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Dragon's Dogma 2

Claw Them Into Shape Walkthrough

Craig Robinson
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In the early game of "Dragon" iconDragon’s Dogma 2, you can encounter a missable quest from the drill sergeant catman named "Beren" iconBeren. Those of you who go to explore the Mountainside in the northwest quadrant of the northern "Vernworth" iconVernworth region can stumble upon his training camp and get a quest. However, finding a mysteriously ambitious soldier is a hard find. So, here is a closer look at how to complete the "Claw Them Into Shape" iconClaw Them Into Shape quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

This guide teaches you how to complete The Claw Them Into Shape quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

How to Complete Claw Them Into Shape in Dragon’s Dogma 2

To start the Claw Them Into Shape quest, you must visit Beren’s Camp. Travel west from the "Borderwatch Outpost" iconBorderwatch Outpost, then turn north when you can start ascending the mountain. You should find a dirt trail turning west that doubles back around to a cliff overlooking the main road you walked on when heading east from the Outpost.

If you arrive at this location in the morning, you will find Beren at the camp, and you can speak to him. He will ask you to find a motivated soldier to recruit for him, alongside three swords for training.

Where to find the Motivated Soldier in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Once you have completed the In Dragon’s Wake storyline and moved over to the capital, you can explore the city. It is here where you can find the Motivated Soldier in Dragon’s Dogma 2. If you do not have a pawn that can take you to the location of the Motivated Soldier, you can find them to the south of the Clovis’ Barberie in the city. An NPC called Humphrey should approach you, and you can tell him of the sergeant who is actually looking to train eager recruits.

(1 of 2) You can find the Motivated Soldier near the Babrerie in Vernwort, indicated by the red circle.

You can find the Motivated Soldier near the Babrerie in Vernwort, indicated by the red circle. (left), The Motivated Soldier should approach you when you get close to them. Tell them to go and see the Catman to complete the Motivated Soldier objective. (right)

Once you’ve talked to Humphrey, you’ll tick off the Motivated Soldier part of the questline. Later, you should be able to find Humphrey again, back in the northern part of the kingdom, for later quest steps.

Procure Weapons for Claw Them Into Shape

The other quest objective for the Claw Them Into Shape quest is to procure three swords for training. You can use any swords you encounter in the game and deliver them to Beren. However, procuring swords naturally is somewhat difficult. We recommend that players purchase the "Trusty Sword" iconTrusty Swords, which cost 850 G per sword at the Borderwatch Outpost’s smithy. You can then buy the three swords you need for a total of 2550 G, which is very cheap in the grand scheme of things.

For the Procure weapons objective, visit the blacksmithing store in the Borderwatch Outpost for the cheapest and guaranteed way of getting the swords needed for the quest.

You can also get your hands on "Iron Sword" iconIron Swords from "Roderick's Smithy" iconRoderick’s Smithy store in Vernworth. The swords cost around 1400 G each, which should be fairly cheap. Chances are those swords are an upgrade too, so you can give one to your main pawn if they are a "Warrior" iconWarrior, and then use their old sword to give away too.

For free solutions to procuring weapons in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you can find chests with swords in them. We found a "Silver Rapier" iconSilver Rapier on top of the roof of the Riftstone building in Vernworth, which you can access by climbing the ladder at the balcony at the "Shakir's Inn" iconShakir’s Inn, heading to the roof, and then jumping towards the dome on the building across. Other members of Gamer Guides reported melee weapons dropping from chests inside the "Trevo Mine" iconTrevo Mine, located east of the capital city. And we don’t mean the quest items for the Vocation Frustration quest either.

Claw Them Into Shape Walkthrough Continued

Now that you have your recruit and your three swords, you can return to Beren at his camp. If Beren is not there, feel free to rest at one of the nearby camps. Select the wait until morning option, and Beren should be there. If you arrive partway through the day, then Beren is known to wander around the Borderwatch Outpost and areas around the wilderness. It’s much easier to be there in the morning to catch him and hand in both quest objectives.

After speaking to Beren, he will tell you he wants to dual for fun. You can win or lose the fight; it doesn’t really matter. Be aware that the area you duel in is very small, so if you try to move away from the arena, then you’ll forfeit instantly.

(1 of 2) If you want to chase after the Cyclops, then travel north from the bridge to this location on the map.

If you want to chase after the Cyclops, then travel north from the bridge to this location on the map. (left), You’ll find the Cyclops near the cave along the dirt trail. Be prepared, as it has two bars of HP, can poison you, and can send you flying. Remember to burn and stagger the boss. (right)

Once the fight is done, you’ll get told there’s an attack on the bridge. Run with Beren to the location, and you’ll find some guards talking about a "Cyclops" iconCyclops. Beren tells you he is getting the sack, and the quest is complete.

If you want to, you can go ahead and hunt the Cyclops in the woods. The Cyclops’s location is approximately in the area where our player character is on the map screenshot above, north of the bridge and near the mine. If you do opt to kill the Cyclops, you can get yourself a Wizard hat and some other items useful for enhancing.

This concludes everything you need to know on the Claw Them Into Shape quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Good luck with this lengthy questline and completing the mission.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
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