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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Sunyshore City (Locations & Items)

Staci Miller
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Sunyshore City is home to your final badge, and the last major stop before the Pokémon League in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.

Main Story

The main thing you’ll have to do here to advance to the League is get your final Gym badge.

In the bottom right part of the city, you’ll find the Lighthouse, which you have to visit before you can access the Gym. Travel up to find Volkner at the top, who will run back to the Gym. You can now go and challenge him.

Volkner uses Electric-type Pokémon, so prepare your Rock and Ground-types. He does have a bit of a nasty surprise in the form of "Octillery" IconOctillery, however, so make sure you have a counter to that. "Ambipom" IconAmbipom also pops up, but a solid Fighting-type Pokémon will take it down.

You’ll get TM57 Zap Beam for your trouble.

Jasmine isn’t difficult to find, but won’t give you anything before you defeat Volkner

After defeating Volkner, there’s another major stop to make before you go on. Travel to the top of the city to find Jasmine, who will tell you she’s from the Johto region. She’ll give you TM99 Waterfall, which also happens to be the last Hidden Move you need to access the League.


As with any city, there are a few major items to collect.

Poké Mart

If you visit the Poké Mart after defeating Volkner, all of the available items will be unlocked.

Item Price
Pokeball.pngPoké Ball 200
GreatBall_Icon.pngGreat Ball 600
UltraBall.pngUltra Ball 1200
Potions.png Potion 300
Super_Potion.png Super Potion 700
Hyper_Potion.pngHyper Potion 1200
MaxPotion.pngMax Potion 2500
Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl ScreenshotFull Restore 3000
Antidote.png Antidote 100
Paralyze_Heal.png Paralyze Heal 200
Awakening_Icon.pngAwakening 250
Burn_Heal.pngBurn Heal 250
Ice_Heal.pngIce Heal 250
Escape_Rope.pngEscape Rope 550
Repel_Icon.pngRepel 350
Super_Repel.pngSuper Repel 500
Max_Repel.pngMax Repel 700

Sunyshore Market

Sunyshore also has a market, where you can buy different stickers on different days of the week.

Other Items

There are also a number of other items to be found around the city.

Head down this staircase to find the Thunder Stone

Item Location
TM99 Waterfall From Jasmine in the north of the city
Zap Plate Outside of the lighthouse
Thunder Stone Behind the lighthouse, after going downstairs below the sailor watching over the ocean

Other Locations

There’s an eastern house accessible only using Rock Climb. Head in there to find a Pokétch developer who has three different apps on offer - if you can show him Pokémon with the natures he desires.

Nature App
Serious Calendar app
Naive Dot Artist app
Quirky Roulette app

Julia, on the far right of the city, will tell you stories, as she’s quite lonely with her sailor husband gone. Listen to her stories to get different ribbons for your Pokémon, depending on the day of the week.

(1 of 2) This is the house you’ll find Julia in

This is the house you’ll find Julia in (left), Talk to her once, then return the next day and she’ll start telling stories (right)

This city can be quite difficult to navigate due to its walkway that stretches to each location. Take your time and explore each opening, and you’ll soon find everything you need to.

After you’ve defeated Volkner, it’s time to move on and head north to the Pokémon League which you can now access. Make sure you’ve stocked up at the Poké Mart, as Victory Road can be quite the challenge.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This strategy guide for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl contains all the information Pokémon trainers will need to complete the game and catch every single Pokémon!

In this remake of the classic Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, you’ll journey through the mystical Sinnoh region to become a Pokémon master. Along the way, you’ll confront the scheming Team Galactic and witness the awesome power of the Legendary Dialga or Palkia.

Currently included in our guide:

The following will be available via free updates to our guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story and postgame.
  • A full guide for Super Contest Shows.
    • How to cook the best quality Poffins.
  • Explanation of advanced mechanics, such as IVs and EVs.
  • A detailed Sinnoh region Pokédex.

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