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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Naranja/Uva Academy - The Treasure Hunt

Vincent Lau
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This is a guide for Naranja or Uva Academy, near the beginning of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

(1 of 2) Naranja Academy.

Naranja Academy. (left), Uva Academy. (right)

At the top of the massive staircase at the north end of Mesagoza, you’ll find Naranja Academy (if playing Scarlet) or Uva Academy (if playing Violet). Enter the large doors at the front of the academy to proceed.

Inside, you’ll arrive at the Entrance Hall, which is a reception slash library. Nemona will be there already. After a short while, Director Clavell will also come along.

Next, you’ll be taken to Classroom 1-A, where Mr. Jacq, your homeroom teacher, is holding a lesson. After introducing yourself, you’re free to roam around the academy. Head for the classroom exit by the bottom-left or bottom-right corner.

A map of the academy will be displayed. You can use this to travel to various locations within the academy. At the moment, only three locations are available.

Head to either the Cafeteria or the Staff Room.

(1 of 2) Arven is at the Cafeteria.

Arven is at the Cafeteria. (left), Meanwhile, Nemona is in the Staff Room. (right)

If you go to the Cafeteria, you can find Arven, the trainer you battled at the lighthouse. He’ll ask you to go traveling in search for Herba Mystica, rare herbs guarded by vicious Titan Pokémon. This will begin the Path of Legends storyline.

When you begin leaving the Cafeteria, a mysterious individual known as Cassiopeia will contact you about Team Star. This is related to the Starfall Street storyline. Afterwards, you’ll be taken back to the Entrance Hall.

While at the Entrance Hall, you can return to the academy map by heading towards any of the turnstiles.

If you go to the Staff Room, you’ll bump into Nemona and Geeta having a conversation. Nemona will encourage you to challenge the 8 Pokémon Gyms and pass the Champion Assessment to become a Champion like her. Thus begins the Victory Road storyline.

After triggering the Path of Legends and Victory Road storylines, there will a tannoy announcement asking for you to visit the Director’s Office. Leave your current location to access the academy map, then select the only location available to you.

At his office, Clavell will hook you up with Professor Sada (if playing Scarlet) or Professor Turo (if playing Violet).

(1 of 2) At the reception, you can take various classes.

At the reception, you can take various classes. (left), Use the turnstiles to access the academy map. (right)

When you regain control, leave Clavell’s office. Nemona will come and grab you. When the academy map pops up, choose Your Dorm Room. Once there, inspect your bed and choose to sleep.

Several days later, the moment you’ve been waiting for is here. After Nemona barges in, exit your room. From the academy map, choose the Schoolyard. Clavell will announce the beginning of the hotly anticipated Treasure Hunt.

Afterwards, you’ll begin outside the academy. Begin heading in the direction of Mesagoza to find Nemoma. She’ll chat to you, while you walk. Near the bottom, you’ll run into Arven. Nemona and Arven will bicker for a bit, then Cassiopeia will call you again. They will send you info about Team Star’s bases, beginning the Starfall Street storyline.

From this point, you can go wherever you want and do whatever you want, in any order!

If you need assistance, please refer to our walkthroughs for each story path:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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