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Dragon's Dogma 2

Home Is Where the Hearth Is Walkthrough

Scott Peers
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The Home is Where the Hearth Is side quest in "Dragon" iconDragon’s Dogma 2 can be started once you’ve completed the "Readvent of Calamity" iconReadvent of Calamity quest. You’ll then need to rest for a few in-game days to pass the time before returning to "Melve" iconMelve, at which point you’ll find it under the control of Queen Regent Disa’s forces. You’ll need to infiltrate the village (or pay the guard 5000 gold), then make your way to Ulrika’s house and speak with "Lennart" iconLennart to start the quest. On this page, we’ll show you where to find the four swords that Lennart requests, how to help the villages escape Melve, and where to find Ulrika in "Harve Village" iconHarve Village.

The Home Is Where the Hearth Is quest eventually advances the romance arc with Ulrika.

Speak with Lennart in Ulrika’s House

As mentioned above, to start this quest you’ll need to return to the village of Melve after completing the Readvent of Calamity quest. At this point you can either pay the guard at the gate 5000 gold to gain entrance or climb the wall to the right of the main entrance to get inside for free. Either way, you won’t be able to bring your pawns inside with you for now, so you’ll be on your own. Once inside, make your way to "Ulrika's House" iconUlrika’s House on the western side of the village, and go inside to find and speak with Lennart. He’ll tell you that the situation in Melve has significantly deteriorated since Disa’s forces have taken over, and that the villagers are implicitly being held as prisoners.

Getting Four Swords for Lennart

To help Lennart and the other villages escape, you’ll need to find four swords so that they can help to fight back. You won’t actually need to leave Melve to do this, since you can find some in a local storehouse. However, you’ll need to distract a couple of guards before you can gain access to the storehouse without being harassed, and to do that you’ll need to enlist the help of Ian and Norbert, the two brothers who you may have encountered before during the Brothers Brave and Timid quest. They used to roam throughout Melve, but in its current state they can be found just outside "Lennart's House" iconLennart’s House, to the east of Ulrika’s House, as shown in the image below.

(1 of 2) Lennart’s House can be found just to the east of Ulrika’s House in Melve.

Lennart’s House can be found just to the east of Ulrika’s House in Melve. (left), The brothers Ian and Norbert are found just outside Lennart’s House. (right)

When you first speak with Ian and Norbert, they’ll let you know that there are some weapons stored in the nearby storehouse, just opposite Lennart’s House. They’ll offer to help by distracting the guards for a few moments, giving you enough time to enter the storehouse and loot the chests within. After the dialogue, wait for both guards to be drawn away (with one coming out of the storehouse), then go inside and get the four weapons. There are only three chests here, but one of them contains two "Trusty Sword" iconTrusty Swords, while another contains just one, and the final one an "Iron Sword" iconIron Sword.

With all four swords looted, quickly return to Lennart and give them to him. You can then go outside and help the villagers defeat the guards, allowing them to escape to Harve Village.

Speak to Ulrika in Harve Village

At this point in the game, Ulrika can be found at Harve Village, so you’ll need to wait for a few days to pass and then visit her there. You can use a "Ferrystone" iconFerrystone to teleport to the "Portcrystal" iconPortcrystal there immediately or make your way on foot through Vermund. Either way, once you arrive, you’ll find Ulrika by the docks in the northern part of the village, and when you speak with her, she’ll ask you to visit again during the night, which you can do immediately by resting at the nearby inn.

Complete Trouble on the Cape if Ulrika Doesn’t Spawn

If you’ve tried the methods described in the note above but Ulrika still isn’t spawning for you at the docks, you may need to complete the brief side quest "Trouble on the Cape" iconTrouble on the Cape first. This quest will see you meet Ulrika either in Harve Village as she’s wandering around, or just outside "Stormwind Cave" iconStormwind Cave, which is near the southernmost point of Harve Village as you can see on our interactive map here. All you need to do for this quest is go inside with Ulrika to rescue a villager, then bring them out safely to finish it. After this, you can try resting for a couple of days again to check if Ulrika spawns at the docks.

(1 of 2) You should be able to see Ulrika’s location marked at the docks in Harve Village.

You should be able to see Ulrika’s location marked at the docks in Harve Village. (left), You may have to return during the day to find Ulrika at the docks the first time. (right)

As you meet Ulrika for a second time during the night at the docks, a lengthy cutscene will play out during which the romance arc with Ulrika progresses. You’ll wake up in her house the next day, with 12,000 Gold and a "Ring of Reassurance" iconRing of Reassurance as a reward for completing the quest. You’ll also note that you can find Lennart, Ian, Norbert, and other villagers from Melve residing in Harve Village from now on.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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