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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Pastoria City (Locations & Items)

Staci Miller
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Pastoria City is home of Crasher Wake and your next gym badge in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.

Pastoria Gym

The main thing you’ll want to do here is head to the gym to defeat Crasher Wake.

There are plenty of trainers to be found here, and plenty of experience to get in before you have to face Crasher Wake himself. If you chose "Chimchar" IconChimchar as your starter, you might find this gym a little difficult. "Turtwig" IconTurtwig’s evolutions, however, should easily be able to take Wake down.

(1 of 2) Solve the puzzles in the gym to advance

Solve the puzzles in the gym to advance (left), At the end, you’ll find Wake (right)

If you caught a "Shinx" IconShinx early in the game, its evolutions are also great for taking down the Water-types.

Solve the puzzles, defeat the trainers, and then defeat Wake himself to get that Fen Badge.

Main Story

After you’ve defeated the Gym, it’s time to continue with the main story. Head towards the Great Marsh to talk to a Galactic grunt there. He’ll run East and demand you don’t chase him towards Valor Lakefront which, of course, means you should chase him.

Make sure you head to a Pokémon Center before continuing on, as you’re about to come up against a trainer a little more challenging than your average Galactic grunt.

Before you do, you’ll run into your rival who will demand a Pokémon battle.

Chimchar Starter

Pokémon Level Type
Starly.png"Starly" IconStarly 26 pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png
Roselia.png"Roselia" IconRoselia 26 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png
Ponyta.png"Ponyta" IconPonyta 27 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png
Prinplup.png"Prinplup" IconPrinplup 31 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png

Piplup Starter

Pokémon Level Type
Starly.png"Starly" IconStarly 26 pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png
Buizel.png"Buizel" IconBuizel 26 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
Ponyta.png"Ponyta" IconPonyta 27 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png
Grotle.png"Grotle" IconGrotle 31 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png

Turtwig Starter

Pokémon Level Type
Starly.png"Starly" IconStarly 26 pokemon_bdsp_flying17.png
Buizel.png"Buizel" IconBuizel 26 pokemon_bdsp_water17.png
Roselia.png"Roselia" IconRoselia 27 pokemon_bdsp_grass17.png pokemon_bdsp_poison17.png
Monferno.png"Monferno" IconMonferno 31 pokemon_bdsp_fire17.png pokemon_bdsp_fighting17.png

Although your rival has a well-balanced team, you should too at this point. An Electric-type move will taken down his "Starly" IconStarly easily and from there, you should adjust depending on what he sends out next. As always, don’t put your starter Pokémon against his, as its designed so that he has the starter advantage.


As with every other locations, there are some items to be found in Pastoria City.

Poké Mart

The Poké Mart has some items for sale. The selection will increase as you get more badges but on your first visit, this is what you can find.

Item Price
Pokeball.pngPoké Ball 200
Net_Ball.pngNet Ball 1000
Nest_Ball.pngNest Ball 1000
Potions.png Potion 300
Super_Potion.png Super Potion 700
Antidote.png Antidote 100
Paralyze_Heal.png Paralyze Heal 200
Awakening_Icon.pngAwakening 250
Burn_Heal.pngBurn Heal 250
Ice_Heal.pngIce Heal 250
Escape_Rope.pngEscape Rope 550
Repel_Icon.pngRepel 350

Other Items

There are some other items to pick up around Pastoria City before proceeding on.

In the house in the center of the city, you’ll find a man who wants to see all three forms of "Burmy" IconBurmy. If you can provide them, he’ll give you a Macho Brace. Burmy’s cloak changes depending on where it had its last battle.

This is a held item which increases strength in battle, but slows down a Pokémon’s speed.

Cloak Battle
Plant Cloak Tall grass
Sandy Cloak Caves, beaches, and snowy areas
Trash Cloak Indoors

There is also a house to the top right of Pastoria City where Scarf Guy lives. If you show him a Pokémon with high conditions, he will give you a Colored Scarf that raises the conditions of a Pokemon when they hold the item during a Super Contest.

The Scarf Guy is a great resource for Super Contests.

Scarf Condition
Red Coolness
Yellow Toughness
Green Cleverness
Blue Beauty
Pink Cuteness

Other Locations

Before you chase the grunt out east to Valor Lakefront, there are some other places to visit in Pastoria City.

The Great Marsh

The Great Marsh is Pastoria City’s Safari Zone, where you can go and catch wild Pokémon for a fee.

The fee is 500.

Make sure you spend some time here and catch the unique Pokémon you can’t find elsewhere.

The Move Reminder

For a fee of a Heart Scale, the Move Reminder can help your Pokémon relearn a move they forget. He lives north of the Pokémon Center.

After you’ve done all of this, head east to chase the grunt.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    28 October 2021
  • Last Updated
    23 April 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This strategy guide for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl contains all the information Pokémon trainers will need to complete the game and catch every single Pokémon!

In this remake of the classic Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, you’ll journey through the mystical Sinnoh region to become a Pokémon master. Along the way, you’ll confront the scheming Team Galactic and witness the awesome power of the Legendary Dialga or Palkia.

Currently included in our guide:

The following will be available via free updates to our guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story and postgame.
  • A full guide for Super Contest Shows.
    • How to cook the best quality Poffins.
  • Explanation of advanced mechanics, such as IVs and EVs.
  • A detailed Sinnoh region Pokédex.

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