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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

How to Beat Arven (Academy Ace Tournament)

Vincent Lau
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This is a guide for defeating Arven during the Academy Ace Tournament in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

Arven is your buddy from the Path of Legends.

Arven is one of the trainers you can fight in the Academy Ace Tournament. In the very first tournament, he will always be your Round 1 opponent.

From the second tournament onwards, you can randomly encounter him as a opponent during the first three rounds.

What is the Academy Ace Tournament?

The Academy Ace Tournament is a single elimination tournament, consisting of 4 rounds, that you can participate in during the postgame. Your opponents will be trainers and faculty members from Naranja/Uva Academy.

To unlock the Academy Ace Tournament, you must complete the Area Zero story, perform the Gym Inspection for Geeta and report the results to her back at Naranja/Uva Academy.

Recommended Pokémon for Arven (Academy Ace Tournament)

Arven uses the same team from his final fight during the Path of Legends story, but his Pokémon are higher Level: 66 to 67, to be precise. Ideally, you’ll want a varied team of Level 66+ Pokémon.

Here are some recommendations, if you need help:

What Pokémon Does Arven (Academy Ace Tournament) Use?

Pokémon Level Type
"Greedent" IconGreedent 67 Normal Normal
"Cloyster" IconCloyster 67 Water Water Ice Ice
Scovillain 67 Grass Grass Fire Fire
Toedscruel 67 Ground Ground Grass Grass
Garganacl 67 Rock Rock
Mabosstiff 68 Dark Dark (Tera Type: Dark Dark)


Lucario has plenty of chances to show off.

First up is "Greedent" IconGreedent, an oversized squirrel. Like before, it can use "Body Slam" iconBody Slam for Normal STAB and to potentially paralyze, "Psychic Fangs" iconPsychic Fangs to scare Fighting types, "Bullet Seed" iconBullet Seed to punch through Rock types and "Earthquake" iconEarthquake to shake Steel types.

Despite "Psychic" iconPsychic Fangs, Fighting is the best choice here; "Close Combat" iconClose Combat can do some hefty damage. Ghost may also work, since they’re immune to Body Slam, provided you have non Ghost moves.


"Cloyster" IconCloyster has high Defense, but abysmal Special Defense. Like last time, it’s carrying "Liquidation" iconLiquidation and "Icicle Spear" iconIcicle Spear for STAB, "Rock Blast" iconRock Blast for additional coverage and "Light Screen" iconLight Screen to weaken your special moves. Thanks to its Skill Link ability, Icicle Spear and Rock Blast will always hit 5 times.

Electric and Fighting are the safest options. Lucario with "Aura Sphere" iconAura Sphere is great to take advantage of Cloyster’s poor Special Defense.


The double headed pepper creature returns! It has the same moves as before: "Energy Ball" iconEnergy Ball and "Fire Blast" iconFire Blast for STAB, plus "Zen Headbutt" iconZen Headbutt to counter Poison types and "Crunch" iconCrunch for general coverage.

Flying types are ideal. Poison types may also work, if they’re strong enough or their name is "Skuntank" IconSkuntank (who’s immune to Zen Headbutt).


Toedscruel takes 4x damage from Ice moves.

Toedscruel can be somewhat tricky if you lower your guard. It can use "Earth Power" iconEarth Power and Power Whip for STAB, "Sludge Bomb" iconSludge Bomb to hit opposing Grass types and Spore for guaranteed Sleep.

Ice types are its bane, dealing quadruple damage. Fire, Flying and Bug types should also do well here. If you get hit by Spore, cure it ASAP with a "Full Heal" iconFull Heal etc.


The giant salt golem makes a reappearance. Its moveset is also unchanged: "Stone Edge" iconStone Edge for hard-hitting STAB, Earthquake to hinder Steel types, "Body Press" iconBody Press for additional coverage and "Stealth Rock" iconStealth Rock to damage switch-ins.

Take it out with a reliable Grass, Water, Ground or Steel type.

Terastallized Mabosstiff

Mabosstiff’s fighting spirit should be applauded.

Finally, Arven will send out his trusty Mabosstiff and Terastallize it. It can use Crunch for Tera and STAB-boosted damage, Psychic Fangs to annoy Fighting types, "Fire Fang" iconFire Fang to scorch Bug types and "Play Rough" iconPlay Rough as another means of annoying Fighting types. Its Intimidate ability will also lower your Pokémon’s Attack when it enters battle.

We highly recommend a Fairy type, since they’re super-effective and resist Crunch, Mabosstiff’s strongest move.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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