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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Drifblim Tera Raid Event - Moves, Stats and Drops

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page details all the information you’ll need for how to beat "Drifblim" IconDrifblim in the Spotlight Tera Raid Event in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet (SV). You’ll find information on Drifblim’s stats, tera type, moveset and drops so you can plan your Pokémon build accordingly!

This tera event will begin from midnight UTC on January 20th through to 23:59 UTC on January 22nd 2023. During this event, Drifblim will appear in Scarlet games whilst "Mismagius" IconMismagius will appear in Violet.

Drifblim is the Scarlet exclusive Pokémon in this Spotlight Tera Raid!

Drifblim Stats and Tera Type

Drifblim’s tera type will depend on what star raid you encounter it in. If you go against it in a 4-star raid then it’ll be entirely random what tera type you’ll go up against. Luckily, 4-Star raids don’t need a massive amount of prep work so as long as your Pokémon isn’t weak to Drifblim’s moveset (outlined below), you shouldn’t have too much trouble! You can see on the map which type of tera type it’ll be (look out for the shiny tera battle symbol) and you can just avoid any bad types!

However, if you go up against a 5-star Drifblim, then you’ll have a 50% chance of it either being Dark or Random. This means you may want to build a decent Pokémon build for going up against Dark, but do make sure that you know what tera type you’re getting yourself in for before you bring a hyper-specific Dark counter build. The last thing you want is for your build to be doing x0.5 damage to a random tera type!

Stat Description
Raid Type 4 or 5-Star Tera Raid (Scarlet only)
Level 4-Star: Lv 45; 5-Star: Lv 75
Type Ghost Ghost and Flying Flying
Tera Type 4-Star: Random; 5-Star: 50% Random, 50% Dark Dark
Ability Aftermath, Unburden or Flare Boost (Hidden Ability)
Mark None
Shiny Chance Shiny Locked (No shiny variant available)
Catch Rate -

Drifblim 4-Star Raid Moveset

These are the moves that a 4-star Drifblim will know and possibly use during the tera raid battle!

Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
"Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100% 15
Strength Sap Grass Status - 100% 10
Stockpile Normal Status - - 20
Payback Dark Physical 50 100% 10

Drifblim 5-Star Raid Moveset

These are the moves that a 5-star Drifblim will know and possibly use during the tera raid battle!

Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
"Air Cutter" iconAir Cutter Flying Special 60 95% 25
"Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100% 15
Stockpile Normal Status - - 20
Strength Sap Grass Status - 100% 10
Additional Move: "Tailwind" iconTailwind Flying Status - - 15

Drifblim 4-Star Raid Drops and Drop Rates

Below are the guaranteed drops and bonus drops (with drop rates) should you beat Drifblim in a 4-Star Tera Raid. The Tera Shards it drops is dependent on the tera type of the Drifblim you battle.

Guaranteed Drops Amount
"Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L x1
"Exp. Candy M" iconExp. Candy M x2
"Drifloon Gas" iconDrifloon Gas x4
"Health Feather" iconHealth Feather x2
"Drifloon Gas" iconDrifloon Gas (Guest only) x2
Tera Shard x1
Tera Shard (Host only) x2
Bonus Drops Amount
"Exp. Candy M" iconExp. Candy M x1 14% Chance
"Exp. Candy M" iconExp. Candy M x1 15% Chance
"Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L x1 5% Chance
"Health Feather" iconHealth Feather x1 10% Chance
"Drifloon Gas" iconDrifloon Gas x2 9% Chance
"Sitrus Berry" iconSitrus Berry x1 10% Chance
"Grepa Berry" iconGrepa Berry x3 10% Chance
"Lum Berry" iconLum Berry x1 7% Chance
"Big Pearl" iconBig Pearl x1 15% Chance
"Nugget" iconNugget x1 5% Chance
Tera Shard x1 3% Chance

Drifblim 5-Star Raid Drops and Drop Rates

Below are the guaranteed drops and bonus drops (with drop rates) should you beat Drifblim in a 5-Star Tera Raid. The Tera Shards it drops is dependent on the tera type of the Drifblim you battle.

Guaranteed Drops Amount
"Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L x1
"Exp. Candy XL" iconExp. Candy XL x1
"Drifloon Gas" iconDrifloon Gas x5
"Health Feather" iconHealth Feather x3
"Drifloon Gas" iconDrifloon Gas (Guest only) x3
Tera Shard x2
Tera Shard (Host only) x2
Bonus Drops Amount / Chance
"Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L x1 23% Chance
"Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L x2 18% Chance
"Rare Candy" iconRare Candy x1 4% Chance
"Health Feather" iconHealth Feather x2 10% Chance
"Grepa Berry" iconGrepa Berry x3 8% Chance
"Big Mushroom" iconBig Mushroom x1 12% Chance
"Nugget" iconNugget x1 5% Chance
"Pearl String" iconPearl String x1 2% Chance
"Modest Mint" iconModest Mint x1 2% Chance
"PP Up" iconPP Up x1 3% Chance
"Bottle Cap" iconBottle Cap x1 2% Chance
Tera Shard x1 4% Chance
"Drifloon Gas" iconDrifloon Gas x2 5% Chance
"Ability Capsule" iconAbility Capsule x1 2% Chance
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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