Earthquake Ground TM
The user sets off an earthquake that strikes every Pokémon around it.
LP to Craft
12000 LP
Crafting Resources / TM Materials
If you’re wondering how to get the Earthquake TM in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, you need to speak to the Battle League Rep in Asado Desert. But, before they reward you with the Earthquake TM, you need to beat the five trainers in the area.
Once you have unlocked the Earthquake TM in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, will need to collect an item from each of the Pokemon that use the Earthquake skill. The three eligible Pokemon are
Barboach, and
You will need to defeat these Pokemon for a chance to collect the dirt from them. You can find some of the exact locations of these Pokemon via out interactive map markers and the spawns we have found of them. We recommend following these links so you can make the Earthquake TM for Scarlet’s and Violet’s eligible Pokemon.
- Phanpy and
Donphan: Asado Desert (North West border), West Province Area 2, West Province Area 1, South Area 6, Los Platos
- Diglett - East Province (Area Three) and Cortando
- Barboach - South Province Area 5, South Province Area 4
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