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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Battle Tower (Encounters & Items)

Staci Miller
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The Battle Tower is a postgame area of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl where you can grind through battles to earn Battle Points (BP) and exchange them for items.

How to Access the Battle Tower

Head to the south of Snowpoint City and speak to the sailor there. He’ll let you take the boat to the Fight Area.

It’s an intimidating sight

Head over to the east and north, through Battle Park, and you’ll find the Battle Tower.

The Rules

Speak to the woman in the middle of the Battle Tower to enter. She will explain that you can choose to enter single battles or double battles — with only three Pokémon allowed in single, and four in double. Any Pokémon over Level 50 will be capped at 50, and the following Pokémon are banned from entering:

Other than these, you can use whoever you want.

The lady in the center will explain the rules to you

You will have to make your way through the Battle Rooms. In each of the Battle Rooms, there are seven trainers. If you defeat all seven, you’ll earn a certain amount of BP.

You can step out of the Battle Room and reselect your Pokémon between battles until you reach the fifth trainer. If you try to do so after the fifth, you’ll have to start over. If you don’t save, you will also be disqualified.

Exchange Service Corner Items

Right before you reach the Battle Tower, there will be a building with a left and right entrance and connecting bridge.

(1 of 2) Battle and stat help is on the left

Battle and stat help is on the left (left), TMs are on the right (right)

Here, you can stop in and exchange your BP for items.


Here you can buy various items to improve the stats of your Pokémon.

Item BP
abilitypatch.png Ability Patch 200
abilitycapsule.png Ability Capsule 200
BottleCap.png Bottle Cap 25
rarecandy.png Rare Candy 20
PPUp.png PP UP 10
Protein.png Protein 1
Calcium.png Calcium 1
Iron.png Iron 1
Zinc.png Zinc 1
Carbos.png Carbon 1
HpUp.png HP Up 1
LuckyEgg.pngLucky Egg 77
PowerBracer.png Power Bracer 10
PowerBelt.png Power Belt 10
PowerLens.png Power Lens 10
PowerBand.png Power Band 10
PowerAnklet.png Power Anklet 10
PowerWeight.png Power Weight 10
PomegBerry.png Pomeg Berry 1
KelpsyBerry.png Kelpsy Berry 1
QualotBerry.png Qualot Berry 1
HondewBerry.png Hondew Berry 1
GrepaBerry.png Grepa Berry 1
TamatoBerry.png Tamato Berry 1
LifeOrb.png Life Orb 25
ToxicOrb.png Toxic Orb 16
FlameOrb.png Flame Orb 16
WhiteHerb.png White Herb 15
MentalHerb.png Mental Herb 15
PowerHerb.png Power Herb 15
BrightPowder.png Bright Powder 48
ChoiceBand.png Choice Band 25
ChoiceSpecs.png Choice Specs 25
ChoiceScarf.pn.png Choice Scarf 25
MuscleBand.png Muscle Band 48
FocusBand.png Focus Band 48
FocusSash.pn.png Focus Sash 15
ScopeLens.png Scope Lens 48
LightClay.png Light Clay 15
LuckyPunch.png Lucky Punch 7
RazorClaw.png Razor Claw 5
RazorFang.png Razor Fang 5
Protector.png Protector 5
ReaperCloth.png Reaper Cloth 5
Upgrade.png Upgrade 5
DubiousDisc.png Dubious Disc 5
LonelyMint.png Lonely Mint 50
LonelyMint.png Adamant Mint 50
LonelyMint.png Naughty Mint 50
LonelyMint.png Brave Mint 50
BoldtoQuietMint.png Bold Mint 50
BoldtoQuietMint.png Impish Mint 50
BoldtoQuietMint.png Lax Mint 50
BoldtoQuietMint.png Relaxed Mint 50
BoldtoQuietMint.png Modest Mind 50
BoldtoQuietMint.png Mild Mint 50
BoldtoQuietMint.png Rash Mint 50
BoldtoQuietMint.png Quiet Mint 50
CalmtoSassyMint.png Calm Mint 50
CalmtoSassyMint.png Gentle Mint 50
CalmtoSassyMint.png Careful Mint 50
CalmtoSassyMint.png Sassy Mint 50
TimidtoNaiveMint.png Timid Mint 50
TimidtoNaiveMint.png Hasty Mint 50
TimidtoNaiveMint.png Jolly Mint 50
TimidtoNaiveMint.png Naive Mint 50
SeriousMint.png Serious Mint 50


The right side is where you’ll find a number of TMs for sale.

TM04 Calm Mind 48
TM06 Toxic 32
TM08 Bulk Up 48
TM26 Earthquake 80
TM30 Shadow Ball 64
TM31 Brick Break 40
TM36 Sludge Bomb 80
TM40 Aerial Ace 40
TM45 Attract 32
TM53 Energy Ball 64
TM59 Dragon Pulse 80
TM61 Will-O-Wisp 32
TM71 Stone Edge 80
TM73 Thunder Wave 32
TM81 X-Scissor 64
TM93 Cut 32
TM94 Fly 40
TM95 Surf 64
TM96 Strength 40
TM97 Defog 32
TM98 Rock Smash 40
TM99 Waterfall 64
TM100 Rock Climb 32
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This strategy guide for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl contains all the information Pokémon trainers will need to complete the game and catch every single Pokémon!

In this remake of the classic Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, you’ll journey through the mystical Sinnoh region to become a Pokémon master. Along the way, you’ll confront the scheming Team Galactic and witness the awesome power of the Legendary Dialga or Palkia.

Currently included in our guide:

The following will be available via free updates to our guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story and postgame.
  • A full guide for Super Contest Shows.
    • How to cook the best quality Poffins.
  • Explanation of advanced mechanics, such as IVs and EVs.
  • A detailed Sinnoh region Pokédex.

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