Will-o-the-Wisps out on the Town¶
Level | Target | Habitat | Reward |
31 | Grenade x2 | Altissia (Nighttime) | 3 Stars, 5,120 Gil, Mega Phoenix |
Complete The Case of the Disappearing Hunters . Take the gondola to The Leville Station, then use the other gondola in that area to get to Listro Park North Station. The Grenades spawn by the other gondola after arriving at Listro Park and they could be one of the more dangerous hunts in Altissia. As you already know, Grenades are variants of Bombs and they have a habit of blowing up as you deal damage to them, which you know is going to happen as they grow larger in size.
However, these ones will produce some normal Bombs upon blowing up, which don’t have a lot of health, but more enemies in an already tight space is not a fun time. They are level 31 and weak to firearms, machinery, ice and holy, while they completely negate fire damage. The Bombs are level 15 and weak to swords, daggers, ice and holy, while also completely negating fire damage. If you have spare gil, you can make this hunt incredibly easy by purchasing the Maagho Lasagna dish, which will completely nullify fire attacks (and boost experience gain and HP by a lot).
Tourists Fade into the Night¶
Level | Target | Habitat | Reward |
35 | Salpinx x2 | Altissia (Nighttime) | 3 Stars, 6,140 Gil, Mega Phoenix |
Complete The Case of the Disappearing Hunters . Use the gondola to go to the Palsino Street Station stop, go up the stairs and cross the bridge to find the enemies right there. Salpinxes are nothing more than stronger versions of the Alvs you fought earlier in Altissia, with them being level 35. You should know how they behave and what moves they can perform. They are weak to swords, shields, fire and holy, while being strong against only lightning.
The Tragic Facts¶
Level | Target | Habitat | Reward |
41 | Master Tonberry x1 | Altissia (Nighttime) | 3 Stars, 8,360 Gil, Mega Phoenix |
Complete The Case of the Disappearing Hunters . The location for this hunt is the same one as the normal Tonberries you fought here in Altissia, so take the gondola to Palsino Street Station and navigate the stairs to reach it. The Master Tonberry is similar to the others, in that, it can be aggressive and will constantly trigger the blocking prompt with its normal attacks. However, the Master Tonberry is a bit different, as you will see shortly into the fight. It can do some crazy attacks by flipping around quite a bit (just hold the dodge button), one of which ends with a blockable attack. The best way to tackle the monstrous 100k health is to just use the parries to whittle it down. The Master Tonberry is level 41 and weak to swords, greatswords, ice and holy, while being strong against lightning.
King of the Great Escape¶
Level | Target | Habitat | Reward |
50 | Bavarois x1 | Altissia (Nighttime) | 4 Stars, 13,190 Gil, Crusader’s Anklet |
Complete The Case of the Disappearing Hunters . Travel to the Palsino Street Station via the gondola and the hunt will be in a little corner somewhere, which might be a little hard to find at first. Your target this time is level 50 flan, strong against all physical weapons, immune to fire and weak to ice, lightning and holy. Despite the resistances, it only has 8,500 HP, so even using your normal weapons on it will make the battle not last too long. Of course, using lightning or ice magic will make the fight end quicker.
A Lost Painting¶
Level | Target | Habitat | Reward |
32 | Chadarnook (x1) | Altissia (All Times) | 3 Stars, 5,480 Gil, Handkerchief |
You need to have The Cursed Canvas (Vyv’s quest) in your active log in order to accept this hunt. In fact, you cannot do one without the other, so you’ll knock both off your list at the same time. Once you arrive in Altissia and speak with Weskham at the Maagho, choosing info first, go to Hunts and pick this hunt. Use the gondola to go to Ministerial Quarter Station, then cross the bridge to find some stairs leading down to the painting.
Fans of Final Fantasy VI might recognize this boss.
As you approach the painting, the ghostly apparition will emerge and the battle will commence. Chadarnook has two forms, a white, angel-like one and a demon-like one, which it will switch between throughout the battle. The angel form can spew a pink mist that can confuse characters, plus it has some other physical attacks. The biggest thing you will notice is that your damage is mitigated a lot against the angel form. The demon form, however, takes full damage from most attacks and has a few other moves. It can poison characters, plus it has a blockable move where it can grab you. After taking down Chadarnook, return to Weskham to finish the hunt.
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