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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

How to Beat Canalave City Gym

Vincent Lau
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This is a walkthrough for the Canalave City Gym in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

(1 of 2) You’ll need to use these platform lifts to get around the gym.

You’ll need to use these platform lifts to get around the gym. (left), Make sure you’re fully prepared, because it’s a bit annoying trying to leave halfway through. (right)

The Canalave City Gym has an industrial motif to match its Steel-type theme, although the trainers inside have very few Steel-type Pokémon… The gimmick of this gym are the platform lifts that can send you up/down or horizontally/veritically.

How to Reach the Gym Leader

From the entrance, head north-west towards the end of the red girder acting as a barrier. You’ll have to fight Black Belt Ricky to pass. Nearby, there’s a square gap to the north, where a platform can fit, and two yellow-lined platforms on the right.

If you want, step on the left of the two platforms. You’ll be taken up to the next level. Go over and battle Worker Jackson. There’s nothing at the end of the path, so step back on the same platform to return to the previous level. Similarly, the right platform leads to nowhere, so don’t waste your time there.

To begin with, step on this platform on the first level.

Further east, past another gap in the red barrier is a Worker (Gary) with two more yellow-lined platforms along the top and a square gap to the south-east. The left platform will send you around in a circle, so ignore that unless you need some exercise. Instead, step on the right platform here. On the next level, go right and then down towards the next platform.

You’ll be dropped back to the first level, near the south-east. Head over and battle the nearby Ace Trainer (Cesar). Next, continue left and step on the platform at the end, to the right of the entrance. Back up on the second level, go left and step on the platform to be sent zooming to the left. Whee! On the other side, go up and around to reach yet another platform.

Near the south-west corner of the third level, step on this platform.

This time, you’ll be brought to the third level, near the south-west corner. There’s a platform along the top and another on the right. The right platform is a red herring, so step on the upper platform. Further up, there’s another platform on the right, with a square gap above it. Likewise, this platform goes to nowhere, so continue up.

Battle the Worker (Gerardo) blocking the path, then step on the platform to his right. You’ll arrive halfway across the north side of the building. Below, there’s a square gap; on the right is the next platform you should step on. After that, you’ll need to prove your worth to a Black Belt (David) to continue.

Near the north side of the third level, step on this platform. The rest is straightforward.

Moving on, go south through the narrow path between the red barriers, then get on the platform at the end. You’ll soon arrive near the south-east corner. Here, there’s another platform on the right with your name on it; this one will send you north. On the other side, head north and step on the platform at the end.

Now you’re back at the second level, near the north-east corner. Head over and fight the female Ace Trainer (Breanna), then go around and step on the next platform. You’ll be dropped down to the first level. Over on the left, there’s a curious red-lined platform. This platform will send you up to the fourth level, placing you right in front of the Gym Leader.

Trainer Battles

Black Belt Ricky

Pokémon Level Type
208.png"Steelix" IconSteelix 33 pokemon_bdsp_steel17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png

Worker Jackson

Pokémon Level Type
95.png"Onix" IconOnix 28 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png
95.png"Onix" IconOnix 28 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png
95.png"Onix" IconOnix 28 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png

Worker Gary

Pokémon Level Type
95.png"Onix" IconOnix 31 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png

Ace Trainer Cesar

Pokémon Level Type
451.png"Skorupi" IconSkorupi 30 pokemon_bdsp_poison17.pngpokemon_bdsp_bug17.png
208.png"Steelix" IconSteelix 32 pokemon_bdsp_steel17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png

Worker Gerardo

Pokémon Level Type
95.png"Onix" IconOnix 29 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png
95.png"Onix" IconOnix 29 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png

Black Belt David

Pokémon Level Type
95.png"Onix" IconOnix 30 pokemon_bdsp_rock17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png
208.png"Steelix" IconSteelix 32 pokemon_bdsp_steel17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png

Ace Trainer Breanna

Pokémon Level Type
184.png"Azumarill" IconAzumarill 33 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_fairy17.png
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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