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All Plant Fibre Locations - Nightingale

Scott Peers
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There are 14 different types of Plant Fibres that you can find in Nightingale, most of which can be found in all of the three major biomes in the form of Desert, Swamp, and Forest. However, some are restricted to specific biomes, such as Flax which can only be found in Swamp biomes, and Jute which can only be found in Forest biomes. Plant Fibre is used in several different kinds of recipes in the game, ranging from building materials to armor pieces, so you’ll always need a good stock of it in your Abeyance realm storage. You’ll also need basic Plant Fibres to craft some of the more complex materials at crafting stations such as the Spinning Wheel, which you can use to craft Refined Fibre and Twine.

Plant Fibre Locations Chart

The table below provides all the essential information about the different types of Plant Fibres that you can find in Nightingale. You’ll see the material type, the realm location (or biome) that they can be found in, and the likely realm power/realm card associated with each. Note that the realm power doesn’t indicate the level required to harvest a specific type of plant fibre. It only indicates the level of the realm where you’re most likely to find it. The same goes for the minimum realm card. Thankfully, in the case of plant fibres, you can find most of them in all biomes and realm tiers, but as you might expect, there’s more variety in Forest biomes where you’ll find the most amount of dense foliage.

It’s important to remember that when you’re harvesting most forms of plant fibre above the basic Crude stuff, you’ll need a Sickle to get it. As you explore the higher tier realms, you’ll notice that you need a better quality sickle, with a higher gear score, before you can harvest them. The easiest way to check which level of sickle you’ll need is by approaching a patch of foliage and hovering over it. You should see a red sickle icon with a number next to it if you can’t harvest it yet. The number indicates the level of sickle that you need (in terms of Gear Score).

Material Realm Locations Realm Power Min. Realm Card
Advanced Bound Fibre Desert, Swamp, Forest All All
Bound Bristle Desert, Swamp, Forest All All
Crude Desert, Swamp, Forest All All
Flax Swamp All All
Grass Forest All All
Hemp Forest All All
Jute Forest All All
Oats Swamp 1 - 158 All
Wheat Forest 1 - 158 Astrolabe
Tier 1 Fibre Desert, Swamp, Forest All Antiquarian
Tier 2 Fibre Desert, Swamp, Forest All Astrolabe/Provisioner
Tier 3 Fibre Desert, Swamp, Forest All Herbarium
Tier 4 Fibre Desert, Swamp, Forest All Herbarium
Tier 5 Fibre Desert, Swamp, Forest All Herbarium

(1 of 2) You’ll see the level of sickle required to harvest a specific type of plant fibre when you hover over it.

You’ll see the level of sickle required to harvest a specific type of plant fibre when you hover over it. (left), Plant fibres are needed for a variety of recipes including building, gear, and more complex materials. (right)

Another thing to note about the different tiers of plant fibres is that you’ll often find them beneath trees that stick out (visually) from the rest. For example, Tier 1 plant fibres are often found beneath white trees in all biomes, so you can easily glance around your surroundings, look for white trees, and travel toward them without having to check each and every plant fibre that you come across. The same applies to higher-tier realms, so you should keep an eye out for any foliage that looks different from the majority.

With all that said, you can use the table above as a quick guide for where to find specific types of plant fibre. As already noted, you can find most of this in the same biomes, so you shouldn’t need to worry too much if you just need a specific tier of plant fibre for a particular recipe. You’ll know if you’re not at the right level for it when you first encounter it, and all you need to do is upgrade your sickle from there. If you’re interested in learning more about all the different ore types in the game, be sure to check our All Ore Locations page.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Inflexion Games
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG, Survival
  • Guide Release
    11 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    12 March 2024
  • Guide Author

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Nightingale is a PvE open-world survival crafting game with a few unique features for the genre. First among these is the Realm Card system, whereby players can discover and craft Major or Minor realm cards to influence aspects of procedurally generated worlds or character attributes respectively. You may find yourself in a more forgiving or hostile world depending on the Major cards you use, but the Minor cards can give you an edge against foes with boosts to damage, health, stamina, or other aspects of survival. The game is set in the Victorian era and has more than a little influence from Steampunk fiction, so if that’s anything like your thing, you’ll love this world!

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