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Some new Pokémon to make their debut in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask are harder to find than others, so let’s go through how to find Polchagiest and then evolve it into Sinistcha. We’ve also got some hot tips on how to find an Authentic Polchagiest, which is one of the rarest Pokémon in recent memory without our help. We’ll be capping things off by covering a couple of Sinistcha competitive builds.

How To Find Polchagiest

Head over to the fast travel point behind Kitakami Hall (whilst facing north), then head south-east towards to patch of bamboo trees to fidn the nesting grounds for Polchagiest. Most of the time trainers can get away with using a "Quick Ball" iconQuick Ball, but failing that make sure to bring a Pokémon no higher than level 65 as "False Swipe" iconFalse Swipe will not affect Polchagiest.

(1 of 2) Head south-east from the fast travel point behind Kitakami Hall towards the bamboo trees at the point pictured to find Polchagiest.

Head south-east from the fast travel point behind Kitakami Hall towards the bamboo trees at the point pictured to find Polchagiest. (left), Anyone would get in that Quick Ball in this situation. (right)

How To Evolve Polchagiest Into Sinischa

Much like it’s Galarian variant, "Sinistea" IconSinistea, trainers will need to find a specific evolution item to use on Polchagiest. There’s a total of two "Unremarkable Teacup" iconUnremarkable Teacups that can be found in Kitakami. One can be found in a cave in Paradise Barrens and a cave near Infernal Pass. The former is going to be the easiest to find as the cave is facing the Paradise Barrens fast travel point, and once trainers get an Unremarkable Teacup, they can use it on Polchagiest to evolve it into Sinistea.

(1 of 5) Head to the Paradise Barrens fast travel point.

How To Get Authentic Polchagiest

Before starting the near-endless hunt for Authentic Polchagiest, there’s only a 1% chance of finding one in the wild. It will have a black-lined hallmark on its base and state it’s Authentic on the Polchagiest registered page when caught. One of the best ways to increase the odds is to make a sandwich that increases ghost type encounters then go to the aforementioned bamboo tree area.

After turning off auto-save and performing a manual save, press the Home buttons and go to the date and time settings on Nintendo Switch via the system option. Turn off automatic date and time then turn time back by one minute. Then keep pressing B to get back to the Nintendo Switch fullscreen and resume Pokémon Scarlet or Violet. This will refresh Tera Raids and Mass Outbreaks, which in tandem with the sandwich, should eventually bring about a Polchagiest Mass Outbreak, which thanks to the latest update has a good chance of including Authentic Sinistea.

Completing the Paldean or Kitakami Pokédex is said to increase the chances of a wild Polchagiest being Authentic, although we can’t currently confirm this.

Best Sinischa Competitive Build

Stat Description
Level 100
Tera Type Grass
Nature Modest
Ability Heatproof
Held Item "Eviolite" iconEviolite
Moveset Macha Gotcha, "Protect" iconProtect, "Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball and "Trick Room" iconTrick Room
Base Stats HP: 71, Attack: 60, Defense: 106, Sp. Atk: 121, Sp. Def. 80 and Speed: 70
EVs HP: 252, Defense: 4 and Sp. Def: 252
IVs HP: 31, Attack: 31, Defense: 31, Sp. Atk: 31, Sp. Def. 31 and Speed: 0

We’re hedging our best on just the one above build, and here’s why. Giving Sinistea a Grass Tera-Typing makes sure it’s Ghost-type weakness is nullified. Heatproof cuts fire-type damage in haalf, which wipes another one of Sinischas weaknesses out. Whilst the "Life Orb" iconLife Orb takes HP for an increase in damage, this can easily be offset by its signature move Macha Gotcha. It drains HP from an opponent whilst burning them, effectively being two moves in one.

"Protect" iconProtect is great for last minute guards and taking an opportunity to guess an opponent strategy. "Shadow Ball" iconShadow Ball is a solid quick-hitter than deals big damage, with "Trick Room" iconTrick Room allowing Sinischa to use it’s low speed stat to move first in battle. The EV and IV spread here take into account the moveset we’ve given to make this the best Sinischa build.

We’ve got hundreds of Pokémon locations already on our Kitakami Region Map , but why not check out all of the New and Returning Pokémon for the DLC too and complete the Kitakami Pokédex?

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
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