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Dragon's Dogma 2

Monster Culling Walkthrough

Nathan Garvin
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"Monster Culling" iconMonster Culling in "Dragon" iconDragon’s Dogma 2 is one of the first set of main quests you get from Captain Brant. One of these tasks is a simple matter of culling monsters from various locations, which will enhance your reputation as a warrior and earn you the favor of those you rescue. The quest requires you to visit three locations, and face off against a bunch of enemies. Here’s everything you need to know about the Monster Culling Quest and what you can expect from it.

Talk to Captain Brant at The Stardrop Inn at night to start the Monster Culling quest.

How to Start Monster Culling

As with all the Captain Brant related quests you’ll find yourself doing when you first reach "Vernworth" iconVernworth, you can start this one by visiting the captain in "The Stardrop Inn" iconThe Stardrop Inn at night, whereupon you’ll be given a list of tasks you can undertake. Pick “Monster Culling” and you’ll begin a quest. You now need to head to three different areas and clearing out the enemies there. This is a good introductory main quest in Vernworth to undertake, as it’ll get you to explore some important areas (especially "Harve Village" iconHarve Village) and earn you some much-needed XP. The three Monster Culling locations are "Trevo Mine" iconTrevo Mine, Harve Village, and Eastern Edge of Vermund.

(1 of 6) Trevo Mine is to the west of Vernworth, and is fairly easily spotted from a distance.

Trevo Mine - Monster Culling Walkthrough

While Trevo Mine isn’t as far from Vernworth as the Harve Village monster culling request is, it may be the most dangerous of the three simply due to the sheer number of monsters involved. Exit via the western gate of Vernworth and follow the smaller road east to reach the southern entrance to Trevo Mine. When you arrive, you’ll find that the site has been completely overrun by goblins - a nuisance you’ll be dealing with a lot in this quest.

Clear the goblins out from the mine’s entrance, then head inside. You don’t actually have to clear Trevo Mine to complete this objective, you merely need to locate some stranded soldiers and rescue them. Enter the mine and work your way up a linear tunnel to the north. Eventually, you’ll reach a fork, at which point climb some ledges to the northeast and continue north until you reach a small chamber occupied by goblins. Exterminate them, then go through a door to the east.

Follow the linear path ahead until you reach a large chamber open to daylight with a bridge crossing a chasm in the middle. Fight your way across the bridge and you’ll find some soldiers fighting off a mob of goblins and hobgoblins. Dispatch them and afterward one of the soldiers, Alex, will thank you for your aid.

(1 of 4) After dealing with Fyoran’s saurian issue, find a cowardly soldier named Dylan,

Harve Village - Monster Culling Walkthrough

The Harve Village monster culling objective is the one furthest afield from Vernworth, and you can reach this settlement by following a coastal road southwest. Doing so means going through the unmarked "Rivage Cavern" iconRivage Cavern and fighting plenty of "Saurian" iconSaurians, "Slime" iconSlimes, and the odd "Ogre" iconOgre. Importantly, however, your ability to deal with saurians is a fine test for what lies ahead.

No matter route you take to the Village, a beastren named Fyoran will ask you to exterminate some saurians. While this is tangentially related to Monster Culling, it’s actually part of another quest, Scaly Invaders. Kill the saurians rampaging around the village above ground, then work your way south into a cavern under the lighthouse to find a cowardly soldier named Dylan, who will tell you about some of his fellows who ventured into "Stormwind Cave" iconStormwind Cave, and they have not returned.

You essentially have to do the following:

  • Explore the cave
  • Fight off Saurids
  • Escort a slower moving guard back
  • Go even deeper into the cave and kill the threats in Stormwind Cave.

Descend into Stormwind Cave, which is filthy with saurians. If you have bladed weapons ("Thief" iconThief, "Fighter" iconFighter, "Warrior" iconWarrior, and "Mystic Spearhand" iconMystic Spearhand) you can circle around them and cut off their tails, which will greatly wound them and down them for a time. If not then you may find them considerably more durable, but you’ll rarely encounter more than two or three at a time. Unless you fall pray to some rooftop ambushes. Just keep an eye on the walls as you explore to avoid the ambushes.

Once all those objectives are ticked off this monster culling task is done, and with it complete the quest Scaly Invaders should also advance in time. Two birds and all that.

(1 of 3) The eastern Monster Culling objective isn’t that far away as the crow flies, but the roads you’ll use will take you via a circuitous route.

Eastern Edge of Vermund - Monster Culling

The only Monster Culling target to the east of Vernworth. You’re going to have to follow the road northeast from Vernworth’s eastern gate, cross a bridge to the southeast, then either take a road northeast or southwest and work your way around some high ground to reach the eastern end of the strip of land you’re on before crossing a bridge to the east to reach your destination. This circuitous route will make this short (on paper) journey much longer than it appears.

The difficulty with this monster culling objective is due to open world RNG. The actual task itself is pretty tame:

  • locate some soldiers in the wilderness
  • help them put down some goblins and saurians.

Once you’ve rescued all three groups of soldiers, return to Captain Brant in The Stardrop Inn at night to get your reward: 3,000 XP, 7,000G, and an "Expeditioner's Cloak" iconExpeditioner’s Cloak.

XP 3,000
Item "Expeditioner's Cloak" iconExpeditioner’s Cloak
Gold 7,000

Now that you’ve completed one of Captain Brant’s tasks you can continue with one of his other tasks, or you can finish up the Scaly Invaders quest that you started during Monster Culling. There’s a few more main quests you need to beat after this, which you can look more at here:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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