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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Route 222 (Encounters & Items)

Vincent Lau
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This is a walkthrough for Route 222, including what Pokémon you can encounter and items you can find.

(1 of 2) Route 222.

Route 222. (left), Head due east from Valor Lakefront to reach here. (right)

After the big showdown at the Spear Pillar, the NPC blocking the east exit of Valor Lakefront will be gone. Now nothing can stop you heading into Route 222, en route to Sunyshore City.

Route 222 itself is a relatively short horizontal route, divided into two paths: The upper path features a dirt path that transitions into a road, while the lower path cuts through a sandy beach.

Both paths are occupied by trainers, but there aren’t too many of them. All in all, it should be an easy ride compared to your dealings with Team Galactic. Use this chance to get some last minute training for the final gym.

Pokémon Encounters

Wild Pokémon - Tall Grass

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
441.png"Chatot" IconChatot pokemon_bdsp_normal17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 20% (Morning/Day)
419.png"Floatzel" IconFloatzel pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 25% (Morning/Day), 35% (Night)
423.png"Gastrodon" IconGastrodon (East Sea) pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 30% (Morning/Day; Diamond), 40% (Night; Diamond), 10% (Morning/Day; Pearl), 20% (Night; Pearl)
431.png"Glameow" IconGlameow pokemon_bdsp_normal17.png 20% (Shining Pearl)
122.png"Mr. Mime" IconMr. Mime pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.pngpokemon_bdsp_fairy17.png 15% (Brilliant Diamond)
432.png"Purugly" IconPurugly pokemon_bdsp_normal17.png 15% (Shining Pearl)
278.png"Wingull" IconWingull pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 10%

Wild Pokémon - Surfing

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
279.png"Pelipper" IconPelipper pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 5%
72.png"Tentacool" IconTentacool pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_poison17.png 60%
73.png"Tentacruel" IconTentacruel pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_poison17.png 5%
278.png"Wingull" IconWingull pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 30%

Wild Pokémon - Fishing

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
130.png"Gyarados" IconGyarados pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 60% (Super Rod)
129.png"Magikarp" IconMagikarp pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 100% (Old Rod), 65% (Good Rod)
224.png"Octillery" IconOctillery pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 35% (Super Rod)
223.png"Remoraid" IconRemoraid pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 35% (Good Rod)
319.png"Sharpedo" IconSharpedo pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_dark17.png 5% (Super Rod)

Wild Pokémon - Mass Outbreak

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
300.png"Skitty" IconSkitty pokemon_bdsp_normal17.png 40%

Wild Pokémon - Poké Radar

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
180.png"Flaaffy" IconFlaaffy pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png 12%

Item Locations

(1 of 2) Fling will throw your held item at your opponent.

Fling will throw your held item at your opponent. (left), For the interest of science, we can confirm that your item won’t come back… (right)

Item Location
Wiki Berry x2 Near north-west corner, east from big grass patch.
Mago Berry x2 Near north-west corner, east from big grass patch.
Aguav Berry x2 Near north-west corner, east from big grass patch.
Qualot Berry x2 Near north-west corner, east from big grass patch.
Honey At the east end of the ledge north from the beach.
TM56 Fling x3 From Rich Boy facing the beach halfway along the upper path.
Carbos Towards the east; north-east of Sailor Luther. Go around from the north side of the upper path, further west. Requires HM Cut.
Ultra Ball At the west end of the fence along the upper path, hidden in the gap among the tall grass. Go up and around.
Net Ball Show the man inside the right-hand side house a big "Remoraid" IconRemoraid (you can catch one here).
Honey Towards the south-east. Hidden in a gap among the tall grass, below a fence. Go around from the left, using HM Surf or HM Rock Smash.
Big Mushroom Hidden in the small section of tall grass east from the hidden Honey. Use HM Surf to swim there.

Trainer Battles

Rich Boy Trey

Pokémon Level Type
404.png"Luxio" IconLuxio 43 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png

Beauty Nicola

Pokémon Level Type
428.png"Lopunny" IconLopunny 43 pokemon_bdsp_normal17.png

Police Officer Thomas

Thomas will only battle during Night.

Pokémon Level Type
164.png"Noctowl" IconNoctowl 42 pokemon_bdsp_normal17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png
67.png"Machoke" IconMachoke 42 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png

Sailor Marc

Pokémon Level Type
458.png"Mantyke" IconMantyke 43 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png

Tuber Conner

Pokémon Level Type
223.png"Remoraid" IconRemoraid 43 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png

Sailor Luther

Pokémon Level Type
349.png"Feebas" IconFeebas 37 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
67.png"Machoke" IconMachoke 40 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png
423.png"Gastrodon" IconGastrodon (West Sea) 43 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png

Fisher Alec

Pokémon Level Type
129.png"Magikarp" IconMagikarp 40 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
130.png"Gyarados" IconGyarados 42 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png

Fisher George

Pokémon Level Type
129.png"Magikarp" IconMagikarp 38 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
223.png"Remoraid" IconRemoraid 40 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
456.png"Finneon" IconFinneon 40 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
130.png"Gyarados" IconGyarados 42 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png

Fisher Brett

Pokémon Level Type
129.png"Magikarp" IconMagikarp 39 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
456.png"Finneon" IconFinneon 42 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
349.png"Feebas" IconFeebas 39 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png

Fisher Cole

Pokémon Level Type
130.png"Gyarados" IconGyarados 41 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png
223.png"Remoraid" IconRemoraid 38 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
130.png"Gyarados" IconGyarados 41 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png

Tuber Holly

Pokémon Level Type
223.png"Remoraid" IconRemoraid 43 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png

Poké Kid Janet

Pokémon Level Type
25.png"Pikachu" IconPikachu 41 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png
25.png"Pikachu" IconPikachu 41 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This strategy guide for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl contains all the information Pokémon trainers will need to complete the game and catch every single Pokémon!

In this remake of the classic Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, you’ll journey through the mystical Sinnoh region to become a Pokémon master. Along the way, you’ll confront the scheming Team Galactic and witness the awesome power of the Legendary Dialga or Palkia.

Currently included in our guide:

The following will be available via free updates to our guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story and postgame.
  • A full guide for Super Contest Shows.
    • How to cook the best quality Poffins.
  • Explanation of advanced mechanics, such as IVs and EVs.
  • A detailed Sinnoh region Pokédex.

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