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Dragon's Dogma 2

Beren's Final Lesson Walkthrough

Nathan Garvin
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Sometimes you can do everything right and still fail, or in the case of poor "Beren" iconBeren, get punished for doing your job to the best of your abilities. The quest "Beren's Final Lesson" iconBeren’s Final Lesson is a direct follow up to his first quest, Claw Them Into Shape. You’ll need to return to where you first met Beren at the Moonglow Grove a few days after the end of "Claw Them Into Shape" iconClaw Them Into Shape where you’ll find that Beren’s pessimistic predictions at the end of the aforementioned quest have proven true. Before Beren can leave, however, the source of Beren’s plight will reappear, and to complete this quest you’ll need to settle the score with the "Cyclops" iconCyclops from the first quest. This page will provide a walkthrough for the quest Beren’s Final Lesson in "Dragon" iconDragon’s Dogma 2 and will provide info on finding Beren after this quest and obtaining the "Warrior" iconWarrior maister skill "Arc of Might" iconArc of Might.

(1 of 2) Return to Beren at Moonglow Garden to hear the bad news,

Return to Beren at Moonglow Garden to hear the bad news, (left), then help Beren take down the Cyclops that caused Beren so much trouble. (right)

Starting Beren’s Final Lesson

This quest is easy enough to start - the magic ingredient is time. Complete the side quest Claw Them Into Shape and the main quest "Seat of the Sovran" iconSeat of the Sovran and let a few days pass. Once done, return to the "Moonglow" iconMoonglow Grove where you first met Beren to find him tending the Moonglow garden near his tent. Talk to him and he’ll tell you the sad state of affairs - it seems the bigotry against beastren has claimed another victim and Beren has been fired, for the dire oversight of… not predicting a Cyclops attack and allowing his trainees to get wounded in combat?

Defeat the Cyclops - Beren’s Final Lesson

Your pleasant conversation will be interrupted when, on cue, the Cyclops you drove off earlier returns to finish the fight. The Cyclops is a mighty foe for low-level characters, but you have Beren and some guards helping. Try to avoid the Cyclops’ swings and when Beren knocks the Cyclops down, try to target its eye for extra damage. With this much support lined up against an isolated Cyclops, the outcome of the fight should never seriously be in doubt, and after it’s defeated, you’ll get a feel good moment as Beren addresses his trainees one last time before thanking you.

To advance the quest you’ll need to provide the secret ingredient used to get many quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2 moving: time. This need not be a chore, just head to the campsite along the road towards "Melve" iconMelve and rest there until the next morning, then return to Beren. He’ll tell you that while he’s leaving Vermund for the "Checkpoint Rest Town" iconCheckpoint Rest Town, he’s not giving up on training soldiers - somebody has to see to it that they return home safe and sound. After that, he’ll leave and this quest will end, earning you 1,600 XP, a "Lifetaker" iconLifetaker greatsword, and 4,500G. Not a bad haul for slaying a Cyclops and a bit of legwork.

(1 of 3) After the quest you’ll find Beren across the border in Battahl, at Beren’s Childhood Home.

Warrior Maister Skill - Arc of Might

While you’ve received relatively good rewards already for helping Beren, completing his questline potentially allows you to obtain an even more precious and unique reward if you’re willing to do some extra work - the Warrior maister skill, Arc of Might. To learn this, you’ll need to raise his affection towards you, and in order to achieve this you’ll need to find out where he’s gone. He mentioned the Checkpoint Rest Town, and that will get you close, but he’s actually along the road slightly to the south of the checkpoint, in the aptly named Beren’s Childhood Home building. While it’s quite close to Vermund - just beyond the border, actually - getting here can be a chore as you’ll need to get through the checkpoint. You’ll get a "Border Entry Permit" iconBorder Entry Permit when you finish the main quest "Feast of Deception" iconFeast of Deception, or you can sneak in via a carriage if you don’t mind running from the guards. Failing either of those options you can reach "Bakbattahl" iconBakbattahl via the Guarco Cavern route… although you’ll then have to travel through half of Battahl just to get back to the Battahli side of the border. All in all, you’re probably best waiting until you advance the main questline far enough to get the permit.

However you manage it, follow the road south from the border gate until you find "Beren's Childhood Home" iconBeren’s Childhood Home and you should find Beren somewhere outside. If your affection is already high enough (completing his quests and defeating him in the one-on-one duel will help a lot) he may already be in the mood to give you escort quests, which will boost your affection further. Failing that, press DualSense-ButtonSquare / Xbox-ButtonX when talking to him to give him a gift ("Wyrmslife Crystal" iconWyrmslife Crystals are a common gift that most NPCs like). Whatever your methods, boost his affection high enough and he should present you with the tome you need to learn the Arc of Might skill for the Warrior vocation!

For more quests in the Melve region, check out the following pages:

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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