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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Mt. Coronet (via Route 211)

Vincent Lau
1 Comment

This page is a guide for the central section of Mt. Coronet accessible via Route 211.

(1 of 2) We recommend entering from the east half of Route 211.

We recommend entering from the east half of Route 211. (left), This will place you here. (right)

After dealing with Team Galactic at Lake Valor and Lake Verity, you’ll want to head to Lake Acuity, by cutting through Mt. Coronet. First, head to Route 211, ideally the east half, from Celestic Town. This will place you inside the central section of Mt. Coronet.

Center: 1F

Map (Center: 1F)

Map of Mt. Coronet (Center: 1F).

Assuming you arrived from the east entrance, head directly north and use HM Strength to shove the circular boulder upwards. Feel free to explore the left branch, where the breakable rocks are. There’s a Rare Candy waiting at the end.

Either way, make your way north, then west at the corner. Just before you go down the staircase at the end, search the last rock for a hidden Tiny Mushroom. Then descend to the basement floor.

Wild Pokémon - Ground

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
433.png"Chingling" IconChingling pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png 10%
173.png"Cleffa" IconCleffa pokemon_bdsp_fairy17.png 25% (Morning), 5% (Day/Night)
74.png"Geodude" IconGeodude pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 20% (Morning), 30% (Day/Night)
66.png"Machop" IconMachop pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png 10%
307.png"Meditite" IconMeditite pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.pngpokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png 25%
41.png"Zubat" IconZubat pokemon_bdsp_poison17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 10% (Morning), 20% (Day/Night)

Item Locations (Center 1F)

(1 of 2) TM69 Rock Polish.

TM69 Rock Polish. (left), TM02 Dragon Claw. (right)

Item Location
Dream_Escape_Rope_Sprite.pngEscape Rope South of the east Route 211 exit.
Dragon.png TM02 Dragon Claw Bottom of the south cave - you’ll need to enter via the tunnel from the peak.
Hyper_Potion.png Hyper Potion (Hidden) Hidden in a rock above where you find TM02.
Rock.pngTM69 Rock Polish Northwest, near the west Route 211 exit - need HM Strength and Rock Smash.
Dream_Tiny_Mushroom_Sprite.png Tiny Mushroom (Hidden) In a rock west of the east Route 211 exit.
Dream_Tiny_Mushroom_Sprite.png Tiny Mushroom (Hidden) In a rock next to the stairs to the basement (in the north).
Bag_Elixir_Sprite.png Elixir (Hidden) In the middle of the cave, in the rock between the two rocks that can be moved with HM Strength.
Dream_Revive_Sprite.pngRevive (Hidden) In a rock near the west Route 211 exit.
Bag_Rare_Candy_Sprite.pngRare Candy In the narrow path northeast of east Route 211 - need HM Rock Smash and Strength.

Center: B1

Map (Center: B1)

Map of Mt. Coronet (Center: B1).

When you enter the basement level, there will be a thick fog, making it extremely hard to see. Open the Hidden Moves app and select Defog to clear away the fog.

This floor has a subterranean lake in the center, which you can reach by going down the steps on the side. There are various items, both hidden and in plain sight, if you look around. The most notable is a Light Clay found on a small island near the center of the lake.

To reach the next floor, keep heading north along the narrow path from the entrance.

Wild Pokémon - Ground

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
433.png"Chingling" IconChingling pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png 10%
35.png"Clefairy" IconClefairy pokemon_bdsp_fairy17.png 15%
42.png"Golbat" IconGolbat pokemon_bdsp_poison17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 20%
75.png"Graveler" IconGraveler pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 20%
67.png"Machoke" IconMachoke pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png 10%
307.png"Meditite" IconMeditite pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.pngpokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png 25%

Wild Pokémon - Surfing

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
42.png"Golbat" IconGolbat pokemon_bdsp_poison17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 10%
41.png"Zubat" IconZubat pokemon_bdsp_poison17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 90%

Wild Pokémon - Fishing (Normal)

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
339.png"Barboach" IconBarboach pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 45% (Good Rod)
130.png"Gyarados" IconGyarados pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 55% (Super Rod)
129.png"Magikarp" IconMagikarp pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 100% (Old Rod), 55% (Good Rod)
340.png"Whiscash" IconWhiscash pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 45% (Super Rod)

Wild Pokémon - Fishing (Special)

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
349.png"Feebas" IconFeebas pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 50% (Any Rod)

Item Locations (Center B1)

(1 of 2) Hidden PP Up.

Hidden PP Up. (left), Light Clay. (right)

Item Location
Fullrestore.png Full Restore Down a path on the east side of the cavern - need HM Rock Smash.
Dream_Nugget_Sprite.png Nugget (Hidden) In rock in the south west, next to stairs - need HM Rock Smash
Dream_Revive_Sprite.png Revive North of the lake - need HM Strength.
Dream_Soft_Sand_Sprite.png Soft Sand At the end of the small path on west verge of the lake - Need HM Rock Smash and Strength
UltraBall.png Ultra Ball (Hidden) In a rock north of the lake.
Dream_Light_Clay_Sprite.pngLight Clay On the island in the middle of the lake - need HM Surf.
Dream_PP_Up_Sprite.png PP Up (Hidden) Hidden down on the path next to the west verge of the lake (below the path to Soft Sand) - need HM Rock Smash to destroy the rock to reach the area behind it.
Dream_Max_Elixir_Sprite.png Max Elixir On the northeast edge of the pond - need HM Surf.
Bag_Rare_Candy_Sprite.png Rare Candy (Hidden) In the rock in the far northwest corner of the room, next to stairs.
Dream_Stardust_Sprite.png Stardust Southwest corner of the room - need HM Rock Smash.

North: 1F

Map (North: 1F)

Map of Mt. Coronet (North: 1F).

This floor is a small u-bend, leading towards Route 216. It’s impossible to get lost. At the second corner, search the wall between the two rocks for a hidden HP Up.

Wild Pokémon

(Same as previous floor.)

Item Locations (North 1F)

Item Location
Dream_HP_Up_Sprite.pngHP Up (Hidden) Between the two rocks at the northeast corner of the path.
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This page really helped me but the pokemon and items didn't really help because i was playing a randomizer but the walkthrough helped a lot because i often get lost in caves in pokemon (except caves that are straight), so thanks for the help!

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This page really helped me but the pokemon and items didn't really help because i was playing a randomizer but the walkthrough helped a lot because i often get lost in caves in pokemon (except caves that are straight), so thanks for the help!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This strategy guide for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl contains all the information Pokémon trainers will need to complete the game and catch every single Pokémon!

In this remake of the classic Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, you’ll journey through the mystical Sinnoh region to become a Pokémon master. Along the way, you’ll confront the scheming Team Galactic and witness the awesome power of the Legendary Dialga or Palkia.

Currently included in our guide:

The following will be available via free updates to our guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story and postgame.
  • A full guide for Super Contest Shows.
    • How to cook the best quality Poffins.
  • Explanation of advanced mechanics, such as IVs and EVs.
  • A detailed Sinnoh region Pokédex.

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