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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Route 230 (Encounters & Items)

Vincent Lau
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This is a walkthrough for Route 230, including what Pokémon you can encounter and items you can find.

(1 of 2) Route 230.

Route 230. (left), You can reach here by heading east from the Fight Area. Or west from Route 229. (right)

Route 230 is the final numbered route in the game, accessible by heading east from the Fight Area or west from Route 229. It’s a long, horizontal sea-based route with a medium-size island in the center.

How to Navigate Route 230

If you entered from Route 229, you’ll start along the east end of this route. SWim west, while weaving through the occasional rocks and avoiding/seeking out the trainers swimming around. Your goal is to reach the island in the center. On this side of the route, there are four trainers–one along the north, two along the center line and another by the corner of the central island.

Otherwise, if you came from the Fight Area, head north-east along land to check out the berry patch. Afterwards, use Surf to enter the nearby water. From here, swim east towards the central island. Near the second pair of rocks in the sea, there’s a pair of trainers. Beyond them is the island.

(1 of 2) Kelpsy Berry.

Kelpsy Berry. (left), Hidden HP Up. (right)

Upon reaching the island, head over to the east side. You should notice an item that you can reach by using Rock Smash. Check it out to learn it’s a Rare Candy. Go back a bit and smash the cracked rock a short distance left from where you grabbed the candy. Search the wall behind it to find a hidden HP Up. Moving on, go up to the north end of the island. Smash the loose rock there and search the space to the right for a hidden Carbos.

From here, return to the water and continue west if you came from Route 229. You’ll meet one final pair of trainers, before reaching land again. At that point, your long journey around the Battle Zone is probably coming to an end. Or carry on swimming east if you entered via the Fight Area. After a slightly longer stretch of sea, with more trainers, you’ll eventually reach Route 229. We won’t be covering the rest of this “reverse” journey, so good luck with that!

Pokémon Encounters

Wild Pokémon - Tall Grass

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
"Beautifly" IconBeautifly pokemon_bdsp_bug17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 10% (Brilliant Diamond)
"Bellsprout" IconBellsprout pokemon_bdsp_grass17.pngpokemon_bdsp_poison17.png 11%
"Dustox" IconDustox pokemon_bdsp_bug17.pngpokemon_bdsp_poison17.png 10% (Shining Pearl)
"Floatzel" IconFloatzel pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 13%
"Gastrodon" IconGastrodon (East Sea) pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ground17.png 5%
"Gloom" IconGloom pokemon_bdsp_grass17.pngpokemon_bdsp_poison17.png 20%
"Golduck" IconGolduck pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 10%
"Oddish" IconOddish pokemon_bdsp_grass17.pngpokemon_bdsp_poison17.png 11%
"Weepinbell" IconWeepinbell pokemon_bdsp_grass17.pngpokemon_bdsp_poison17.png 20%

Wild Pokémon - Surfing

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
"Dewgong" IconDewgong pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ice17.png 5% (Brilliant Diamond)
"Pelipper" IconPelipper pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 60%
"Sealeo" IconSealeo pokemon_bdsp_ice17.pngpokemon_bdsp_water17.png 5% (Shining Pearl)
"Seel" IconSeel pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 30% (Brilliant Diamond)
"Spheal" IconSpheal pokemon_bdsp_ice17.pngpokemon_bdsp_water17.png 30% (Shining Pearl)
"Tentacruel" IconTentacruel pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_poison17.png 5%

Wild Pokémon - Fishing

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
"Gyarados" IconGyarados pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png 40% (Super Rod)
"Magikarp" IconMagikarp pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 100% (Old Rod), 55% (Good Rod)
"Octillery" IconOctillery pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 15% (Super Rod)
"Remoraid" IconRemoraid pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 45% (Good Rod)
"Wailmer" IconWailmer pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 40% (Super Rod)
"Wailord" IconWailord pokemon_bdsp_water17.png 5% (Super Rod)

Wild Pokémon - Mass Outbreak

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
"Corsola" IconCorsola pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_rock17.png 40%

Wild Pokémon - Poké Radar

Pokémon Type Encounter Rate
"Togepi" IconTogepi pokemon_bdsp_fairy17.png 12%

Item Locations

(1 of 2) Rare Candy.

Rare Candy. (left), Hidden Carbos. (right)

Item Location
Rare Candy Island near the center. East side of the island, past a cracked rock.
HP Up Island near the center. Hidden in the wall left from the Rare Candy, behind another cracked rock.
Carbos Island near the center. Hidden towards the far north, to the right of a cracked rock.
Grepa Berry x4 Berry patch towards the west. North-east from the Fight Area entrance.
Kelpsy Berry x4 Berry patch towards the west. North-east from the Fight Area entrance.

Trainer Battles

Swimmer Kurt

Pokémon Level Type
"Crawdaunt" IconCrawdaunt 53 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_dark17.png

Swimmer Joanna

Pokémon Level Type
"Luvdisc" IconLuvdisc 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
"Lapras" IconLapras 54 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ice17.png

Swimmer Mallory

Pokémon Level Type
"Seel" IconSeel 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
"Dewgong" IconDewgong 54 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_ice17.png

Swimmer Glenn

Pokémon Level Type
"Seel" IconSeel 51 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
"Starmie" IconStarmie 51 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_psychic17.png

(1 of 2) Swimmer Sam and Sophia.

Swimmer Sam and Sophia. (left), They’ll send out Chinchou and Mantyke. (right)

Swimmer Sam

Pokémon Level Type
"Chinchou" IconChinchou 51 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_electric17.png
"Lanturn" IconLanturn 51 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_electric17.png

Swimmer Sophia

Pokémon Level Type
"Mantyke" IconMantyke 50 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png
"Mantine" IconMantine 52 pokemon_bdsp_water17.pngpokemon_bdsp_flying17.png
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This strategy guide for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl contains all the information Pokémon trainers will need to complete the game and catch every single Pokémon!

In this remake of the classic Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, you’ll journey through the mystical Sinnoh region to become a Pokémon master. Along the way, you’ll confront the scheming Team Galactic and witness the awesome power of the Legendary Dialga or Palkia.

Currently included in our guide:

The following will be available via free updates to our guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story and postgame.
  • A full guide for Super Contest Shows.
    • How to cook the best quality Poffins.
  • Explanation of advanced mechanics, such as IVs and EVs.
  • A detailed Sinnoh region Pokédex.

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