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Final Fantasy XV

Miscellaneous Sidequests

Jarrod Garripoli
Nathan Garvin
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Living Off the Land

Where When Reward
Cape Caem Finish “A Precious Source of Power” 500 EXP

After you complete Chapter 8’s first, obligatory quest “A Precious Source of Power” you can travel to Cape Caem and talk to Iris, who will tell you that her garden is now ready for you plant crops in. To do so, merely interact with the garden, whereupon you’ll plant some Caem Carrots. Rest at any inn or haven and return to collect your newly-grown Caem Carrots. Eventually the land will become impoverished, which forces you to add the extra step of completing a sidequest or hunt, after which you’ll be able to plant more seeds. After your first harvest a local restaurateur named Tony will show up and offer to trade you items for your Caem Carrots. That’s the substance of the quest: plant seeds, havest, complete a sidequest, repeat, occasionally trading your Caem Carrots for the various goodies Tony is offering.


Where When Reward
Wiz Chocobo Outpost Complete Chapter 2 500 EXP

Just west of the Wiz Chocobo Outpost you’ll find a man admiring the Disc of Cauthess, which will prompt Ignis to inquire into the possibility of visiting the place, yourself. All you need to do to complete this quest is drive up to the Disc of Cauthess, where you’ll be rudely recieved by some occupying imperials.

Ignis will request to go visit the Disc of Cauthess (left) and when you do, you’ll be opposed by some imperials (right).

Where When Reward
Galdin Quay Finish “The Errand Prince” 600 EXP, Dragon Scales

Kitty Catering

After talking to Dino (and hence ending “The Errand Prince”) return to the long pier leading to the Galdin Quay resort to find a cat waiting around. Through his powers of cat-munication he’ll determine that the feline is hungry, and to appease it you’ll have to catch it a Galdin Trevally (which yields a Trevally Fillet). Go fishing off the dock near Bob’s Bait Emporium and aim for the yellow dots to catch one, then return to the cat only to have the fussy feline react… poorly. Take the fish to Coctura (the proprietess of the Mother of Pearl) and she’ll cook it up for you all proper-like. With the fresh, hand-caught, professionally-cooked fish dish in hand return to the cat, who will now deign to accept your offering.

Catch a Galdin Trevally (left) and get Coctura to cook a meal for the fussy cat (right).

A Feline Feast

Where When Reward
Cape Caem Finish “Kitty Catering”, Complete “A Precious Source of Power” 1,200 EXP, Sky Gemstone

Complete the quest “A Precious Source of Power” at the beginning of Chapter 8 and head over to Cape Caem, where you’ll find the cat from Galdin Quay back again… looking for another paw-out. It’s as fussy as ever, and to appease it this time you’ll need to buy it some Luxury Cat Food for 20,000 gil or attempt to land a big ocean fish - the Dark Allural Sea Bass. If your fishing skills and gear are up to the challenge, head over to the Caem Shore Fishing Spot and aim for the flashing yellow dots (the Dark Allural Sea Bass is active at night). When you catch one you’ll get a Sea Bass Fillet, wihch you can take over to Monica… because all women in Final Fantasy XV are apparently willing able to to cook up fish for picky cats. Anyways, once that meal is done return to the cat for your reward, which includes a Sky Gemstone - an item that’ll be used to ugprade the Circular Saw.

Berried Memories

Where When Reward
Galdin Quay Finish “Engaging the Empire” 5,000 EXP, 3,000 Gil, Leiden Sweet Potato / Fine Cleigne Wheat / Ulwaat Berries

You can pick up this quest (from Coctura - the proprietess of the Mother of Pearl in Galdin Quay) as soon as Chapter 6 starts, but you won’t be able to complete it until Chapter 8. After you finish “A Precious Source of Power” talk to Iris in Lestallum to get the Moogle Plushie, after which you’ll be able to travel to Cape Caem and complete “Living off the Land”, which basically just involves talking to Iris again.

More importantly, after all this you’ll be able to plant Caem Carrots in Iris’s garden plot, which grow after resting (if the soil becomes impoverished, complete a hunt or sidequest and you’ll be able to plant more seeds). So, plant seeds, rest, harvest, hunt, repeat. After you get your first harvest a restaurateur named Tony will arrive and offer to trade items for your Caem Carrots. Trade two Caem Carrots for some Ulwaat Berries, then return to Coctura to finish up this quest.

Trade some Caem Carrots to obtain Ulwaat Seeds (left) then take the Ulwaat Seeds to Coctura and she’ll create a new dish for you (right).

A Need for Noodles

Where When Reward
Lestallum Finish “A Precious Source of Power” N/A

This quest is basically just a starter for the follow-up, “The Perfect Cup”, which comes in three variants, depending on what you pick here. Head over to the Cup Noodles store in Lestallum and Gladiolus will interrogate you about your favorite ingredient. Pick either “Eggs”, “Shrimp” or “Meat” to choose the variant of “The Perfect Cup” you’ll need to complete.

Gladiolus’s question about your favorite ingredient will affect the objective of the quest “The Perfect Cup” (left). Whatever you tell him, you’ll have to stop by Surgate’s Beanmine for some intel (right).

The Perfect Cup (Egg Variant)

Where When Reward
N/A Finish “A Need for Noodles” 4,000 EXP

During the quest “A Need for Noodles” pick the option “Eggs” to start this version of “The Perfect Cup”. The first thing you need to do is gain intel about the location of the ingredient you’re after by visiting the Surgate’s Beanmine restaurant in Lestallum. Once done, head to The Rock of Ravatogh dungeon and plow through the place until you eventually reach the Zu’s nest, where you’ll be able to grab a Glimmering Zu Egg. Fortunately the mother Zu doesn’t show up. After you obtain the egg you need merely rest at a campground and have Ignis cook up the custom dish.

The Perfect Cup (Meat Variant)

Where When Reward
N/A Finish “A Need for Noodles” 4,000 EXP

During the quest “A Need for Noodles” pick the option “Meat” to start this version of “The Perfect Cup”. The first thing you need to do is gain intel about the location of the ingredient you’re after by visiting the Surgate’s Beanmine restaurant in Lestallum. Once done, travel back to Leide, more specifically the Norduscaen Blockade Parking Spot. From there head east into the wilderness to find the Rogue Behemoth and force the beast to donate some of its flesh to your meal. Yum. After you obtain the meat you need merely rest at a campground and have Ignis cook up the custom dish.

The Perfect Cup (Shrimp Variant)

Where When Reward
N/A Finish “A Need for Noodles” 4,000 EXP

During the quest “A Need for Noodles” pick the option “Shrimp” to start this version of “The Perfect Cup”. The first thing you need to do is gain intel about the location of the ingredient you’re after by visiting the Surgate’s Beanmine restaurant in Lestallum. Once done, return to Cape Caem and head into the wilderness to the south-west to find a Rogue Karlabos, which you can butcher to obtain the “shrimp” Gladiolus hungers for. What’s it that Ignis says? “What it has gained in size, it’ll have lost in flavor?” This is going to be one bland “shrimp”. After you obtain the meat you need merely rest at a campground and have Ignis cook up the custom dish.

Depending on how you answered Gladiolus earlier you’ll have to hunt down a Rogue Karlabos (left) or a Rogue Behemoth (right).

Crazy About Cactuars

Where When Reward
Cape Caem Finish “A Precious Source of Power” 2,000 EXP

After completing “A Precious Source of Power” return to Cape Caem and visit Talcott in the Hidden Getaway, where he’ll express his love for Cactuar statuettes… or Cactuettes. After Noctis agrees to pick them up for him, you need merely go shopping ot make good on this promise, which actually consists of two sub-quests, “A Cactuette of Wood” and “A Cactuette of Mortar”. You’ll find one at the Post Kiosk at the Wiz Chocobo Ranch, while the other can be purchased from Veenon’s Trading in Lestallum. Both of them together will cost 1,500 gil. Whether that’s worth the paltry 2,000 experience reward for this quest is up to you.

Symbol of the Peace

Where When Reward
Altissia Complete Chapter 8 1,000 EXP

You’ll start this quest shortly after arriving in Altissia, after Noctis overhears two women near a bridge talking about Luna’s dress. To complete the quest, you need merely head to the store where the dress is being displayed. To get there, ride a gondola to the Palsino Street Station, head upstairs, then make your way south-west to find the store with Luna’s dress.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    18 December 2016
  • Last Updated
    11 April 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin, Jarrod Garripoli

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After a years-long cold war between the Kingdom of Lucis and the empire of Niflheim over the world’s last crystal, an armistice is finally agreed upon. As part of the peace treaty, the heir to the Lucian throne Noctis Lucis Caelum is to marry Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, an oracle from the imperial province of Tenebrae. After Noctis sets out to meet his betrothed, the treaty collapses. Merely a ruse to bring down the magical barrier protecting Lucis, Niflheim invades and takes the kingdom and the crystal for itself. With the treaty in tatters and his father and betrothed believed dead, Noctis must rely on his own tenacity and the support of his band of loyal followers to get him through what is to come.

**Version 1.4 **

  • Complete coverage of the main story.
  • Basic gameplay section telling you how to play the game.
  • A Skills section showing everything related to the characters’ hobbies, including an extensive list of every recipe in the game.
  • A postgame section telling you how to get through every dungeon, including the brutal Pitioss Ruins.
  • All sidequests in the main walkthrough and in their own section.
  • Every single Hunt in the game, including strategies on how to beat them.
  • A miscellaneous section describing Chocobos and mini-games.
  • An extensive trophy/achievement guide.

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