its ability Pixelate turns Normal-type moves into Fairy type and gives an extra 20% damage boost to boot. This gives Last Resort a powerful boost against Charizard for those in a tight spot who want to turn the tables before a KO.

Sylveon Pokedex Image.

Its Adamant nature boosts attack and will make attacks such as Play Rough more powerful whilst knocking down the event Charizard’s attack stat by one step. Moonblast is a powerful special attack that also has a 30% chance of reducing Event Charizard’s Special Attack stat down by one step. "Dazzling Gleam" iconDazzling Gleam really shines in doubles battles as it hits all opponents at once, but nonetheless, it’s a great move to pair up with Sylveon’s Fairy Tera Typing.

Espathra Tera Raid Build

Espathra is a Psychic Special Attacker with a tallent for boosting stats and passing them on. Well, that’s what our build does best anyway.

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Psychic Modest Special Attack and Defense Opportunist "Calm Mind" iconCalm Mind, Lumina Crash, "Helping Hand" iconHelping Hand and "Reflect" iconReflect "Shell Bell" iconShell Bell

"Calm Mind" iconCalm Mind is a great move to raise a Pokémon Special Attack and Defense at once, with reflect doubling a users Defense stat when opponents use a physical move to attack. No doubt Cinderace the Unrivaled will be using physical moves, including it’s signature move Pyro Ball. All of these stat boosts can be passed on to other members of the Tera Raid team using "Helping Hand" iconHelping Hand if it looks like Espathra is in a spot of trouble. But the heavy hitter here is Espathras exclusive move, Lumina Crash, to deal Special Psychic damage. This will be further boosted when it Terastalizes and uses its Psychic Tera-Type.

For more information on our best Espathra Tera Raid build, head over to our dedicated page.

Espathra In a Tera Raid Battle in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Slowbro Tera Raid Build

"Slowbro" IconSlowbro is a Water and "Psychic" iconPsychic type Pokémon. It’s a pretty tanky Pokémon with high defense stats, so it’ll make for a decent damage absorber. Your focus for a Slowbro build is to play as a Support!

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Psychic Bold HP and Def Oblivious "Psychic" iconPsychic, Yawn / "Iron Defense" iconIron Defense, "Chilling Water" iconChilling Water, Slack off / Heal Pulse "Leftovers" iconLeftovers

Rather than doing big damage you’ll want to focus on status effects and tanking damage for your Tera Raid Team! Read on to find out the perfect moves for the task! Psychic is great for doing x2 damage, but you should be using your early turns to use "Chilling Water" iconChilling Water to reduce the Cinderace’s Attack. And you should have a strong healing move to sustain your Slowbro versus the Cinderace’s attacks.

"Iron Defense" iconIron Defense is great if you want to build even more defense, or you can choose to go with Yawn and try to send the Cinderace to sleep! The latter will only work when it doesn’t have its Tera Shield up though!

For more information on movesets and how to learn all of the perfect Slowbro support moves, head over to our Slowbro Tera Build guide!

Slowbro taking it easy next to a lake in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
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