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How to catch "Feebas" IconFeebas and Evolve into "Milotic" IconMilotic. That’s been one of the big questions on every trainers mind generation after generation, but we’ve got all the information, screenshots and interactive map markers to get the job done. We’re also going to go over one of the best competitive builds for Milotic too, so let’s get into it.

How To Catch Feebas In The Teal Mask

Start by heading to the southern-most point of The Crystal Pool at the peak of Oni Mountain. There’s a slight hill there, head round the back of it to find a cave entrance facing away from the Crystal Pool. Walk in and drop down straight to the bottom, although there’s a handful of offshoots hiding some nice items and rare Pokémon.

Once trainers hit dual pools connected by a small stream, they’re in the nest of Feebas. Well, mostly "Barboach" IconBarboach, but there’s Feebas around too. Swim from pool to pool until Feebas shows up, throwing a "Quick Ball" iconQuick Ball when encountering for a quick catch. Failing that use a high level Pokémon that knows "False Swipe" iconFalse Swipe and a status-effect move for a successful catch. "Net Ball" iconNet Balls and "Dusk Ball" iconDusk Balls will also come in handy too thanks to trying to catch in water and being in a dark cave.

(1 of 7) Head to Crystal Pool on top of Oni Mountain.

How To Evolve Feebas Into Milotic

Once the illusive Feebas is in a trainers team, they’ll need a prism scale. Feebas evolves via trading, but needs to be holding the "Prism Scale" iconPrism Scale too. Luckily for trainers, we’ve already found a location for a Prism Scale in Kitakami already. Head over to Fellhorn Gorge to find a Prism Scale on the grassy patch near the water line. Alternatively dedicated trainers will receive one as a Pokédex reward when they hit 140 caught Pokémon.

(1 of 7) Equip Feebas with a Prism Scale.

Next, give the Prism Scale to Feebas and trade it to evolve it into Milotic. For those who don’t have a trading partner handy, there’s plenty of Pokémon groups and communities to get involved in to mirror trade for trade evolutions. Alternatively, Austin John Plays has provided handy trade codes for trainers to use in a pinch. For trading Feebas, use the Link Code 03490349 when selecting the Link Trade option on Poké Portal.

Looking for more Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet: The "Teal Mask" iconTeal Mask? We’ve listed all new, returning and transferable Pokémon whilst providing catching guides for them, including Munkidori and The Loyal Three.

Best Milotic Competitive Build

Stat Description
Level 100
Tera Type Water
Nature Sassy
Ability Marvel Scale
Held Item "Flame Orb" iconFlame Orb
Moveset "Haze" iconHaze, Mirror Coat, Recover and "Scald" iconScald
Base Stats HP: 95 Attack: 60, Defense: 79, Sp. Atk: 100, Sp. Def, 125 and Speed: 81
EVs HP: 252, Defense: 252 and Special Defense: 4
IVs HP: 31, Attack: 31, Defense: 31, Sp. Atk: 31 Sp. Def. 31 and Speed: 0

This build takes advantage of Milotics Marvel Scale ability that raises it Defense stat by 50%, which will be activated after its first turn thanks to being burned by its "Flame Orb" iconFlame Orb. Recover will work alongside this plan to keep HP topped up, with "Haze" iconHaze removing stat changes. This brings status damage and Marvel Scale under complete trainer control, with "Scald" iconScald allowing Milotic to cause burn damage in return. Finally, Mirror Coat works great with Milotics low speed stat by countering Sp. Attacks and dealing back double the damage.

We’ve got hundreds of Pokémon locations already on our Kitakami Region Map , but why not check out all of the New and Returning Pokémon for the DLC too and complete the Kitakami Pokédex?

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
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