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The long awaited historical form of "Suicune" IconSuicune, Walking Wake, is finally with trainers in the form of 5-Star Tera Raids. But what are the best Pokémon builds to use against it? More to the point, what moves will Walking Wake use? We all need to know the stats it’ll be rocking and the drops we can expect from this new Paradox Legendary Pokémon, so let’s get into the Walking Wake Tera Raid event builds, moves, stats and drops.

Fight water with water? It’s a good job Bellibolt was in the raid party!

Walking Wake Tera Raid Event - Stats

Although 5-Star Tera Raids pose no threat for most trainers who have completed the main storylines in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Walking Wake is a bigger challenge than others due to its natually buffed legendary stats. Let’s take a look at Walking Wake’s Tera Raid event stats alongside it’s caught stats:

Event Stats:

Stat Value / Information
Type Water Water and Dragon Dragon
Tera Type Water Water
Raid Type 5-Star Tera Raid
Catch Rate Once per game save
Breedable? No
Shiny Chance Locked (No Shiny Available)
Ability Protosynthesis (Boosts most prominent stat in harsh sunlight or when holding a booster energy)

Caught Base Stats:

(1 of 3) A Dragon and Water-type Pokémon will certainly come in handy.

The below stats have been taken from Walking Wake’s summary screen after being caught at level 75:

Stat Value / Information
HP 1/256
Attack 137
Defense 164
Sp. Atk 205
Sp. Def 167
Speed 171

Walking Wake Tera Raid Type Effectiveness and Weakness

Our Pokémon Scarlet and Violet type match up chart

As we can see from the above chart, we’re going to get the most damage out of using electric Electric moves. Usually they’ll deal twice as much damage as usual, but Walking Wake reduces this due to only deal half damage. With the Walking Wake Tera Raid however, we can enjoy the effectiveness of electric Electric type attacks thanks to its Water Water Tera Typing. grass Grass-type attacks will also work great, but we have a couple of great Electric Pokémon build options in mind.

Best Walking Wake Builds

Iron Hands

!Iron Hands is exclusive to Pokemon Violet.

Our Iron Hands Tera Raid build works great against Water-types, including ridiculously strong legendaries such as Walking Wake. It is however a Pokémon Violet exclusive, so trainers will need a copy of the game to trade it over to Scarlet or to find one in a trade online. By using Belly Drum to max out Iron Hands attack stat, it can then attack full force with "Thunder Punch" iconThunder Punch. Pair this with its Quark Drive ability and a "Booster Energy" iconBooster Energy Held item to boost its Attack stat even further. For those who can’t get hold of Iron Hands, here’s another option.


Bellibolt is a powerful electric type Pokémon when used correctly. It’s also one of the best Pokémon designs in years.

Our Bellibolt build is also a solid option for zapping the proverbial pants of Decidueye The Unrivaled in it’s 5-Star Tera Raid event. The main strategy here is the same as the "Decidueye" IconDecidueye Tera Raid Event, which is using the ability Electromorphosis and the move Parabolic charge to deal massive electric attack damage whilst dealing Bellibolt. If healing isn’t needed, Bellibolt can drive more damage home with "Thunderbolt" iconThunderbolt or use "Light Screen" iconLight Screen / "Reflect" iconReflect to defend. Pairing a modest nature with a HP and SP. Atk EV focus will make Bellibolt a force to be reckoned with against Walking Wake.

Walking Wake Drops

(1 of 2) Walking Raid Tera Raid event drops will come in very useful for trainers.

Walking Raid Tera Raid event drops will come in very useful for trainers. (left), An ability capsule never goes unwanted. (right)

Here all all the drops trainers can expect from the Walking Wake Tera Raid event alongside the percentage chances of bonus drops:

Bonus Drops Amount / Chance
"Ability Capsule" iconAbility Capsule 1 / 2% Chance
"Big Pearl" iconBig Pearl 1 / 12% Chance
"Bottle Cap" iconBottle Cap 1 / 2%
"Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L 1 / 23% Chance
"Exp. Candy L" iconExp. Candy L 2 / 11% Chance
"Health Feather" iconHealth Feather 2 / 10% Chance
"Naive Mint" iconNaive Mint 1 / 2% Chance
"Nugget" iconNugget 1 / 5% Chance
"Pearl String" iconPearl String 1 / 2% Chance
"PP Up" iconPP Up 1 / 3%
"Rare Candy" iconRare Candy 1 / 4% Chance
"Tamato Berry" iconTamato Berry 3 / 8% Chance
"Water Tera Shard" iconWater Tera Shard 2 / 11% Chance
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Nintendo, Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    16 November 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 May 2024
    Version History
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