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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Where to Get All Held Items

Jessica Dillon
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If you want to get the most out of your Pokemon team, then you need to use items. Items are in-game items that you can find or buy that will help to boost your Pokemon’s abilities when in battle. There is a long list of items, many of which can be used for basic boosts, or if you’re into the competitive scene, there are even end-game items that can be used in complicated strategies. Below we go over every held item in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, where to find them, and what they do in battle.

A Pokemon being equipied with the Float Stone.

How to Equip Held Items in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

When you get a held item, it will be added into your bag. These items will be listed in the Other Items section of your bag. To use one, go to the hold item you want and press Joy-Con-ButtonA on the give item to Pokemon option. This will bring up your list of Pokemon. Go to the one you would like to equip with the item and press Joy-Con-ButtonA again.

The menu will show you if a Pokemon is already holding an item or not. Keep in mind that each Pokemon can only hold a single item.

All Held Items in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet

Item Name Location Ability Cost
"Ability Shield" iconAbility Shield Mesagoza Delibird Presents The Holder Can’t Have its Type Changed. 20,000
"Absorb Bulb" iconAbsorb Bulb Cascarrafa Delibird Presents If the holding Pokemon is hit with a water-type attack, their special attack will be increased, but the "Absorb Bulb" iconAbsorb Bulb will disappear. 5,000
"Adrenaline Orb" iconAdrenaline Orb Levincia Delibird Presents If your Pokemon is intimidated, its speed stat will increase. 5,000
"Air Balloon" iconAir Balloon Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Your Pokemon can’t be affected by traps or ground-type moves unless the balloon is popped. 15,000
"Assault Vest" iconAssault Vest Auction House, Mesagoza Delibird Presents Raises Special Defense, but the user can’t use status moves. 50,000
"Big Root" iconBig Root Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Boosts Health Restored by Moves. 10,000
"Binding Band" iconBinding Band Levincia Delibird Presents Fighting-type moves get a 20% boost. 20,000
"Black Belt" iconBlack Belt Levincia Delibird Presents Boosts Fighting-Type Moves. 3,000
"Black Glasses" iconBlack Glasses Levincia Delibird Presents Boosts Dark-Type Moves. 3,000
"Black Sludge" iconBlack Sludge Levincia Delibird Presents Given to a poison-type Pokemon to restore 6.25% of their health, if the Pokemon holding this item is not a poison-type, then you lose 6.25% of their health. 10,000
"Blunder Policy" iconBlunder Policy Mesagoza Delibird Presents Raises speed, but decreases accuracy. 50,000
"Bright Powder" iconBright Powder Random Spawn and held by Paradox Pokemon. Activates the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Ability in Paradox Pokemon. None
"Cell Battery" iconCell Battery Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Lowers the accuracy of opponents by 10%. 5,000
"Charcoal" iconCharcoal Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts Fire-Type Moves. 3,000
"Choice Band" iconChoice Band Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts attack but only allows the holder to use a single move. 100,000
"Choice Scarf" iconChoice Scarf Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts Normal-Type Moves. 3,000
"Choice Specs" iconChoice Specs Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts special attack but only allows the holder to use a single move. 100,000
"Clear Amulet" iconClear Amulet Defeat all trainers in West Providence Area One, Mesagoza Delibird Presents Keeps the holder from having its stats lowered. 30,000
Covert Cloak Levincia Delibird Presents Protects Pokemon From Moves’ Secondary Effects. 20,000
"Damp Rock" iconDamp Rock Random Item Spawn, Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Rain dance will last for eight turns. 8,000
"Destiny Knot" iconDestiny Knot Mesagoza Delibird Presents Causes both Pokemon to become infatuated. 20,000
"Dragon Fang" iconDragon Fang Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Boosts Dragon-Type Moves. 3,000
"Eject Button" iconEject Button Levincia Delibird Presents Switches out your Pokemon if they are hit with an attack. 30,000
"Eject Pack" iconEject Pack Levincia Delibird Presents Switches out your Pokemon if their stats are lowered. 30,000
"Electric Seed" iconElectric Seed Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Defense is increased if an electric terrain is present. 20,000
Eviolite Mesagoza Delibird Presents Raises defense and special defense of the holder if they can still evolve. 50,000
"Expert Belt" iconExpert Belt Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts attack of super-effective moves. 30,000
"Flame Orb" iconFlame Orb Levincia Delibird Presents The holder will be burned at the end of every turn. 15,000
"Float Stone" iconFloat Stone Random Item Spawn Halves Your Pokemon’s weight. None
"Focus Band" iconFocus Band Mesagoza Delibird Presents When hit with a knockout move, the Pokemon will only drop to one health. 10,000
"Focus Sash" iconFocus Sash Mesagoza Delibird Presents The holder can endure a knockout hit once. 50,000
"Grassy Seed" iconGrassy Seed Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Defense is increased if a grass terrain is present. 20,000
"Grip Claw" iconGrip Claw Mesagoza Delibird Presents Causes multi-turn attacks to go on for longer. 10,000
"Hard Stone" iconHard Stone Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Boosts Rock-Type Moves. 3,000
"Heat Rock" iconHeat Rock Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Harsh sunlight will last for eight turns. 8,000
"Heavy-Duty Boots" iconHeavy-Duty Boots Levincia Delibird Presents Keeps your Pokemon from being affected by traps. 20,000
"Icy Rock" iconIcy Rock Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Snow will last for eight turns. 8,000
"Iron Ball" iconIron Ball Levincia Delibird Presents Your Pokemon gets a 50% speed reduction and is now able to be affected by ground-type moves. 20,000
"King’s Rock" iconKing’s Rock Mesagoza Delibird Presents May cause flinch when an attack hits and is used to get "Slowking" IconSlowking. 10,000
"Lagging Tail" iconLagging Tail Levincia Delibird Presents "Trick" iconTrick room can no longer affect your Pokemon, and they will always go last. 20,000
"Leftovers" iconLeftovers Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Slightly Heals a Pokemon’s Health Every Turn. 20,000
"Life Orb" iconLife Orb Mesagoza Delibird Presents Reduces the holder’s health each attack but boosts the power of the attacks. 50,000
"Light Ball" iconLight Ball Held by "Pikachu" IconPikachu. Raises the attack and special attack of "Pikachu" IconPikachu None
"Light Clay" iconLight Clay Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Makes Protective Moves Last More Turns. 20,000
"Loaded Dice" iconLoaded Dice Defeat all trainers in East Providence Area One, Levincia Delibird Presents Multi-hit moves will hit a minimum of four times. 20,000
"Luminous Moss" iconLuminous Moss Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Your special defense is increased if you are hit with a water-type attack. This only works once. 5,000
"Magnet" iconMagnet Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Boosts Electric-Type Moves. 3,000
"Mental Herb" iconMental Herb Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Removes infatuation or moves that make your Pokemon repeat an action. 10,000
"Metal Coat" iconMetal Coat Levincia Delibird Presents Boosts Steel-Type Moves. 3,000
"Metronome" iconMetronome Levincia Delibird Presents Boosts The Power of Repeat Moves. 15,000
"Miracle Seed" iconMiracle Seed Random Item Spawn, Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts Grass-Type Moves. 3,000
"Mirror Herb" iconMirror Herb Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Mirror’s an Opponent’s Stat Boost Once Per Battle. During picnics, it can also help Pokemon receive new moves. 30,000
"Misty Seed" iconMisty Seed Cascarrafa Delibird Presents If a Misty terrain is ongoing, the Pokemon will have their special defense. 20,000
"Muscle Band" iconMuscle Band Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts Physical Moves. 8,000
"Mystic Water" iconMystic Water Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts Water-Type Moves. 3,000
"Never-Melt Ice" iconNever-Melt Ice Levincia Delibird Presents Boosts Ice-Type Moves. 3,000
"Normal Gem" iconNormal Gem Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Boosts The Power of a Normal Type Attack Once. 15,000
"Poison Barb" iconPoison Barb Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Boosts Poison-Type Moves. 3,000
"Power Herb" iconPower Herb Cascarrafa Delibird Presents The holder no longer has to charge moves. This only works once. 30,000
"Protective Pads" iconProtective Pads Levincia Delibird Presents Your Pokemon can’t be hurt from making contact with an opponent. 15,000
"Psychic Seed" iconPsychic Seed Random Item Spawn, Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Special defense is increased if a psychic terrain is present. 20,000
"Punching Glove" iconPunching Glove Defeat all trainers in East Providence Area Three, Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts punching moves and prevents direct contact with other Pokemon while using them. 15,000
"Quick Claw" iconQuick Claw Mesagoza Delibird Presents Will Occasionally Let Your Pokemon Go First. 8,000
"Razor Claw" iconRazor Claw Auction House, Mesagoza Delibird Presents Raises chance of critical hits and helps "Sneasel" IconSneasel to evolve into Weavil. 15,000
"Red Card" iconRed Card Levincia Delibird Presents If your Pokemon has a phsyical moved used agaisnt it, it will retreat from battle. 30,000
"Ring Target" iconRing Target Levincia Delibird Presents Your Pokemon will disregard its immunities when being damaged. 10,000
"Rocky Helmet" iconRocky Helmet Defeat all trainers in South Zone Area Four, Mesagoza Delibird Presents If your Pokemon is hit with a physical attack, the opponent will be hit with recoil damage. 50,000
"Room Service" iconRoom Service Levincia Delibird Presents Lowers your speed when "Trick Room" iconTrick Room is active. 20,000
"Safety Goggles" iconSafety Goggles Levincia Delibird Presents Your Pokemon will be resistant to powder-based moves and weather. 15,000
"Scope Lens" iconScope Lens Levincia Delibird Presents Your Pokemons Critical Hit ratio is increased by one. 15,000
"Sharp Beak" iconSharp Beak Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts Flying-Type Moves. 3,000
"Shed Shell" iconShed Shell Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Your Pokemon can switch without fail. 20,000
"Shell Bell" iconShell Bell Defeat all Trainers in South Zone Area Three, Levincia Delibird Presents Restores HP When an Attack Hits an Opponent. 20,000
"Silk Scarf" iconSilk Scarf Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts Normal-Type Moves. 3,000
"Silver Powder" iconSilver Powder Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts Bug-Type Moves. 3,000
"Smooth Rock" iconSmooth Rock Random Item Spawn, Cascarrafa Delibird Presents "Sandstorm" iconSandstorm will last for eight turns. 8,000
"Snowball" iconSnowball Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Your Pokemon will have their attack increased if hit by an ice-type attack. 5,000
"Soft Sand" iconSoft Sand Levincia Delibird Presents Boosts Ground-Type Moves. 3,000
"Spell Tag" iconSpell Tag Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Boosts Ghost-Type Moves. 3,000
"Sticky Barb" iconSticky Barb Levincia Delibird Presents Your Pokemon will take 12.5% damage each turn, but if an opponent attacks you, they will lose 12.5% Health, and the item will latch onto them if they aren’t holding an item. 10,000
"Terrain Extender" iconTerrain Extender Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Terrains will stick around for an additional three turns. 15,000
"Throat Spray" iconThroat Spray Mesagoza Delibird Presents Raise the special attack of sound moves. 20,000
"Toxic Orb" iconToxic Orb Levincia Delibird Presents Poisons your Pokemon at the end of each turn. 15,000
"Twisted Spoon" iconTwisted Spoon Levincia Delibird Presents Boosts "Psychic" iconPsychic-Type Moves. 3,000
"Utility Umbrella" iconUtility Umbrella Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Your Pokemon is protected from the weather. 15,000
"Weakness Policy" iconWeakness Policy Mesagoza Delibird Presents If the holder is hit by a super effective move, it’s attack and special attack increases. 50,000
"White Herb" iconWhite Herb Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Will restore a lowered stat after your Pokemon makes a move, this only works once. 20,000
"Wide Lens" iconWide Lens Levincia Delibird Presents Boosts Accuracy. 20,000
"Wise Glasses" iconWise Glasses Mesagoza Delibird Presents Boosts Special Moves. 8,000
"Zoom Lens" iconZoom Lens Levincia Delibird Presents Accuracy is boosted by 20% if your move lasts the whole turn. 10,000
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
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