The Tensions on the Highroad quest in
Dragon’s Dogma 2 can be started in
Vernworth, the capital of Vermund, once you’ve visited
Bakbattahl, the capital Battahl, for the first time. You’ll need to return to Vernworth and look for a guard named Simon, who can often be found near the main entrance on the northeastern side of Vernworth. Simon may force a dialogue scene with you, but if not, try speaking with him yourself. He’ll request that you help to escort Ser Augustin, a noble who is opposed to Queen Regent Disa, as he travels from Battahl to Vermund. After speaking with Simon, the first thing you need to do is meet him at the Oxcart which is carrying Ser Augustin. On this page, we’ll show you where to find Ser Augustin, and we’ll also explain the choices between siding with Simon or Raghnall, a mercenary that you’ll meet on the road.
A guard named Simon will ask you to help escort an oxcart carrying Ser Augustin from Battahl to Vermund.
Where to Find Ser Augustin’s Oxcart¶
As mentioned above, after speaking with Simon in Vernworth, the first thing you need to do is find the Oxcart that is carrying Ser Augustin. This won’t be too much trouble, since all you need to do is take the oxcart on the western side of Vernworth to the Checkpoint Rest Town, where you’ll find the Oxcart just to the northeast of the town. A cutscene will play when you arrive, during which Simon explains that the task set before you is simple: you need only protect the oxcart until it reaches its destination. Although Simon introduced himself as an ally, someone who should be on your side in overthrowing Queen Regent Disa, you may have suspected by now that there’s more to this than meets the eye.
(1 of 2) You can find Simon at the northeastern part of Vernworth, near the main entrance.
You can find Simon at the northeastern part of Vernworth, near the main entrance. (left), Ser Augustin’s oxcart is located just northeast of the Checkpoint Rest Town. (right)
Should You Side with Simon or Raghnall?¶
After the initial dialogue scene with Simon by the Oxcart, time will pass, and you’ll soon find yourself on the road. A mercenary named Raghnall, whom you may have already met outside a tavern in Bakbattahl, will approach the cart and force it to stop. Whether you’ve already met Raghnall at the tavern or not, he’ll warn you that Simon isn’t trustworthy. Simon, naturally, takes offense and demands that you subdue the mercenary immediately. You now have a choice in terms of who to fight between Simon or Raghnall, as the quest objective updates to “Take a side.”, and you don’t have much information to go on at this point.
What Happens if You Side with Raghnall?¶
In the simplest terms, there’s a good outcome and a bad outcome for this quest, and the good outcome involves siding with Raghnall. If you do this, you’ll need to fight the guards (including Simon) until they give up and run away. Once this happens, a brief scene will play during which Raghnall asks you to follow him into the nearby woods. You need to chase after him at this point, so you can ignore any enemies that might appear along the way. You should be able to see the point on the minimap that you need to reach, but you’ll see Raghnall occasionally as you continue onward.
As you pass through Guerco Cavern, you may fall down a shaft that has been weakened, so you’ll need to find a way out on your own as you’re separated from your pawns. There are a few hobgoblins down here, but you’ll soon find Raghnall, so you can just fight them with him and then continue to the beach outside the cave. Here you’ll find a few
Saurians that you need to kill, but it’s nothing you can’t handle, especially if you aim for their tails to weaken them first.
(1 of 2) A mercenary from Bakbattahl known as Raghnall will show up along the road.
A mercenary from Bakbattahl known as Raghnall will show up along the road. (left), You should attack Simon and the guards if you want the best outcome. (right)
After you’ve killed the Saurians on the beach, another scene with Raghnall will play out. He’ll tell you about why he showed up when he did, and why Simon was untrustworthy. It turns out that the escort mission was a trap, with the intention to have Ser Augustin killed on the road while pinning the blame on you. Ser Augustin suspected as much and hired Raghnall to investigate, and so he discovered the nature of the conspiracy.
What Happens if You Side with Simon?¶
If you happened to side with Simon rather than Raghnall, whether intentionally or by mistake, the outcome of the quest is actually much the same, although you’ll earn less gold as a reward. You’ll need to fight Raghnall until he retreats, but then the same process of chasing him through the woods and Guerco Cavern until you reach the beach begins, and although Raghnall is less friendly at the end, he’ll tell you the same thing; that Simon intended to kill Ser Augustin and frame you for it.
If you sided with Raghnall, you’ll get 4000 XP and 12000 Gold as a reward but siding with Simon will cut that amount in half. So, side with Raghnall if you want the best outcome!
More Vernworth Quests¶
If you’re looking for more side quests that start in Vernworth, be sure to check the links below.
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