There are several raw materials that you’ll need to keep a good stock of throughout your playtime in Nightingale, and Bones are among the most important. They’re used in crafting recipes for useful tools such as the Fishing Rod, crafting stations such as the Spinning Wheel and Sewing Bench, but also potions that will protect you from adverse weather effects or temporarily boost your stats. One of the most important uses for Bone in the early game (and even later parts of the game when you consider how cheap they are) is in crafting Healing Salves. These will replenish your health over time, but they’ll also cure any wound debuffs that you might have, so it’s a good idea to maintain a stack of them at all times.
Animal Bone Biome Locations¶
Although Nightingale is still in early access, there is a decent range of wildlife variety that you can encounter in the three main biomes: the Desert, Forest, and Swamp. Each biome has its own characteristics in terms of flora and fauna, so you can only find some animals in specific biomes, such as the Achlis Deer which is only found in the Forest biomes, and the Haddocks’ Ox, found only in Swamp biomes. In general, the higher the tier of the realm, the more material you’ll get from each animal, so you can expect to get more bones from animals that you kill in Provisioner realms and above when compared to your Abeyance realm, for example. The same principle generally applies to the size of the animal - Weald Bears will often yield more bone than the smaller Waywolves - so you may want to focus on those during your farming sessions.
(1 of 2) Weald Bears can be found in Forest biomes, and they yield more bone per kill than smaller animals.
Weald Bears can be found in Forest biomes, and they yield more bone per kill than smaller animals. (left), The Spyglass can be used to scan the environment for different animal species. (right)
One of the best ways to locate specific animals that you want to farm for bones in any given biome is by scanning for them using a Spyglass. You’ll get one of these naturally as you progress through the story, and you shouldn’t underestimate their usefulness. Just one quick scan of your surroundings with the Spyglass can reveal the locations of numerous different species nearby, so you won’t be hunting for animals blindly.
Type | Animal | Biome |
Bone | Caatyne | Desert |
Bone | Humbaba | Swamp |
Bone | Achlis Deer | Forest |
Bone | Bandersnatch | Swamp |
Bone | Bawcock’s Fishgoat | Swamp |
Bone | Beelzeboar | Forest |
Bone | Carnute | Forest |
Bone | Elephas | Desert |
Bone | Everhart Deer | Forest |
Bone | Feorrswine | Forest |
Bone | Galumph | Swamp |
Bone | Haddocks’ Ox | Swamp |
Bone | Harpy | Swamp |
Bone | Hexham Mongrel | Desert |
Bone | Leporidon | Swamp |
Bone | Pihrat | Swamp |
Bone | Taweret’s Hippo | Swamp |
Bone | Tiddalik | Swamp |
Bone | Waywolf | Forest |
Bone | Weald Bear | Forest |
If you want to find a specific type of animal, use the table above to see which realm biome they’re associated with. Note that you can get Fabled Bone versions from all of these species, but they’re much rarer. As you might expect, exploring higher tier realms will increase the chances of you finding a version of the animal that yields Fabled Bone, and you should be able to see the relevant animals labeled as such when using your Spyglass. We’ll be updating this page as we learn more about how different types of animal bones can be used in Nightingale. In the meantime, you may find some of the other resource pages listed below useful.
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