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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

How to Beat the Fire Crew in Scarlet & Violet

Vincent Lau
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This page explains how to beat Team Star’s Fire Crew in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. We go into detail about where exactly you can find their base, the best way to reach the base and when you should take on the task of fighting the Team Star Fire Crew and their leader, Mela.

Where is the Fire Crew Located?

(1 of 2) Outside the Fire Crew’s gates.

Outside the Fire Crew’s gates. (left), The Fire Crew’s base on the map. (right)

Team Star’s Fire Crew can be found in south-east Paldea. It’s a stone’s throw away from Artazon, where the Grass Gym is.

Best Way to Reach the Fire Crew

To reach the Fire Crew’s base, you’ll probably want to head east from Mesagoza’s east gate.

Follow the road through South Province (Area Three) to reach Artazon. This area looks a bit complicated from the map, but if you stick to the road, it’s very simple.

About one third of the way there, there’s a Pokémon Center where you can rest and restock. Two thirds of the way there, there’s a path leading to the Rock Titan.

Upon reaching Artazon, do what you need to do, then exit via the east gate. Follow the road north, through East Province (Area One), until you arrive at a nearby Pokémon Center. Afterwards, proceed west along the road to find the entrance to the Fire Crew’s base.

When to Fight the Fire Crew?

We recommend attempting the Dark Crew when your Pokémon are above Level 25. Also, since your opponents mainly use Fire Fire type Pokémon, you’ll want at least one or two Fire-type counters in your team.

Recommended Pokémon for the Fire Crew

In general, we highly recommend Water Water and Rock Rock type Pokémon. Ground Ground is also super-effective, but doesn’t resist Fire like the other two.

(1 of 2) Drednaw can be found near rivers.

Drednaw can be found near rivers. (left), The Paldean sea has lots of Water-types too. (right)

Here are some suggestions:

  • "Drednaw" IconDrednaw, a Water Water and Rock Rock type found near rivers around east Paldea and north-west Paldea etc.
  • "Psyduck" IconPsyduck, a silly Water Water type found all over Paldea, near rivers and at wetlands. Especially if it has the Cloud Nine ability.
  • Most of the Water Water types found around the East Paldean Sea (requires the "Surf" iconSurf ability from the Flying Titan), such as:
  • Naclstack a Rock Rock type, evolved from Nacli or found in various parts of north Paldea, near beaches etc.
  • Klawf, a Rock Rock type common to South Province (Area Three), near Artazon side.

Attacking the Fire Crew’s Base

Approach the barricade to let your presence be known. The Grunt guarding the entrance will try and make you go home. No way, not after coming all this way.

Team Star Grunt

(1 of 2) It’ll take more than a single Grunt to deter us.

It’ll take more than a single Grunt to deter us. (left), This Houndour is all bark and no bite. (right)

Pokémon Level Type
"Houndour" IconHoundour 25 Dark Dark Fire Fire

Against this fearsome mutt, Water Water, Ground Ground, Rock Rock and Fighting Fighting are super-effective. It’s only one Pokémon so you shouldn’t struggle–and if you are struggling, that’s a sign you should come back when you’re better prepared.

When you regain control, ring the doorbell at the gates when you’re ready to begin the gauntlet.

Star Barrage

In a Star Barrage, you must defeat opposing Pokémon by auto-battling with Joy-Con-R. Simply press the button to throw your Pokémon; it will then attack whatever is in front. You can send out up to three Pokémon simultaneously.

(1 of 2) If your Pokémon are decently leveled, this should be a cinch.

If your Pokémon are decently leveled, this should be a cinch. (left), Almost done and just in time for tea as well! (right)

If your Pokémon take damage, you can speak to Clive to heal your Pokémon. If any get knocked out and you’ve ran out of "Revive" iconRevives, look for a vending machine. Finally, if it’s not looking good, you can press Joy-Con-ButtonY to give up.

You’ll lose the Star Barrage if all of your Pokémon are KO’d or you run out of time before defeating the required amount of Pokémon. On this occasion, you have 10 minutes to defeat 30 Pokémon.

Team Star Grunts should send out their Pokémon when you’re relatively close. After beating up those Pokémon, keep moving, in search of other grunts. There should be more than enough Pokémon and more than enough time. We managed to clear within 2 minutes.

Here are the Pokémon we encountered:

Image Pokémon Type
Houndoor "Houndour" IconHoundour Dark Dark Fire Fire
Torkoal "Torkoal" IconTorkoal Fire Fire
Numel "Numel" IconNumel Fire Fire Ground Ground
Growlithe "Growlithe" IconGrowlithe Fire Fire

There’s not a lot of variety here.

As a reminder, "Houndour" IconHoundour is weak to Water Water, Ground Ground, Rock Rock and Fighting Fighting.

Meanwhile "Numel" IconNumel takes 4x damage from Water Water; otherwise it takes regular 2x damage from GroundGround.

The other two–"Torkoal" IconTorkoal and "Growlithe" IconGrowlithe–are pure Fire types, so take double damage from WaterWater, GroundGround and RockRock.

After whupping their butts, the boss lady of the Fire Crew will come to greet you.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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