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Final Fantasy XV


Jarrod Garripoli
Nathan Garvin
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Cooking is Ignis’ specialty and can be one of the better skills in the game, due to the fact that the food he cooks will grant temporary buffs to your entire team, giving them increased survivability. As you gather ingredients from killing monsters and other things, like fishing, Ignis will learn a new recipe. Ignis will also learn new recipes by finding certain flyers and other reading material in the world. The only problem with these recipes is that you can only make them at camping spots (Havens) and not anywhere else.

One of the more important abilities you can get from the Ascension Grid is the ones that make the buffs from meals last longer. The buffs are affected by time only, so it’s in your best interests to avoid sleeping and other things that will take away a huge chunk of in-game time (don’t think story events affect this). Also, it’s very important to remember that some recipes will not trigger if you buy the ingredient, so you’ll have to go out in the wild and actually find it. You start the game with four recipes and there’s a total of 103 recipes (104 with the one preorder bonus) in the entire game.

You can only cook food at Havens (left). Archives lists all of the recipes you have learned (right).

Recipe Location
Flame-Roasted Toast Already learned
Toasty Rice Balls Already learned
Croque Madame Already learned
Veggie Medley Stew Already learned
Mystery Meat Sushi Purchase Luncheon Meat
Burly Bean Bowl Eat Chili con Carne at Hammerhead
Prairie-Style Skewers Cooking Level 2
Multi-Meat Sandwich Gather Aegir Root north of Galdin Quay
Oil-Drizzled Steamed Fish Cooking Level 3
Grease Monkey’s Schnitzel Sandwich Eat Hammerhead Hot Sandwich (do Takka’s sidequests to unlock)
Recipe Location
Breaded Cutlet with Tomato Cooking Level 4
Spicy Long-Bone Rib Steak Get Dualhorn Steak from Dualhorns in Liede
Classic Tomato & Egg Stir-Fry Orienteering Checkpoint poster at Longwythe (on silo)
Dish and Chips Eat Kenny’s Fries at any Crow’s Nest Diner
Dry-Aged Tender Roast Stew Get Garula Sirloin from Garulas in Duscae
Grilled Wild Trevally Fish Giant/Galdin Trevally at Vannath Coast (Galdin Quay; Poppeck Chocobo)
Charcuterie on Toast Purchase Fine Gighee Ham
Creamy Fowl Saute Cooking Level 5
Fried Frontier Skewer Get Bulette Shank from Bulette in Duscae
Peppery Daggerquill Rice Eat Bird-Broth Rice with Curry from Surgate’s Beanmine in Lestallum
Recipe Location
Quillhorn Soup Gather Wild Onions near Old Holty Ranch or east of Cauthess Rest Area
Creamy Crustacean Omelette Get Shieldshears Claw from Shieldshears near Glacial Grotto entrance
Egg-Fried Crustacean Bowl Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 1 from Old Lestallum
Battered Barramundi Orienteering Checkpoint poster near beach and arms dealer in Galdin Quay
Crown City Dive-Style Dumplings Orienteering Checkpoint poster tunnel near Norduscaen Blockade parking spot (Ever Regal Regalia quest will take you here)
Ace Hunter’s Schnitzel Orienteering Checkpoint poster at Coernix Station - Cauthess; On shack across from station
Stacked Ham Sandwich Complete A Feathery Feast quest and eat Fat Chocobo Triple-Decker from Wiz
Grilled Wild Barramundi Fish Crag Barramundi (Sweet Jamming: Custard)
Fluffy Chiffon Cake Cooking Level 6
Cannedwich Woman eating it at Prairie Outpost after Chapter 3

There are a variety of ways to get new recipes, such as eating certain foods at restaurants (left) and finding flyers hidden in the game’s world (right).

Recipe Location
Garden Curry Gather Schier Tumeric in Duscae
Triple Truffle Risotto Find/Buy Alstrooms (can buy at Old Lestallum)
Robust Bean Soup Cooking Level 7
Meat-and-Beet Bouillon Oric’s Culinary Chronicle Entry 3 on crate on other side of weapons truck at Prairie Outpost
Free-Range Fowl over Rice Get Basilisk Breast from Basilisk in The Vesperpool region
Creamy Milk Risotto Cooking Level 8
Lestallum Stewed Tripe Eat Offal Stew at Tostwell Grill in Lestallum
Fried Rookie on Rice Oric’s Culinary Chronicle Entry 2 on table across from street from Noodles Wagon in Lestallum
Toadsteak Drumsticks Get Gigantoad Steak from Gigantoad on rainy days in Duscae
Meldacio Meat Pie Eat Mama Ezma’s Meat Pie at Meldacio Hunter HQ
Fisherman’s Favorite Paella Eat Sea’s Bounty Risotto at Galdin Quay
Recipe Location
Nebula Salmon Teriyaki Fish Nebula Salmon at Rachsia Bridge (north of Old Lestallum; Deadly Waters: Sahagin)
Salmon-in-a-Suit Oric’s Culinary Chronicles Entry 7 at Telghey Haven camping spot
Croaker in Brown Sauce Oric’s Culinary Chronicles Entry 1 on table under large overhang on southern end of Saxham Outpost farm
Skewered Wild Trout Fish any Trout at River Wennath
Packed Mushroom Stew Gather Vesproom from The Vesperpool region
Moist Tomato Cake Buy Killer Tomato at Lestallum (might need to keep rebuying it)
Crispy Fish Fritterwich Fish Zipper Barramundi at Rachsia Bridge (north of Old Lestallum; Hot Breather: Red Dragon)
Hot Hopper Skewers Gather Garlic
Darkshells Marienieres Gather Cleigne Darkshells near Cape Caem; West of there, near fishing spot
Paella de Pollo Oric’s Culinary Chronicles Entry 6 near entrance to Steyliff Grove; On a ruined slab south of where you meet Ardyn in Ch. 7
Recipe Location
Tomalley-Filled Dumplings Oric’s Culinary Chronicles Entry 5 on bench in Old Lestallum
Beanball Croquettes Orienteering Checkpoint poster at Alpine Stable parking spot; in a ruined building
Golden Egg Galette Orienteering Checkpoint poster on sign leading to lighthouse at Cape Caem
Sweet and Spicy Cygillan Crab Gather/Purchase Cygillan Crab (can buy at Lestallum or Altissia)
Kenny’s Original Recipe Eat Kenny’s Salmon at any Crow’s Nest Diner
Mother and Child Rice Bowl Woman eating it on overlook in Lestallum
Prime Garula Rib Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 2 at Wiz Chocobo Post
Garulessandwich Gather Cleigne Wheat
Horntooth Meat Pie Hunter eating it at Meldacio Hunter HQ
Hunters’ Krazy Kebabs Eat Meat and Onion Skewers at Meldacio Hunter HQ

You can also buy recipes from specific shops (left) and gathering ingredients will give new ideas to Ignis (right).

Recipe Location
Creamy Bisque Get Karlabos Claw from Karlabos near Cape Caem
Thick ‘n’ Juicy Steak Complete A Meat Most Magnificent and eat Sizzlin’ Humungo Steak at Hammerhead
Three-Mushroom Kebabs Gather Malmashroom inside Malmalam Thicket
Green Soup Curry Gather an Allural Shallot
Royal Road Paella Read magazine found inside of a small building east of Coernix Station - Cauthess
Elegant Orange Cake Gather Duscaen Orange near Cauthess Rest Area
Blazing Braised Gizzard Gather Kettier Ginger in Cleigne
Carp of the Diem Fish any Carp at Saxham Reservoir
Grilled Mighty Barramundi Fish a Mighty Barramundi at Vesperpool - Cape spot (Stormer: Falcor)
Fire-Sauce Fillet Orienteering Checkpoint poster on door of shack at Coernix Station - Alstor
Recipe Location
Karlabos Cream Croquettes Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 4 at Cape Caem
Taelpar Harvest Galette Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 3 at Burbost Souvenir Emporium
Sweet Saltwater Crustacean Curry Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 6 at Verinas Mart - Ravatogh
Papa Bird & Baby Bowl Same spot at Mother & Child Rice Bowl in Lestallum (must have other recipe and be in postgame)
Fishsticks on Sticks Oric’s Culinary Chronicles Entry 4 on bench near arms dealer at Galdin Quay
Sea Bass Saute Eat Wood-Smoked Fish at Maagho in Altissia
Anointed Allural Sea Bass Fish an Allural Sea Bass at Galdin Shoals or Caem Shore (Whiskers: Pearly Moogle or Chocolate)
Devilfin Soup Get Coraldevil Fin from Coraldevils (Rulers of the Bank hunt in Old Lestallum)
Marrowshroom Chowder Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 5 at Old Gobunat’s Boat in Altissia
Smoked Behemoth Eat Smoked Dualhorn Steak at Verinas Mart - Ravatogh
Hearty Cutlet on Rice Recipe under bridge south of Vesperpool, southeast of a treasure spot
Recipe Location
Tide Grouper Carpaccio Eat Fettini di Cernia at Maagho in Altissia
Crown City Roast Get Jabberwock Sirloin from Jabberwock at end of Costlemark Tower (regular visit or hunt)
Lasagna al Forno Cooking Level 9
Golden Tail Soup Cooking Level 10
Seasoned Midgardsormr Eat Spicy Skewers at Tostwell Grill in Lestallum
Legendary Herb-Filled Whopper Fish a Vespar Gar at Vesperpool - East (Giant Needle 10,000: Gold Gigantuar; Mornings)
Fried Tide Grouper Fish a Tide Grouper at Caem Shore (Hot Breather: Red Dragon)
Roc of Ravatogh Rice Purchase Iron Shelf Recipes, Vol. 7 at Meldacio Hunter HQ
Broiled King-on-a-Stick Fish a King Trout at Vesperpool - Inlet (Hot Breather: Green Dragon)
Memory Lane Pastry Eat Tenebraen Berry Opera after finishing Berried Memories quest at Galdin Quay
Excellent Oven-Roasted Trout Fish a Platinum Myrltrout at Myrlwood Falls (inside The Myrlwood; Gemlight: Caster Carbuncle)

Even fishing can give new recipes (left), as well as recreating dishes from having watched people eat (right).

Recipe Location
King’s Stew Eat Hunter’s Ragout at Meldacio Hunter HQ
Crispy Zu Skewers Get a Zu Tender from Zu during hunt (Verinas Mart after you finish The Perfect Cup quest)
Kenny’s Secret Recipe Eat Kenny’s Special Salmon at Old Lestallum
Oak-Smoked Devil Gar Fish a King Devil Gar at The Vesperpool - Islet (Evening; Invincible Iron Giant)
Royal Banquet Canape Eat Caviar Canape at Maagho in Altissia
Longwythe’s Peak Inside of the shack where you found Dave at the beginning of the game (Postgame)
Chilled Food Tin Camp inside dungeon in Chapter 10
Cup Noodles Eat noodles at Noodle Wagon at Lestallum
Cup Noodles (Quest) During The Perfect Cup quest
Cup Noodles (After Quest) Complete The Perfect Cup quest
Cheese Pizza Preorder Bonus; Purchaseable on PSN/Xbox Live
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    18 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    11 April 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin, Jarrod Garripoli

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After a years-long cold war between the Kingdom of Lucis and the empire of Niflheim over the world’s last crystal, an armistice is finally agreed upon. As part of the peace treaty, the heir to the Lucian throne Noctis Lucis Caelum is to marry Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, an oracle from the imperial province of Tenebrae. After Noctis sets out to meet his betrothed, the treaty collapses. Merely a ruse to bring down the magical barrier protecting Lucis, Niflheim invades and takes the kingdom and the crystal for itself. With the treaty in tatters and his father and betrothed believed dead, Noctis must rely on his own tenacity and the support of his band of loyal followers to get him through what is to come.

**Version 1.4 **

  • Complete coverage of the main story.
  • Basic gameplay section telling you how to play the game.
  • A Skills section showing everything related to the characters’ hobbies, including an extensive list of every recipe in the game.
  • A postgame section telling you how to get through every dungeon, including the brutal Pitioss Ruins.
  • All sidequests in the main walkthrough and in their own section.
  • Every single Hunt in the game, including strategies on how to beat them.
  • A miscellaneous section describing Chocobos and mini-games.
  • An extensive trophy/achievement guide.

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