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A List of All Realm Cards in Nightingale

Craig Robinson
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Nightingale’s Realm Card System is the game’s biggest feature. It will be the main way you go around and explore destinations, creating worlds with unique topographies, climates, events, difficulty and tiers of resources. As you progress through the various worlds of Nightingale, you’ll gradually unlock more cards which will take you to new destination types with new points of interest. There are around 21 unique combinations to generate worlds, on top of procedural generation to make your experience ever so different from the last time you set foot. Throw in over 50 Minor Cards, and you have yourself a lot of combinations, perks, and different gameplay experiences to target. With that said, here’s a closer look at all the Realm Cards in Nightingale. We’ll give you the full table along with what to expect, how to get all realm cards in Nightingale, alongside tips on how to use them, and more info on more cards coming to the game post EA launch.

Table of Contents:

This guide showcases all Realm Cards in Nightingale, including all major, minor, and biome cards, along with tips on how to get them all. Image via Inflexion.

Realm Cards in Nightingale: All Major, Minor, and Biome Cards

The table below contains all the Realm Cards you can use in Nightingale at the time of early access launch. There are three biome cards and 14 major cards which modify the types of landmarks and POIs you get, alongside modifying the tier of resources and difficulty of the enemies you encounter. These are the cards you’ll combine with biome cards to generate portals. Meanwhile, Minor Cards are the modifier cards, designed to help you with various crafting, exploring, and combat bonuses. You can take a look at what each one does below.

If there’s a card that interests you, then we even have notes on how to get each card in the table, so you know what world you need to make or how far ahead in progression that card’s recipe is for you.

Realm Card Name Realm Card Type Description & Effects How to Unlock
Desert Biome Generates a Desert type map Unlocked via tutorial
Forest Biome Generates a Forest type map Unlocked via tutorial
Swamp Biome Generates a Swamp type map Unlocked via tutorial
Abeyance Major Creates a low threat and relatively peaceful map, perfect for settling a base. You also need to set one up to complete the dungeons to unlock major cards. Unlocked via tutorial quest where Puck asks you to select your starting biome.
Antiquarian Major Tier 1 card that adds archaeological sites Defeat the Antiquarian dungeon in your home Abeyance world to learn the recipe for this card.
Astrolabe Major Tier 1 card that adds astronomical-themed POIs around the map. Defeat the Astrolabe dungeon in your home Abeyance world to learn the recipe for this card.
Provisioner Major Tier 1 card that adds industrial buildings and points of interest around the map. Defeat the Provisioner dungeon in your home Abeyance world to learn the recipe for this card.
Herbarium Major Tier 2 card that adds more druidic points of interest around the map. Defeat the Herbarium dungeon in your home Abeyance world to learn the recipe for this card.
Gloom Major Tier 2 card that adds more Gloom and threatening atmosphere to the map. Defeat the Gloom dungeon in your home Abeyance world to learn the recipe for this card.
Hunt Major Tier 3 card that enables players to go on Apex Hunts, and defeat large and powerful boss creatures that belong to the biome. Defeat the Hunt dungeon in your home Abeyance world to learn the recipe for this card.
The Watch Major Takes you to the Watch, an End-Game shared coop space. Unlocked after completing the main questline.
Astrolabe Ascended Major An End-Game version of Astrolabe, populating it with Calcularia faction NPCs with moderate danger. An End-Game unlock from the Ascended Forest, Swamp and Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Antiquarian Ascended Major An End-Game version of the major realm card. populated with Calcularia faction NPCs with moderately high danger. An End-Game unlock.
Provisioner Ascended Major An End-Game version of the major realm card. populated with Calcularia faction NPCs with moderately high danger. An End-Game unlock from the Ascended Astrolabe Essence Traders.
Herbarium Ascended Major An End-Game version of the major realm card. populated with Calcularia faction NPCs with moderately high danger. An End-Game unlock. Unlocked at the Ascended Provisioner Essence Traders.
Gloom Ascended Major An End-Game version of the major realm card. populated with Calcularia faction NPCs with moderately high danger. An End-Game unlock. Recipe sold at the Ascended Herbarium Essence Traders.
Hunt Ascended Major An End-Game version of the major realm card. populated with a Calcularia faction NPCs with moderately high danger. An End-Game unlock. The recipe is sold at the Ascended Gloom Essence Traders.
Alchemist Minor Increases the yield of crafted potions, increases the chance of finding Essence, and increases the magick power of crafted items. Recipe sold at the Ascended Swamp Astrolabe Essence Trader.
Amphibious Minor Increase swimming speed, resistance to disease and ability to recover stamina while in water. Sold at the Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Angler Minor Benefits to being able to fish in the realm. Recipe sold by the Abeyance Essence Trader
Artisan Minor Improves crafting stations and augments all crafting stations to the ideal environment. Refinement time is also decreased by 10 seconds and increases comfort rating by 1. Looted from Fae Chests. The recipe is available from the Swamp Provisioner Essence Trader.
Blood Moon Apogean Minor Another blood moon card with even better drop chance increases for rare materials from enemies, with worse penalties for max health and regeneration speeds. Recipe sold at the Ascended Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader and the Ascended Desert Gloom Essence Trader.
Blood Moon Eminent Minor The sky fills with a blood moon, and further increases the drop chance of rarer items on enemies. It also further lowers your total max health and regeneration rate. Recipe sold at the Desert Provisioner Essence Trader.
Blood Moon Minor The sky fills with a blood moon, and it increases the chance that enemies drop rare items, but decreases your maximum health. Looted from Fae Chests. The recipe is sold at the Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Blunderbuss Minor Increase the damage you deal with shotguns, the yield when crafting shotgun ammo, and the damage you deal with magickal shotgun ammo. Reduces the damage you deal with other gun types. Recipe sold at the Swamp Hunt Essence Trader.
Bulwark’s Workshop Minor The season becomes autumn, and players can now craft tools with better blocking ability and efficiency. All tools crafted while the card is active gain Durability +++, Blocking Efficiency +++, Weight ++, and Stamina Efficiency ++. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Swamp Astrolabe Essence Trader.
Combatant’s Workshop Minor Allows you to make tools with increased damage but reduces their yields. Crafted tools while under this effect gain the Damage++ trait. Also reduces crafting time by 10 seconds. The season becomes summer. Looted from Fae Chests.
Deep Fae Wilds Minor Decreases the damage you deal, but increases your health, stamina and the rate your health and stamina recover. The recipe can be unlocked by completing POIs and getting it as a random reward from Puzzle Cores. Recipe is also purchased from the Swamp Provisioner Essence Trader
Dragon’s Hoard Apogean Minor Ever greatly increases the chance of finding rare gems, and even further decreases your maximum HP. Recipe sold at the Ascended Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader and the Ascended Forest Gloom Essence Trader.
Dragon’s Hoard Eminent Minor Further increases the chance of finding rarer gems in chests, which further lowers your damage resistance. Recipe sold at the Forest Gloom Essence Trader
Dragon’s Hoard Minor Increases the chances of finding rare gems in Fae and Human Chests and increases your damage taken slightly. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader.
Duelist Minor Slight increase to the damage you deal and the damage you take. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Estate Address Card Minor Play this card to go to a specific player’s Abeyance Realm. Gift the card to other players and allow them to visit your estate even when you’re offline. Can be acquired from POI rewards, and the recipe can be purchased from the Abeyance essence trader.
Explorer Eminent Minor Increases food duration and decreases damage taken, while decreasing the damage you deal at modest amounts. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe purchased from the Forest Provisioner Essence Trader.
Explorer Minor Weaker version of Explorer Eminent, only offers slight increases to food duration, damage decreases and slightly decreases the damage you deal. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold via the Abeyance Essence Trader
Farm Minor Increases the speed of crop growth, improves the yield and increases the chance of finding Essence when Harvesting. Recipe sold at the Forest Hunt Essence Trader.
Feast Minor Changes the season to spring and increases the benefits of food buffs, food duration, health regen increase, and decreases hunger rate. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold via the Abeyance Essence Trader
Forge Minor Increases ore yield, reduces the time needed to refine ore into products and improves the quality of metal items. Decreases the cost of other material’s effectiveness. Recipe sold at the Swamp Herbarium Essence Trader
Fortitude Minor Increases your resistance to injuries, improves blocking efficiency, and increases the fortitude of your structures. It comes at the cost of tool and clothing durability reductions. Recipe sold at the Desert Herbarium Essence Trader.
Ghost Minor Improve your stealth and increase the yield of resources and Essence, while reducing the damage you deal. Recipe sold at the Ascended Forest Provisioner Essence Trader
Greenhouse Minor Increases plant yield, reduces the time needed to refine Refined Fibre into products, and improves the quality of plant-based items. Crafted clothes gain improved cold, fire and rain resistance, and improve stealth. It also increases the weight of the items lightly. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Swamp Hunt Essence Trader.
Harvester’s Workshop Minor It changes the realm to spring season, decreases the time to refine tools by 10 seconds, and increases all tools crafted during this time with +3 efficiency, -2 to weight, and +2 to damage. Looted from Fae Chests.
Hearth Minor Prolong the effects of meal and rest duration buffs, lower the rate at which you become hungry and tired, and increases health and stamina recovery. Recipe sold at the Swamp Herbarium Essence Trader.
Hunter Eminent Minor Further increases to yields from slain creatures, better damage to weak points, and worse damage to hits on other parts of a creature’s body. Recipe sold at the Ascended Desert Provisioner Essence Trader.
Hunter Minor Increases the yield of items gathered from skiing creatures, increases the damage you deal to weak points, and decreases your damage dealt elsewhere. Recipe sold at the Desert Hunt Essence Trader.
Industry Card Minor Increase the yield of crafted ammunition and ingots and the crafting time of all refinement. The increase yield for ammo and ingots is 2x. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Desert Provisioner Essence Trader
Lumber Mill Minor Increase wood yield, reduce the time needed to refine wood products and improve the quality of wooden items, at the cost of the material’s effectiveness. Recipe sold at the Forest Herbarium Essence Trader.
Maleficiate Minor Plunges the realm into eternal night and increases the yield of Bound resource drops. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Desert Gloom Essence Trader.
Marksman Minor Increases the damage you deal with rifles and pistols and increases the effectiveness of their ammo. Decreases the effectiveness of shotguns. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Forest Hunt Essence Trader.
Might Minor Increase your strength and carrying capacity at the cost of tool and clothing durability efficiently decreases. Recipe Unlocked via the Desert Astrolabe Essence Trader.
Outlaw Minor Increases the damage you deal with pistols, the yield of crafting pistol ammunition, and the damage you deal with magickal ammunition, while reducing the damage you deal with other guns. Recipe sold at the Desert hunt Essence Trader.
Quarry Minor Increases the yield of stone blocks and lowers the time needed to refine stone blocks into useful items. Further improves the quality of stone items and betters the cost efficiency of stone items. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Desert Herbarium Essence Trader
Settler Apogean Minor Stronger growing speed card with even better yields. Even worse stamina regeneration debuff though. Recipe sold at the Ascended Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader.
Settler Eminent Minor Increases the yield of refined building materials and crops, while increasing the durability of building pieces. Reduces the rate your stamina recovers. The plant growth rate is increased from 33%-75%. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Forest Herbarium Essence Trader
Settler Minor Weaker version of Settler Eminent with slightly lower growing speed increase. Looted from Fae Chests. The recipe is unlocked via the Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Tavern Minor Increases meal duration, reduces tired rate, and increases stamina regeneration. Recipe unlocked via the Swamp Astrolabe Essence Trader.
Tempest Apogean Minor Even further increases to magickal damage, along with perpetual rain. Recipe sold at the Ascended Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Tempest Eminent Minor Further increases your magickal powers at the cost of deadlier rains. Recipe sold at the Swamp Gloom Essence Trader.
Tempest Minor Causes the world to rain perpetually but increases the potency of your magick. Recipe unlocked via the Swamp Astrolabe Essence Trader.
Thinned Veil Minor Increases movement speed, stamina efficiency and jumping velocity. Comes with a slight durability drain increase. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe purchased from Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader
Treasury Eminent Minor Further increases the chance of finding Essence Recipe purchased from the Forest Provisioner Essence Trader
Treasury Minor Increases the chance of finding Essence Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader
Trickster Minor Increases jumping height, strength attribute, and lowers injury rate. Decreases damage dealt and resource yields are “not what you expect.” Looted from Fae Chests. The recipe is sold at the Forest Gloom Essence Trader
Utopia Apogean Minor Perpetual daylight and you become invisible to enemies. Recipe sold at the Ascended Swamp Hunt Essence Trader.
Utopia Card Minor Sun never sets on the realm you’re in. Recipe purchased from Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader.
Weighted Eminent Minor Increases the damage and efficiency of your harvesting tools while altering gravity and lowering your stamina. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Swamp Gloom Essence Trader.
Weighted Minor Slightly weaker version of Weighted Eminent. Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader.

Be advised that some minor cards have a few different tiers, such as Eminent and Apogean. The card’s power scales from its base name, Eminent and Apogean. The table structure tends to organize them alphabetically, so keep it in mind when assessing the strength of similarly named cards. Apogean will always be the late game version of that card.

Also, the locations of the cards largely have recipes on where you can buy them. This enables you to buy most of the card types for you to craft later on at various tiers of Enchanting Tables. The cards often cost 10 Essence, with them either costing Essence Dust, T1 Essence, T2 Essence or T3 Essence, depending on the world it is from. Abeyance realms also use Essence Dust, while Antiquarian, Astrolabe and Provisioner Realms cost T1 Essence. Gloom and Herbarium cost T2 Essence, and all Ascended, Hunt and Watch realms cards cost T3 Essence.

Some of the cards can also be looted from Fae and Human chests you find at Landmarks and POIs. You can also find the recipes for certain cards by completing POIs and getting recipes of that tier as a reward. We’ve noted all the ones we confirmed in the tables, but it’s likely that more can be unlocked as recipes or drops.

On a final note, each minor card affects the skybox, lighting and some changes to the environment. These are more ambient than practical, so we’ll let you discover them by yourself. We’ve only mentioned the effects if they are worth noting as they change gameplay in some way.

What Are Biome and Major Cards in Nightingale?

Biome and Major Cards are primarily the two cards you combine together at portals to create new realms to explore. The biome simply reflects the topography, weather conditions, and the types of resources and creatures you find.

On the other hand, Major Cards are the cards you select to enhance difficulty, the tier of resources, and the types of enemies you encounter. You’ll gradually be able to challenge the dungeons that award the new major cards as you progress through the game and gather more Gear Score. When you reach the gear score requirements to take on dungeons, you can then complete them and unlock the recipe for your new Major Cards.

What Are Minor Realm Cards in Nightingale?

Minor Realm cards are largely cards you can use to generate fun buffs, grant more efficient methods of farming certain types of resources, or to generate much stronger special crafts of items.

Completing a Fae Tower will award an appropriate level of Essence and grant you access to a realm’s Minor Card machine.

Depending on what type of strategy you want to use, we recommend you use cards with different approaches. For example, the cards that offer workshop, crafting like Lumber Mill, Quarry or other production related cards should be used in worlds where you plan to create bases. Using these cards on worlds with crafting bases will make it easier to designate worlds for specified crafting, growing, or harvesting.

If you’re going to specific worlds to fight enemies, we strongly recommend rushing the Fae Tower to access the minor card machine. Using cards that increase your damage will make it easier to then apply your marksman, blunderbuss, or Utopia Apogean type cards as you clear your way through the remaining landmarks and POIs that will bring combat to you.

Are More Realm Cards Coming to Nightingale?

At the time of writing, there are 67 cards in Nightingale, with 50 of them being Minor Cards. The developers at Inflexion are looking for suggestions as to what types of Minor Cards players want to see in the game. Feel free to share your ideas by going to the game’s forums, replying to tweets, Reddit posts, steam forums and the official discord server to let the devs know your suggestions.

This concludes all the tips and everything you need to know about Realm Cards in Nightingale. Good luck making the crafts and using your minor cards strategically to make your farming, crafting, and gathering significantly more efficient or more effective.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Inflexion Games
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG, Survival
  • Guide Release
    11 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    12 March 2024
  • Guide Author

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Nightingale is a PvE open-world survival crafting game with a few unique features for the genre. First among these is the Realm Card system, whereby players can discover and craft Major or Minor realm cards to influence aspects of procedurally generated worlds or character attributes respectively. You may find yourself in a more forgiving or hostile world depending on the Major cards you use, but the Minor cards can give you an edge against foes with boosts to damage, health, stamina, or other aspects of survival. The game is set in the Victorian era and has more than a little influence from Steampunk fiction, so if that’s anything like your thing, you’ll love this world!

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