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Dragon's Dogma 2

Easiest 80 Seeker's Tokens for The Collector Achievement

Matt Chard

One of the more difficult achievements (PC/Xbox)/Trophies (PS5) to get in "Dragon" iconDragon’s Dogma 2 is The Collector. This requires you to find at least 80 of the 240 "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Tokens scattered around the world. These coins are hidden in the most obnoxious places that you can think of, including on top of random mountains, buried in tall grass, on top of hard-to-reach places such as roofs and towers. This page is a work in progress, and we will update them as we find more, but right now, these are the 80 we recommend going for.

Seeker’s Tokens can be found anywhere in the world, including the most obscure places.

Finding Seeker’s Token Tip

Before we get started on where to find the tokens, we highly recommend unlocking the "Trickster" iconTrickster Vocation for the "Detection" iconDetection Augment. This will play a sound that speeds up the nearer you get to a token. On top of that, the tokens will blink giving off a brief moment of light, making them easier to spot. You can get the Trickster Vocation in the Battahl region, and you can get it early if you know where to go. Read our Trickster Vocation Unlock Guide for more information.

Seeker’s Token Locations

Here you’ll find a list of all the tokens, where you can find them, and a map marker to show you where they are on the map.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Seeker’s Token Route

This list generally has a route that is the best that it can be, although sometimes you’ll need to go out of your way to get some of them due to the way the game is designed. In general, you’ll start the game in the far north of the game (after the excavation site). You have to head west to "Borderwatch Outpost" iconBorderwatch Outpost and then to "Melve" iconMelve for the story. Before you head to Melve, you can head west for a few tokens before heading back to the outpost. On your way to Melve, you’ll find a boulder you can break to expose a cave which leads to another token.

When you have that, head to Melve to get the tokens there before continuing on with the story. You’ll be tasked to locate the oxcart to Vernworth, but about halfway through your journey, you can take the discovered oxcart to the city with Gregor. Do not accept this as you’ll miss a lot of tokens. Instead, follow the eastern path while picking up the tokens along the way. There are some tokens in the Cave of the Forsaken, but you’ll need to spend a bit of time there, so skip these for now and continue along the path.

Shortly before you reach Vernworth, there is a large area to the east of the city with a lot of caves containing tokens, which is why the list is directing you there. Once you’re done with that area, there are a couple of tokens around the farm before you head into the city. In the city, there are an abundance of tokens to find, with the majority being on a roof accessed by various ladders scattered around the city. It’s recommended that you do the story quests with Captain Brant while you’re here, as you’ll need the Border Permit for the Battahl tokens (you can get there without one, but it’s a hassle).

There are some tokens in and around the palace area we’ve left off the list due to them being extremely difficult to get, with some we haven’t found out how to get yet (on top of the brothel). When you’re done with "Vernworth" iconVernworth, head out the northwest gate and start the token collecting the token under the bridge (No. 33). This is where the route gets messy, as there are a ton of tokens up to the north. Ideally you would want to head west, but you’d miss out on a lot of tokens, which is why we send you there. After you’ve collected the northern tokens, you need to come back down and head west while taking a quick trip to the Misty Marshes for a couple of tokens, and then continue west collecting tokens as you make your way to "Checkpoint Rest Town" iconCheckpoint Rest Town.

Battahl Seeker’s Tokens

Collect the couple listed here before heading up to the checkpoint gate, as you’ll need to head to Battahl. You won’t be able to get through these gates unless you have the Border Permit or the Beastren Border Permit and a "Beastren Mask" iconBeastren Mask. Past the checkpoint, follow the road south until you reach "Beren's Childhood Home" iconBeren’s Childhood Home, as there’ll be a token to the west of it, over the western wall. Continue you south until you reach some stairs, where you’ll need to clamber onto the rocky ledge on your left for another token.

Now you’ll be in the Battahl region, and you’ll want to search the entirety of the Enoa’Battahl Forest including the rivers and ruins for numerous tokens. Start with the center and west side of the forest first before you head east towards the "Reverent Shrine" iconReverent Shrine where you can unlock the Trickster Vocation. Proceed south, collecting the tokens along the way until you reach the plethora of Ropeway stations. This area is a pain to navigate, which is why we’ve left out the more difficult tokens to find. Instead, head east and you’ll soon find the capital of Battahl, "Bakbattahl" iconBakbattahl. The rest of your tokens will be in here and the adjoining "Flamebearer Palace" iconFlamebearer Palace to the east. A lot of these tokens will be up on mountains where you’ll need to get creative to reach them, and finally the last few tokens will be in the Flamebearer Palace and the Forbidden Magic Research Lab.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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