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Dragon's Dogma 2

The Importance of Aiding Ernesto Walkthrough

Matt Chard
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The Importance of Aiding Ernesto is a post-game quest in "Dragon" iconDragon’s Dogma 2 where you’ll be tasked to help evacuate the "Volcanic Island Camp" iconVolcanic Island Camp. As the name of the quest implies, the main character you’ll be dealing with here is Ernesto, who won’t evacuate until he can save every single person, but some don’t want to leave, especially a familiar drunk ex-arisen. Read on to find out where you can accept the quest, how you can lead Gautstafr and "Cliodhna" iconCliodhna to safety, and what you need to do to convince the stubborn "Lamond" iconLamond to leave with them.

Ernesto needs you to take care of a couple of problems before he’ll evacuate.

The Importance of Aiding Ernesto Quest Location

This quest is started in the Volcanic Island Camp situated southeast of "Bakbattahl" iconBakbattahl. Normally, this would be a long arduous journey, but fortunately, the game was kind enough to give you a "Portcrystal" iconPortcrystal at the beginning of the Volcanic Island region, so now the journey won’t take as long, but it’ll still be arduous. Teleport to the aforementioned Portcrystal, Agamen Volcanic Island, and follow the path east and then south. Due to the destruction of the realm, you may need to climb up and drop to different paths due to some areas being blocked off by fallen debris. When you reach the settlement, head up into the main part of town, where you should see Ernesto, a Beastren clad in red and black armor. Speak to him and at first, he’ll be dismissive to you, but when you mention the evacuation, he changes his tune. Before he can evacuate the people, he wants to get Cliodhna and Gautstafr to leave with them, but they don’t want anything to do with the camp. So, he asks if you can convince them to come along.

(1 of 2) Head to the top of the camp to find Ernesto.

Head to the top of the camp to find Ernesto. (left), He’ll be the Beastren dressed in red and black. (right)

Escort Cliodhna and Gautstafr

If you have a spare Portcrystal, consider placing one at the camp before doing this to save you some time later. Cliodhna and Gautstafr can be found to the west of the camp, so exit the area via the western exit, and follow the road west. This is a long walk where you’ll get attacked by numerous monsters along the way. Fortunately, the walk is fairly straightforward, just follow the main path west. When you reach their house, Cliodhna will be against leaving their home, but after some convincing from Gautstafr, she’ll reluctantly agree to do as you ask. Now comes the fun part. If you did the "Magick Archer" iconMagick Archer side quest earlier, you’ll remember how slow Gautstafr is because of his back.

Now, we didn’t test this method, so try it at your own peril, but you can teleport NPCs by picking them up before you use a "Ferrystone" iconFerrystone. Unfortunately, you have two NPCs here, so this most likely won’t work. However, if you have a "Sealing Phial" iconSealing Phial on you, you may be able to absorb one NPC, while picking up the other when you teleport. Once again, this hasn’t been tested yet, so it’s just theory for now, but if you really don’t want to make the trip back with Cliodhna and Gautstafr, you could attempt this method.

If you choose the normal method to do this quest, you’ll need to make the walk back to the camp while babysitting Cliodhna and Gautstafr. Just like your trip to get to them, you will get attacked by numerous enemies, so make sure they don’t die, and if they do, use a "Wakestone" iconWakestone on them. One tip you can use to make your journey a little better is to pick up Gautstafr and carry him to the camp, which will speed up your journey a little. Another tip is to have a mage pawn cast "High Celerity" iconHigh Celerity on you to increase your movement speed. When you reach the camp, they’ll thank you for your help and ask if you can let Ernesto know they’re here, but now he’ll have another problem. Additionally, if you didn’t unlock the Magick "Archer" iconArcher earlier in the game, you’ll unlock it now.

(1 of 2) Gautstafr and Cliodhna are far to the west of the Volcanic Island Camp.

Gautstafr and Cliodhna are far to the west of the Volcanic Island Camp. (left), If Gautstafr is too slow for your liking, pick him up and carry him back. (right)

How to Make Lamond Evacuate

Remember the drunken "Warfarer" iconWarfarer trainer, Lamond? Well, he’s being stubborn and doesn’t want to leave, and now it’s your turn to try to convince him. Head over to the hot springs, where you’ll find him outside. When you ask him to leave, you’ll get three options: Request he guards Cliodhna and Gautstafr, have him escort the guards, or let him do as he pleases. You’ll want to select the first option here, and he’ll reluctantly agree to do as you ask. If you choose the second option, he’ll decline your request and stay there. Head back to Ernesto and let him know the good news, and the quest will be completed, rewarding you with 20,000 XP, 15,000 G, and 40 "Wyrmslife Crystal" iconWyrmslife Crystals.

(1 of 2) If you don’t speak to Lamond straight away, head south to the hot springs.

If you don’t speak to Lamond straight away, head south to the hot springs. (left), Select the first option to get Lamond to agree to leave. (right)

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
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