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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

How to Catch Every Starter Pokémon in the Indigo Disk - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Vincent Lau
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In the "Indigo Disk" iconIndigo Disk, you can encounter and catch every single starter Pokémon (aka First Partner Pokémon) from previous generations. So, this means everything from Gen 1’s "Bulbasaur" IconBulbasaur to Gen 8’s "Sobble" IconSobble.

How to Unlock the Starter Pokémon

Before you can find the starter Pokémon, you’ll need to do a little legwork. Initially, the Terarium biomes aren’t properly equipped for these Pokémon to inhabit, so you need to upgrade them.

Your chance will come within the first hour of the game. After you meet Lacey and catch an Alolan form Pokémon for your first class, you’ll get a call from Carmine to meet her at the Central Plaza. Next, after thrashing Carmine yet again, you’ll meet Drayton who leads you to the League Club.

(1 of 2) Borrow the PC at the League Club Room.

Borrow the PC at the League Club Room. (left), Search for the requests from the Terarium Club. (right)

From then on, you can access the PC at the League Club to support Blueberry Academy’s various clubs by spending BP, earned from Blueberry Quests. One such club is the Terarium Club, who need help upgrading the four biomes. You’ll find four requests such as “Boost biodiversity in the Savanna Biome!”, each costing a whopping 3000 BP.

Getting that much BP needs a guide in itself, but the quickest way is to team up with other players online (requires a paid Nintendo Switch Online subscription) or locally (requires real friends who live nearby). Otherwise, you’ll just have to grind, grind, grind!

Starter Pokémon Locations

After paying BP to upgrade a biome, a fixed selection of starter Pokémon will start appearing there, like regular wild Pokémon. They spawn somewhat rarely, so you may want to eat the appropriate encounter-boosting sandwich or meal (Fire, Water or Grass).

Savanna Biome

(1 of 2) Charmander is a popular pick.

Charmander is a popular pick. (left), Poor Sobble in the rain. (right)

Pokémon Type Location Map Marker
"Charmander" IconCharmander Fire The areas near the entrance to the Terarium. Map Marker
"Totodile" IconTotodile Water Around the small mud pool near the center and the larger one to the north-east. Map Marker
"Snivy" IconSnivy Grass North-east part of the biome. Map Marker
"Fennekin" IconFennekin Fire The nearby area north of Savanna Plaza. Map Marker
"Rowlet" IconRowlet Grass Grassy areas throughout the biome. Map Marker
"Sobble" IconSobble Water Around the mud pools to the far west, east and south. Map Marker

Coastal Biome

(1 of 2) Mudkip lurks deep underground.

Mudkip lurks deep underground. (left), You can find Popplio near the shore. (right)

Pokémon Type Location Map Marker
"Bulbasaur" IconBulbasaur GrassPoison South-west part of the biome. Map Marker
"Chikorita" IconChikorita Grass Grassy areas everywhere except the island with Coastal Plaza. Map Marker
"Mudkip" IconMudkip Water Inside Torchlit Labyrinth. Map Marker
"Froakie" IconFroakie Water On the island with Coastal Plaza. Map Marker
"Popplio" IconPopplio Water Around the water throughout the biome. Map Marker
"Grookey" IconGrookey Grass South-east part of the biome. Map Marker

Canyon Biome

(1 of 2) Chespin prefer caves.

Chespin prefer caves. (left), Meanwhile Litten and the others live above ground. (right)

Pokémon Type Location Map Marker
"Squirtle" IconSquirtle Water Near the water around the southern half of the biome. Map Marker
"Treecko" IconTreecko Grass Highlands south-east from Canyon Plaza. Map Marker
"Turtwig" IconTurtwig Grass Throughout the northern half of the biome. Map Marker
"Tepig" IconTepig Fire Rocky areas throughout the biome, minus the areas directly north of Canyon Plaza. Map Marker
"Chespin" IconChespin Grass Inside Chargestone Cavern. Map Marker
"Litten" IconLitten Fire Rocky areas throughout the biome, minus the far east and far south. Map Marker

Polar Biome

(1 of 2) Torchic and Cyndaquil are hiding in caves.

Torchic and Cyndaquil are hiding in caves. (left), Piplup and Oshawott can be found swimming too! (right)

Pokémon Type Location Map Marker
"Cyndaquil" IconCyndaquil Fire Inside small cave west from Coastal Plaza. Map Marker
"Torchic" IconTorchic Fire Inside small cave south from Polar Plaza. Map Marker
"Chimchar" IconChimchar Fire Throughout the southern half of the biome. Map Marker
"Piplup" IconPiplup Water Around the water throughout the biome. Map Marker
"Oshawott" IconOshawott Water Around the water throughout the biome. Map Marker
"Scorbunny" IconScorbunny Fire Throughout the southern half of the biome. Map Marker
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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