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The best "Charizard" IconCharizard event Pokémon builds very much depends on the type of moves the Level 7 Tera Raid Black Crystal Charizard will feature. Providing the Pokémon in question is touching level 100, a strong type advantage will shine through the Dragon-type onslaught.

Best Pokémon for Charizard Tera Raid Event

We’ve got five viable best Charizard event Pokemon Builds to choose from. They’re in no particular order but they do share that all-important Fairy-typing which is super-effective against the Dragon Tera-Type the Black Crystal Charizard will be sporting. Let’s get into it:

Azumarill Tera Raid Build

Azumarills Pokédex entry image from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

A Water and Fairy type, Azumaril is only weak against Electric Types. This means it will take neutral damage at best from any Steel-type moves Charizard may pull out. Here’s the full picture:

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Fairy Adamant HP and Attack Huge Power Belly Drum, "Play Rough" iconPlay Rough, Superpower, "Liquidation" iconLiquidation Attack Weight

The above moveset is focused on reducing attack and damage stats whilst maximizing "Azumarill" IconAzumarill’s damage output. Superpower lowers attack and defense, "Play Rough" iconPlay Rough lowers attack and "Liquidation" iconLiquidation gives players a 20% chance of knocking an opponent’s defense down by one stage. Belly Drums kicks up a user’s attack stat up to the maximum amount at the cost of 50% HP, which is a powerhouse move when combined with Azumarill’s moveset.

Huge Power ability will also boost Azumarill’s attack stat, with its Adamant nature boosting its attack stat further.

Help with finding Azumarill, its moveset and more can be found in our best Azumarill Tera Raid build.

Maushold Tera Raid Build

Maushold Pokedex entry image

Maushold is taking competitive play by storm at the moment thanks to its killer normal-type STAB move Population Bomb. IT has a base power of 20 but can hit up to ten times at 90% accuracy. It’s a game changer for sure in a pinch, but Normal type attacks aren’t the best way forward for the best Charizard event Pokemon Builds. Let’s get into a build that is:

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Fairy Adamant HP and Attack Friend Guard Population Bomb, "Play Rough" iconPlay Rough, "Charm" iconCharm, "Encore" iconEncore "Wide Lens" iconWide Lens

Population bomb has been included in this build for obvious reasons, it’s a powerhouse of a move as previously stated in our best Maushold Tera Raid build. Play Rough is going to deal 2 x damage to the Black Crystal Event Charizard whilst lowering its defense by one step, with "Charm" iconCharm knocking down an opponent’s attack stat by two steps. "Encore" iconEncore will come in handy if the Charizard in question has a move that isn’t very effective towards Maushold and the team, making it repeat the move for three turns.

The Friend Guard ability will also reduce non-direct damage to the team by up to 25%, which will no doubt come in handy. Mausholds Adamant nature will also increase its attack stat but will unfortunately lower its defense stat.

Dachsbun Tera Raid Build

Dachsbun Pokedex Image

Everyone’s favourite pastry dog Pokémon comes loaded with a singular Fairy typing, meaning maximum effectiveness and one of the best Charizard Event Pokémon builds. Here’s what buns it’s got in the oven:

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Fairy Impish HP and Def Well-Baked Body "Draining Kiss" iconDraining Kiss, "Play Rough" iconPlay Rough, "Tera Blast" iconTera Blast, "Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain "Ability Shield" iconAbility Shield

The best part of this build is Dachsbun’s Well-Baked ability, shielding it from fire-type moves. Granted, we’ll be seeing the Event Charizard sporting Dragon and possibly Steel type, but we’re bound to see fire attacks in action too.

"Draining Kiss" iconDraining Kiss doesn’t only cause damage but heals the attacking Pokémon too. This means this Fairy-type attack will turn the tide of battle against Dragon types. We’ve also got Terra Blast making the most of Dachbun’s Fairy Tera Typing and reaping the rewards of a higher attack stat thanks to its Adamant Nature.

"Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain will protect grounded Pokémon from all status conditions, meaning the Tera Raid team and player can concentrate on the offensive. Finally, Play Rough will lower The Event Charizard’s attack stat which will no doubt come in handy.

Sylveon Tera Raid Build

Sylveon Pokedex Image

Introduced in generation six, Sylveon is one of the finer examples of a Fairy type Pokémon. It’s also one of the best Charizard Event Pokémon builds thanks to its effectiveness against Dragon types, although we’ll have to watch out for any Steel type moves:

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Fairy Modest HP and Sp. Atk Pixilate "Hyper Voice" iconHyper Voice, "Misty Terrain" iconMisty Terrain, "Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball, "Fake Tears" iconFake Tears "Metronome" iconMetronome

Sylveon is a powerful Fairy-type attacker. Its ability Pixelate turns Normal-type moves into Fairy type and gives an extra 20% damage boost to boot. This gives Last Resort a powerful boost against Charizard for those in a tight spot who want to turn the tables before a KO.

Its Adamant nature boosts attack and will make attacks such as Play Rough more powerful whilst knocking down the event Charizard’s attack stat by one step. Moonblast is a powerful special attack that also has a 30% chance of reducing Event Charizard’s Special Attack stat down by one step. "Dazzling Gleam" iconDazzling Gleam really shines in doubles battles as it hits all opponents at once, but nonetheless, it’s a great move to pair up with Sylveon’s Fairy Tera Typing.

Grimmsnarl Tera Raid Build

Grimmsnarl Pokedex Image

"Grimmsnarl" IconGrimmsnarl is a great tank choice when it comes to deciding on the best Charizard event Pokémon builds. Very much playing the fall guy of a Tera raid team, Grimmsnarl is best played out with the following build:

Tera Nature EV Focus Ability Moveset Held Item
Fairy Bold HP and Sp. Def Prankster "Light Screen" iconLight Screen, "Draining Kiss" iconDraining Kiss, "Taunt" iconTaunt, "Foul Play" iconFoul Play "Light Clay" iconLight Clay

Grimmsnarl’s Prankster ability boosts status affecting moves up the que by +1, which means it can get a move such as "Light Screen" iconLight Screen in sooner. Not only will this help shield the Tera raid team, but "Taunt" iconTaunt will draw Charizard’s attention and allow the rest of the team to execute their strategies without interruption.

Its Calm nature stacks up Grimmsnarl’s Calm nature boosts its special defense, which is arguably the most important stat facing Event Charizard. Draining Kiss can support this further by replenishing HP whilst dealing Fairy Type damage, something that its Fairy Tera Typing will exaggerate.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
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