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Dragon's Dogma 2

The Caged Magistrate Walkthrough

Matt Chard
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"Dragon" iconDragon’s Dogma 2 "The Caged Magistrate" iconThe Caged Magistrate is a main story quest you get from Captain Brant after completing the previous quest, “"Seat of the Sovran" iconSeat of the Sovran”. This quest tasks you to break into the palace dungeons to release Magistrate Waldhar from his cell as he is opposed to the Queen Regent. You will be required to get a disguise, sneak past some guards, and find a place for the Magistrate to hide. Read on to find out where to start the quest, where to find a disguise, and where you can hide the Magistrate.

Help Magistrate Waldhar escape his prison in The Caged Magistrate Quest.

Where to Start The Caged Magistrate

To start the Caged Magistrate, you need to do the following:

  • Complete Brant’s quests up to this point first, with the last one being the Seat of the Sovran.
  • Head to "The Stardrop Inn" iconThe Stardrop Inn in "Vernworth" iconVernworth’s Merchant Quarter and head over to the balcony to speak to Captain Brant.
  • Note, that Brant only appears at night so if it’s daytime, simply pass the time by either speaking to the barkeeper and selecting pass time or sitting on the bench on the balcony and selecting doze off.
  • When you speak to Brant, ask him about the quest and he’ll give you a rundown of the mission as well as the "Gaol Key" iconGaol Key to free Waldhar.

(1 of 2) Captain Brant can be found at The Stardrop Inn.

Captain Brant can be found at The Stardrop Inn. (left), Speak to him on the balcony at night to get the quest. (right)

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guard Disguise

Before infiltrating the Gaol, you’ll need a full guard disguise called the Marcher Set. You can find the location as follows:

  • The first is to purchase a set from "Philbert's Sundries" iconPhilbert’s Sundries for around 6000G.
  • The second and much cheaper method is to open the chest in the first room of the Guardhouse next to the palace.

Now if you go from the Slums first, you’ll want to purchase the armor, but if you come in from the Guardhouse, you can get it for free.

(1 of 2) You can purchase the Marcher’s Set from Philbert’s Sundries.

You can purchase the Marcher’s Set from Philbert’s Sundries. (left), However, if you wait until you get in the Guardhouse, you’ll get it for free! (right)

A guard at the front of the Palace Grounds called Sonia will meet you and take you to the Guard House. Follow her for your free Marcher Outfit.

The Caged Magistrate Walkthrough - Continued

There are three ways you can proceed with this quest now you’ve got your disguise:

  • The Sewer Entrance
  • The Palace Gaol Entrance
  • The Slums Entrance

If you plan on visiting the Slums, make your way up the path west of "The Gracious Hand" iconThe Gracious Hand and turn right to find the Gaol Entrance. Now, use the key Brant gave you and head up the tower, where you’ll find another gate to unlock. In the dungeons, head to the last cell on your left to the north, and you’ll find Waldhar.

Follow this location for the Slums entrance to the Gaol. The Gracious Hand is the orange building to the right of the marked path.

The second method is to head to the Tower in the palace grounds. A guard called Sonia will meet you ad escort you to the barracks, but you can go to the Gaol Tower entrance. Another guard will greet to at the front. He’ll tell you that Captain Brant gave you passage through here, and he’ll leave you be. Follow the stairs down into the next room and go into the room on your left. There’s a "Waking Powder" iconWaking Powder in the chest at the back if you want it and another room to the right of it. Head into that room, and you’ll be in the room where the Magistrate is held, more specifically, in the first cell on your right. Feel free to open the cell and speak to Waldhar, it appears he’s not in a hurry to get out. Urge him to escape, and he’ll ask you if you know any place that has mountains of vaults. If you did "The Heel of History" iconThe Heel of History quest earlier, you can tell him The Gracious Vaults otherwise you’ll need to do this later. Regardless of what you choose, he will follow you out.

(1 of 6) In the Antechamber, head through the door to your left to find the Fountain Garden.

With Waldhar in tow, head to the northern end of the dungeons, open the large gate with the Gaol Key, and head down the spiral stairs where you’ll encounter another gate you need to unlock. Finally, you’ll reach the Slums, Waldhar will escape, and the quest will be completed. Note, if Waldhar is taking too long for your liking, pick him up and carry him to the destination. When you head back to Captain Brant to tell him about the rescue, he’ll reward you with a "Ferrystone" iconFerrystone and 7000 G.

(1 of 2) Open the gate in the south part of the dungeon with the Gaol Key and head down the stairs.

Open the gate in the south part of the dungeon with the Gaol Key and head down the stairs. (left), Finally, unlock the final gate to give Waldhar his freedom. (right)

Urge Walhar to Escape - DD2

If Waldhar does not follow you out of the prison straight away, then you need to find a place with plenty of tomes. To urge Waldhar to escape you need to do the following:

  • Complete the the Heel of History side quest, which you can start by visiting the church in Vernworth Slums.
  • Speak to the children, elderly and nuns around the grounds
  • Enter the ruin tower nearby
  • Clear the ruin out
  • Find the lad
  • Complete the quest

Get the quest from the older bloke asking for aid for the church, and then when you give him something, you’ll then get to start a quest. Complete the Heel of History quest, and then return back to the Gaol and speak to Waldhar again. You should now have an option to tell him a place with Tomes, and then escort him out as normal. With that done you should now be bale to complete the Caged Magistrate in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

More Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guides

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is quite a complex game, especially with some quests. If you’re having trouble finding out where to go, check out some of our quest guides below.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    27 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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