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Dragon's Dogma 2

The Nameless Village Walkthrough: Depths Chest & More

Scott Peers
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"Dragon" iconDragon’s Dogma 2’s "Nameless Village" iconNameless Village is an area that players can visit naturally, or engage with as part of a quest called the False Sovran. You’ll want to visit this place, largely thanks to some incredibly good rewards for "Thief" iconThief players, quest relations, and more.

If you’re looking for a natural way to the Nameless Village, you can get a quest that takes you here. Simply complete the "Disa's Plot" iconDisa’s Plot quest in the main story by speaking to Captain Brant at "The Stardrop Inn" iconThe Stardrop Inn in "Vernworth" iconVernworth, to begin the quest. He’ll ask you to venture to the eastern edge of Vermund to investigate the origins of the false Sovran, but you don’t have much to go on at this point in the story. All you can do is make your way to this Nameless Village. On this page, we’ll show you exactly how to get there. We’ll also cover what you need to do to investigate the false Sovran once you’re there, along with other bits and pieces.

The Nameless Village is connected to the false Sovran in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

The Nameless Village Location

The first objective of this quest requires you to find the Nameless village. Although Captain Brant only mentioned that you need to explore the eastern edge of Vermund. If you open the world map you should be able to see the area where "The Nameless Village" iconThe Nameless Village is located, highlighted in yellow. It may only appear as a yellow quest icon if you’re too far away.

  • The first thing you should do is set out on your journey eastward from Vernworth.
  • Follow the main road east, then cross the bridge over the waterway that goes south into a new section of Vermund.
  • Continue over the main road towards the Nameless Village.
  • Part way through you’ll come across a road in a chasm that blocked off. You’ll need to do some climbing to reach over the boulder blocking the route. Be prepared to fight an ogre while traversing the route.

As you approach The Nameless Village from the west, the first person you’re likely to encounter is a man named "Srail" iconSrail. He looks like a wandering merchant, but he doesn’t have any wares and he encourages you to turn back. You can safely ignore that suggestion, and instead make your way into the heart of the village, where you’ll find more NPCs and a genuine merchant. It’s worth speaking with the merchant here to sell any items that you acquired on the road, and you’ll find some decent gear for sale, too.

(1 of 2) Travel to the eastern edge of Vermund to find The Nameless Village.

Travel to the eastern edge of Vermund to find The Nameless Village. (left), You’ll encounter a man named Srail who looks like a merchant at the entrance. (right)

Find the Folded Letter in Darragh’s Home

One of the important things you should grab while in the Village is the "Folded Letter" iconFolded Letter. Find a letter in a house known as Darragh’s home. The letter is only referred to as “Folded Letter”, but it’s important for the quest objectives ahead.

With the letter secured, continue up the path to the west of Darragh’s Home, and follow it as it bends northward to the "Old Noble Manor" iconOld Noble Manor. You can loot the side rooms here, then speak with the man known as "Flaude" iconFlaude (a Thief-Maister) by the fireplace. Flaude will give you some thief skills, but he won’t say much about the false Sovran.

(1 of 2) Be sure to pick up the Folded Letter in the northernmost building.

Be sure to pick up the Folded Letter in the northernmost building. (left), Speak with Flaude in the Old Noble Manor at the top of the hill. (right)

Nameless Village Depths Walkthrough

To progress the False Sovran, you now need to find the "Nameless Village Depths" iconNameless Village Depths area. You can go outside the Old Noble Manor and look for a ladder that leads down into a hole in the ground on the northwest side of the manor. If you’re lucky, one of your pawns will point this out, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to find otherwise.

As you descend into the Nameless Village Depths, your pawns will remain on the surface, so you’re on your own from here. At the bottom of the ladder, a brief scene will play, showing you an obstacle course that you need to complete in order to reach the objective. This is a relatively simple challenge, but it may require a few attempts before you get it right, and there’s a chance that you can fall to your death if you don’t keep topping up your health with potions or spells. All the more reason to have slept in the inn!

(1 of 2) You can speak with the locals in the village for more dialogue after speaking with Flaude.

You can speak with the locals in the village for more dialogue after speaking with Flaude. (left), Look for the entrance to the Nameless Village Depths on the northwest side of the manor. (right)

The first obstacle comes in the form of three individual platforms, each of which is weighted like scales so that if you step on one end, the other will rise. You’re essentially balancing the board and then jumping over obstacles. There are two version of this, with later ones having some more obstacles to avoid. In summary, you need to do the following:

  • Stand in the right place
  • Jump
  • Balance the boards before going to the next platform.
  • Avoid other obstacles that can knock you of balance

(1 of 2) You can stand in the center of the platforms to remain balanced on them.

You can stand in the center of the platforms to remain balanced on them. (left), When you’re ready, run and jump to the next platform before the one you’re on fully tips over. (right)

The principle for the last two platforms is the same here, but they’re slightly higher than the others, so you need to take that into account with your jump. Once you’re on the highest platform, you can stand in its center as you prepare to make the final jump while avoiding the swinging rocks. Wait for the rocks to begin moving to the left just before you make your jump, and you should get to the other side without any problem.

(1 of 2) Observe the swinging rocks before you attempt to jump to the stationary platform on the left.

Observe the swinging rocks before you attempt to jump to the stationary platform on the left. (left), You need to time the final jump properly to avoid being hit by the rocks. (right)

Now that you’ve completed the obstacle course, all you need to do is continue along the path until you reach a secret room, where you’ll find Srail (the mysterious merchant-like man who urged you to leave at the entrance to the village), who is in fact the leader of a band of thieves here. He’ll congratulate you on completing their trial and is now willing to answer all your questions. Ask away by going through the dialogue options, then return to Captain Brant in Vernworth to complete the False Sovran.

Nameless Village Depths Chests

Thief players will want to make sure to check on the Nameless Village Depth Chests for some great rewards.

While you’re in the Nameless Village Depths, you’ll find plenty of chests worth getting. A lot of the reward here should give you Thief gear. Some of the rewards you should expect are as follows:

There’s some other minor rewards in the Nameless Village Depth Chests, but, it’s not a big deal. These are the "Aged Shorefish" iconAged Shorefish and the Tigers Eye, which sells very well in the Elven are of "Sacred Arbor" iconSacred Arbor. Don’t forget that Srail also gives you the item you need to learn the special Thief skill, so, if you have a main pawn or arisen Thief, this place is heaven for you in the early game.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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