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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Victory Road - East (Encounters & Items)

Vincent Lau
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This is a walkthrough for the east section of Victory Road (only available during the postgame), including what Pokémon you can encounter and items you can find.

(1 of 2) This is the cave that leads to the new section of Victory Road.

This is the cave that leads to the new section of Victory Road. (left), The main area is blanketed by a thick fog, so Defog is a must. (right)

After becoming the Champion and obtaining the National Pokédex, the guy blocking the east cavern in Victory Road (south from the exit to the Pokémon League) will be gone. You can then continue to a new section of Victory Road that connects to Route 224.

Pokémon Trainer Marley (Ally)

(1 of 2) Marley needs some help reaching the exit.

Marley needs some help reaching the exit. (left), During battles, she’ll send out Arcanine. (right)

Pokémon Level Type
59.png"Arcanine" IconArcanine 57 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png

When you enter the main area, the elegant Marley will ask you to accompany her. While Marley is present, all wild Pokémon encounters will feature two Pokémon at once, with Marley assisting as Player 2. Likewise, she will assist as Player 2 during Double Battles with other trainers.

Similar to previous allies, Marley will fully restore your party after every single fight. So no need to hold back with your moves. Marley will permanently leave when you reach the exit in the north-east corner.

Full Victory Road - East Map

Map of Victory Road - East.


After entering the previously-blocked cave, you’ll arrive in a small area with two small staircases leading east.

Main Area

The next area is far bigger and a dungeon in its own right. Two things will catch your attention. One, there’s a thick fog in the air, so you’ll need to use HM Defog to clear it. Two, Marley will somehow see through the fog and spot you. She’ll then tag along until you reach the exit of this area.

While Marley is following you, you cannot use HM Surf. That means if you want to explore past the waters, you’ll have to come back after escorting the lady. Anyway, the path is fairly straightforward. You’ll want to head north to begin with, then east at the corner. Along the way, you’ll need to fight multiple trainers in Double Battles.

How to skip most of the trainers.

If you’re in a hurry, you can skip three of the trainer pairs by taking a right at the first set of stairs. This is technically the long way round, but you’ll save time by avoiding those trainers. That said, it’s probably more efficient to beat up the trainers while Marley is healing you.

By the way, near the north-west corner, there’s a mini boulder puzzle. When you push the first boulder, you’ll find that you can only push one of the two remaining boulders, depending on where the first boulder ends up. To reach the top boulder, you need to shove the first boulder to the right, when there’s a gap. Otherwise, keep pushing the first boulder up.

(To push the other boulder, you’ll need to exit this area and re-enter, to reset all the boulders. Maybe do this after taking Marley to the exit.)


The next area is a straight and very long staircase leading back to the outside world.

Pokémon Encounters

Wild Pokémon - Ground (Entrance & Exit)

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
42.png"Golbat" IconGolbat pokemon_bdsp_poison17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 20%
75.png"Graveler" IconGraveler pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 20%
67.png"Machoke" IconMachoke pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png 25%
308.png"Medicham" IconMedicham pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png 15%
95.png"Onix" IconOnix pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 10%
208.png"Steelix" IconSteelix pokemon_bdsp_steel17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 10%

Wild Pokémon - Ground (Main Area)

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
419.png"Floatzel" IconFloatzel pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 30%
42.png"Golbat" IconGolbat pokemon_bdsp_poison17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 20%
67.png"Machoke" IconMachoke pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png 25%
308.png"Medicham" IconMedicham pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.pngpokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png 15%
208.png"Steelix" IconSteelix pokemon_bdsp_steel17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 10%

Wild Pokémon - Surfing

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
42.png"Golbat" IconGolbat pokemon_bdsp_poison17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 90%
131.png"Lapras" IconLapras pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ice17.png 10%

Wild Pokémon - Fishing

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
130.png"Gyarados" IconGyarados pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 100% (Super Rod)
129.png"Magikarp" IconMagikarp pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 100% (Old Rod and Good Rod)

Item Locations (Main Area)

(1 of 2) Leftovers.

Leftovers. (left), Dusk Stone. (right)

Item Location
Dusk Stone North-west corner, accessible by moving the top boulder. (Must re-enter room to get Elixir.)
Elixir North-west corner, accessible by moving the right boulder. (Must re-enter room to get Dusk Stone.)
Max Revive Towards the north, hidden in a rock east from the Veteran Terrell and Black Belt Eddie. After pushing the boulder all the way, it’s the rock above you.
Rare Candy Towards the north, hidden in a rock along the east side of the rectangular pond. North-east from the Dragon Tamer.
Full Restore North-west from the center. Hidden in a rock towards the center of the rock maze. The rock’s at the end of a west-facing arm.
Big Mushroom Towards the east, hidden in the northermost rock along the east side of the pool south from the exit.
Big Pearl Towards the north-east, opposite the exit, next to a pond. Also north-east from Psychic Deandre and Kendra.
Leftovers Towards the south-west, at the south-east corner of the lake near the entrance.
Nugget South-west from the center. Hidden at the north-east corner of the lake by the entrance.

Trainer Battles (Main Area)

Ace Trainer Micah

Pokémon Level Type
400.png"Bibarel" IconBibarel 54 pokemon_bdsp_normal17.pngpokemon_bdsp_water17.png
78.png"Rapidash" IconRapidash 54 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png
267.png"Beautifly" IconBeautifly 54 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png

Ace Trainer Brandi

Pokémon Level Type
417.png"Pachirisu" IconPachirisu 54 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png
184.png"Azumarill" IconAzumarill 54 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_fairy17.png
242.png"Blissey" IconBlissey 54 pokemon_bdsp_normal17.png

Psychic Desiree

Pokémon Level Type
64.png"Kadabra" IconKadabra 54 pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png
64.png"Kadabra" IconKadabra 54 pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png

Psychic Landon

Pokémon Level Type
122.png"Mr. Mime" IconMr. Mime 56 pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.pngpokemon_bdsp_fairy17.png

Black Belt Eddie

Pokémon Level Type
67.png"Machoke" IconMachoke 52 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png
68.png"Machamp" IconMachamp 58 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png

Veteran Terrell

Pokémon Level Type
402.png"Kricketune" IconKricketune 54 pokemon_bdsp_bug17.png
195.png"Quagsire" IconQuagsire 54 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png
94.png"Gengar" IconGengar 54 pokemon_bdsp_ghost17.pngpokemon_bdsp_poison17.png

Dragon Tamer Joe

Pokémon Level Type
444.png"Gabite" IconGabite 56 pokemon_bdsp_dragon17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png
130.png"Gyarados" IconGyarados 56 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png

Bird Keeper Autumn

Pokémon Level Type
198.png"Murkrow" IconMurkrow 53 pokemon_bdsp_dark17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png
430.png"Honchkrow" IconHonchkrow 57 pokemon_bdsp_dark17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png

Psychic Deandre

Pokémon Level Type
203.png"Girafarig" IconGirafarig 56 pokemon_bdsp_normal17.pngpokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png

Psychic Kendra

Pokémon Level Type
433.png"Chingling" IconChingling 53 pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png
358.png"Chimecho" IconChimecho 55 pokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png

Black Belt Willie

Pokémon Level Type
95.png"Onix" IconOnix 54 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png
68.png"Machamp" IconMachamp 56 pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png

Veteran Brenden

Pokémon Level Type
432.png"Purugly" IconPurugly 54 pokemon_bdsp_normal17.png
75.png"Graveler" IconGraveler 54 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png
42.png"Golbat" IconGolbat 54 pokemon_bdsp_poison17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png

Ace Trainer Arthur

Pokémon Level Type
26.png"Raichu" IconRaichu 55 pokemon_bdsp_electric17.png
423.png"Gastrodon" IconGastrodon (West Sea) 55 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png

Ace Trainer Clarice

Pokémon Level Type
428.png"Lopunny" IconLopunny 54 pokemon_bdsp_normal17.png
279.png"Pelipper" IconPelipper 54 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png
195.png"Quagsire" IconQuagsire 54 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This strategy guide for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl contains all the information Pokémon trainers will need to complete the game and catch every single Pokémon!

In this remake of the classic Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, you’ll journey through the mystical Sinnoh region to become a Pokémon master. Along the way, you’ll confront the scheming Team Galactic and witness the awesome power of the Legendary Dialga or Palkia.

Currently included in our guide:

The following will be available via free updates to our guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story and postgame.
  • A full guide for Super Contest Shows.
    • How to cook the best quality Poffins.
  • Explanation of advanced mechanics, such as IVs and EVs.
  • A detailed Sinnoh region Pokédex.

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