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Pokémon Scarlet & Violet


Jessica Dillon
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A huge part of Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet’s gameplay is using food to give you certain buffs. While you can make your own sandwiches and just have a nice picnic for yourself, there are some easier options for players wanting to skip the mini-game and seeking out ingredients. Simply head to a restaurant and grab a meal that will give you the buffs you want. If you are a bit lost on the whole process, then don’t worry. The guide below goes over every in-game restaurant, their locations, and each franchise’s menu.

Eating at a Restaurant in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet.

What Are Restaurants Used For in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet?

You can go to restaurants to buy meals that increase your stats. The effect will take place immediately as you will consume the food as soon as it’s purchased. Each restaurant has a non-changing selection of food, so it’s a nice place to grab some quick boosts. If you’re looking to do things like shiny hunt, though, then you will need to focus on making your own sandwiches. We have a guide on making sandwiches which can be found here, and one that details meal powers that can read here.


Sugar-N-Ice in Medali.

This is an outside vendor that sets-up carts.

Locations: Los Platos, Mesagoza Artazon, Levincia, Porto Marinada, Zapapico, and Medali.

Meal Cost Effect
Fizzy Pop Ice Cream 900 Exp Point Power: Normal Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Water Lvl. 1, Humungo Power: Fire Lvl. 1
Mango Ice Cream 900 Teensy Power: Normal Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Dragon Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Electric Lvl. 1
Mint Chocolate Ice Cream 950 Raid Power: Fairy Lvl. 1, Humungo Power: Steel Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1
Nacli Salt Ice Cream 900 Humungo Power: Ice Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Grass Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Dark Lvl. 1
Strawberry Ice Cream 900 Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Water Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Rock Lvl. 1
Teriyaki Ice Cream 1,150 Humungo Power: Ice Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Grass Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Dark Lvl. 1

Chic Kebab

Chic Kabob in Montenevera.

This is an outside vendor that sets-up carts.

Location: Mesagoza, Levincia, Cascarrafa, Zapapico,and Montenevera.

Meal Cost Effect
Grilled Rice Balls 950 Encounter Power: Fairy Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Electric Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1
Pinchitos 1,200 Item Drop Power: Dark Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Dragon Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Rock Lvl. 1

Every Wich Way

Inside of an Every Wich Way sandwich shop.

This is an indoor restaurant.

Location: Mesagoza, Artazon, Levincia, Cascarrafa, Zapapico, and Medali.

Meal Cost Effect
"Avocado Sandwich" iconAvocado Sandwich 1,200 Exp. Point Power: Dragon Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Electric Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Dark Lvl. 1
"Jam Sandwich" iconJam Sandwich 850 Catching Power: Fighting Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Psychic Lvl. 1, Egg Power Lvl. 1
"Marmalade Sandwich" iconMarmalade Sandwich 950 Item Drop Power: Fighting Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Rock Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1
"Tropical Sandwich" iconTropical Sandwich 1,450 Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Fighting Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Dragon Lvl. 1
"Zesty Sandwich" iconZesty Sandwich 1,750 Humungo Power: Psychic Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Fighting Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Water Lvl. 1


The Smoochurro in Medali.

This is an outside vendor that sets-up stands.

Locations: Levincia and Medali.

Meal Cost Effect
Chocolate Churro 950 Encounter Power: Psychic Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Bug Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Normal Lvl. 1
Churro 850 Exp. Point Power: Psychic Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Ground Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Fire Lvl. 1
Cinnamon Churro 900 Catching Power: Dragon Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Grass Lvl. 1

Kanto Crepes

Kanto Crepes in Levincia.

This is an outside vendor that sets-up carts.

Locations: Mesagoza, Artazon, Levincia, Zapapico, and Medali.

Meal Cost Effect
Chocolate Banana Crepe 900 Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Water Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Steel Lvl. 1
Strawberry Chocolate Crepe 950 Raid Power: Water Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Fairy Lvl. 1, Egg Power Lvl. 1
Strawberry Whipped Cream Crepe 950 Exp. Point Power: Ground Lvl. 1, Humungo Power: Ice Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Electric Lvl. 1

Seabreeze Cafe

Seabreeze Cafe in Medali.

This is an indoor restaurant.

Locations: Mesagoza, Artazon, Levincia, Cascarrafa, Zapapico, Alfornada, and Medali.

Meal Cost Effect
Alfajores 950 Raid Power: Fighting Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Steel Lvl. 1, Hunungo Power: Dark Lvl.1
Coffee 850 Item Drop Power: Water Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Grass Lvl. 1, Humungo Power: Steel Lvl. 1
Lemon Soda 900 Teensy Power: Dark Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Water Lvl. 1
Quesadilla 1,600 Raid Power: Ghost Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Psychic Lvl. 1
Spicy Potatoes 1,450 Encounter Power: Dragon Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Dark Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Grass Lvl. 1


Barato’s in Artazon.

This is an indoor restaurant.

Locations: Mesagoza, Artazon, and Levincia.

Meal Cost Effect
Caesar Salad 1,300 Exp. Point Power: Flying Lvl. 1, Teeny Power: Normal Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Fire Lvl. 1
Chocolate-Vanilla Fruit Parfait 1,400 Catching Power: Ground Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Dark Lvl. 1, Exp Point Power: Poison Lvl. 1
Dry Curry 1,800 Humungo Power: Fairy Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Ground Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Water Lvl. 1
Lemon Gelato 900 Item Drop Power: Ghost Lvl. 1, mungo Power: Rock Lvl. 1, p. Point Power: Normal Lvl. 1

Kofu Lounge

Kofu Lounge in Cascarrafa.

This is an indoor restaurant only found in Cascarrafa.

Locations: Cascarrafa.

Meal Cost Effect
Dandan Noodles 3,600 Item Drop Power: Fire Lvl. 2, Humngo Power: Grass Lvl. 1, Egg Power:Lvl. 1
Hot and Sour Soup 3,200 Egg Power: Lvl. 2, Item Drop Power: Fairy Lvl. 1, Humungo Power: Fighting Lvl. 1
House Special Hot Pot 3,800 Humungo Power: Rock Lvl. 2, Exp. Point Power: Psychic Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Steel
Oolong Tea 2,800 Teensy Power: Dragon Lvl. 2, Catching Power: Ghost Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Ice Lvl. 1
Tofu Pudding 3,000 Exp. Point Power: Poison Lvl. 2, Encounter Power: Psychic Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Ice Lvl.1

Sushi High Roller

Sushi High Roller in Levincia.

This is an indoor restaurant.

Locations: Levincia, Medali, and Montenerva.

Meal Cost Effect
Four-Piece Sushi (Bird Set) 2,000 Teensy Power: Electric Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Dragon Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Grass Lvl. 1
Four-Piece Sushi (Flower Set) 2,000 Catching Power: Steel Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Bug Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Dragon Lvl. 1
Four-Piece Sushi (Moon Set) 2,000 Exp. Point Power: Fighting Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Ground Lvl. 1, Egg Power Lvl. 1
Four-Piece Sushi (Wind Set) – 2,000 Item Drop Power: Rock Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Ice Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Bug Lvl. 1
Miso Soup 900 Humungo Power: Flying Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Water Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Ice Lvl. 1

Go-For-Broke Grill

Go-for-Broke-Grill in Mesagoza.

This is an indoor restaurant.

Locations: Mesagoza, Levincia, Cascarrafa, and Medali.

Meal Cost Effect
Escalivada 1,500 Raid Power: Ice Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Dragon: Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Psychic Lvl. 1
Fruit Punch 950 Catching Power: Psychic Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Fairy Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Water Lvl. 1
Klawf al Ajillo 1,500 Encounter Power: Electric Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Rock Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Fairy Lvl. 1
Paella de Paldea 1,800 Humungo Power: Dark Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1 ,Item Drop Power: Water Lvl. 1
"Potato Tortilla" iconPotato Tortilla 1,600 Item Drop Power: Poison Lvl. 1, Humungo Power: Grass Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1

Treasure Eatery:

The Treasure Eatery in Medali.

This is an indoor restaurant only found in Medali.

Locations: Medali.

Meal Cost Effect
Bitter Melon Stir-Fry 950 Item Drop Power: Ground Lvl. 1, Humungo Power: Ghost Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Rock Lvl. 1
Homemade Umeboshi 500 Teensy Power: Fire Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Ghost Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1
Mustard Rice Ball 750 Encounter Power: Rock Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Ice Lvl. 1, Humungo Power: Electric Lvl. 1
Soba Noodle Soup 920 Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Fire Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Grass Lvl. 1
Sweet Adzuki Bean Soup 800 Exp. Point Power: Normal Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Steel Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Poison Lvl. 1

Seafood Fresco

Seafood Fresco in Mesagoza.

This is an indoor restaurant.

Locations: Mesagoza, Levincia, and Medali.

Meal Cost Effect
Arroz con Leche 950 Item Drop Power: Steel Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Grass Lvl. 1, Humungo Power: Ground Lvl. 1
Ceviche 1.300 Humungo Power: Bug Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Fighting Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Ground Lvl. 1
Seafood Pinchos 1,500 Encounter Power: Water Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Dark Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Ghost Lvl. 1
Seafood Plate 1,600 Teensy Power: Grass Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Rock Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Flying Lvl. 1
Smoked Fillet with Herbs 1,400 Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Ghost Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Fairy Lvl. 1

Jade Palace Garden

Jade Palace Garden in Medali.

This is an indoor restaurant.

Locations: Levincia, Cascarrafa, and Medali.

Meal Cost Effect
Annin Tofu 900 Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Ghost Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Ice Lvl. 1
Mapo Tofu 1,700 Encounter Power: Fire Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Flying Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Psychic Lvl. 1
Pepper Steak 1,700 Item Drop Power: Poison Lvl. 1, Teensy Power: Grass Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1
Pickled Toedscool and Cucumber 950 Teensy Power: Ghost Lvl. 1, Egg Power: Lvl. 1, Item Drop Power: Rock Lvl. 1
Ramen 1,600 Humungo Power: Ground Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Normal Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Dark Lvl. 1

Gastronomie en Famille

Gastronomie en Famille in Medali.

This is an indoor restaurant.

Locations: Levincia, Cascarrafa, Medali , and Alfornada.

Meal Cost Effect
Compote du Fils 2,800 Egg Power: Lvl. 2, Exp. Point Power: Flying Lvl. 1, Encounter Power: Fairy Lvl. 1
Galette de la Maman 3,000 Humungo Power: Dragon Lvl. 2, Catching Power: Electric Lvl. 1, Raid Power: Fire Lvl. 1
Pot-au-Feu de la Fille 3,800 Teensy Power: Steel Lvl. 2, Item Drop Power: Fire Lvl. 1, Exp. Point Power: Flying Lvl. 1
Quiche de la Grand-mère 3,400 Catching Power: Ice Lvl. 2, Exp. Point Power: Fairy Lvl., Egg Power: Lvl. 1
Ratatouille du Grand-père 3,600 Item Drop Power: Psychic Lvl. 2, Encounter Power: Ice Lvl. 1, Catching Power: Rock Lvl. 1
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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