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Pokémon: Sword & Shield

Galarian Star Tournament (Rematch)

Ben Chard
Vincent Lau
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To unlock all the trainers, you need to finish the tournament a total of 15 times.

After completing your first Galarian Star Tournament, whenever you’re itching to battle with another trainer by your side (and also earn experience and money at a faster rate), you can speak to the receptionist at Wyndon Stadium to challenge the tournament anew.

Since you’ve reached this point, you should have zero problems winning the tournament again. Keep in mind your opponents only have 3 Pokémon each, while you can send out up to 6, so you’ve got the numerical advantage. Plus you’ve likely got lots of super-strong Legendary Pokémon at your disposal–and there ain’t no better time to use ’em!

Initially, you can only partner with a few trainers. But once you’ve battled some more, new trainers will be added. Below is a list of the trainers you can partner with or fight.

Pokémon Trainer Hop

Pokémon Level Type
"Dubwool" IconDubwool 69 Normal
"Zamazenta" IconZamazenta (Sword) 70 Fighting/Steel
"Zacian" IconZacian (Shield) 70 Fairy/Steel
"Inteleon" IconInteleon (picked "Grookey" IconGrookey) 70 Water
"Rillaboom" IconRillaboom (picked "Scorbunny" IconScorbunny) 70 Grass
"Cinderace" IconCinderace (picked "Sobble" IconSobble) 70 Fire

Hop starts off with a pretty rubbish "Dubwool" IconDubwool. If it manages to get off Cotton Guard, it can tank some physical hits. However, he more than makes up for it with his Legendary Pokémon "Zamazenta" IconZamazenta or "Zacian" IconZacian. Awesome if he’s your partner; pretty scary if he’s a foe. Finally, he has his fully evolved starter, which he’ll gleefully Gigantamax.

Gym Leader Milo

Pokémon Level Type
"Shiftry" IconShiftry (Sword) 72 Grass/Dark
"Ludicolo" IconLudicolo (Shield) 72 Water/Grass
"Cherrim" IconCherrim 73 Grass
"Flapple" IconFlapple (Sword) 74 Grass/Dragon
"Appletun" IconAppletun (Shield) 74 Grass/Dragon

Milo has a nice and simple team. "Shiftry" IconShiftry and Ludiculo can both use Fake Out, which is sure to annoy their opponent. "Cherrim" IconCherrim is notable for setting up Sunny Day, which mostly benefits Fire-types and lets Grass-types spam Solar Beam or Solar Blade. His apple dragon can remove status ailments when it Gigantamaxes.

Gym Leader Nessa

Pokémon Level Type
"Golisopod" IconGolisopod 72 Bug/Water
"Toxapex" IconToxapex 73 Poison/Water
"Drednaw" IconDrednaw 74 Water/Rock

Nessa can be a reliable partner and a stubborn opponent. "Golisopod" IconGolisopod likes to surprise its foe by using First Impression. But it only works on its first turn. However, it can use it again if it comes back in after Emergency Exit triggers. "Toxapex" IconToxapex can protect and poison with Baneful Bunker, then double the pain with Venoshock. Ouch.

Gym Leader Kabu

Pokémon Level Type
"Torkoal" IconTorkoal 72 Fire
"Arcanine" IconArcanine 73 Fire
"Centiskorch" IconCentiskorch 74 Fire/Bug

Kabu’s here to heat things up! "Torkoal" IconTorkoal has the Drought Ability, which makes it sunny straight away. This will boost the damage of Fire-types, while greatly weakening Water-types. Even better (not if he’s your opponent), it can use Stealth Rock to damage opposing Pokémon that switch in. Also, "Arcanine" IconArcanine has Intimidate, which lowers the opposing team’s Attack.

Gym Leader Bea (Sword only)

Pokémon Level Type
"Hawlucha" IconHawlucha 72 Fighting/Flying
"Falinks" IconFalinks 73 Fighting
"Machamp" IconMachamp 74 Fighting

Bea has a no-nonsense line up. "Hawlucha" IconHawlucha can use Swords Dance to bolster its Attack; but it can backfire terribly if High Jump Kick misses. "Falinks" IconFalinks can boost all of its stats with No Retreat, but it won’t be able to switch out (not that the AI would do this). Lastly, "Machamp" IconMachamp is the epitome of brute force. Hey, sometimes brawn is all you need.

Gym Leader Allister (Shield only)

Pokémon Level Type
"Dusknoir" IconDusknoir 72 Ghost
"Cursola" IconCursola 73 Ghost
"Gengar" IconGengar 74 Ghost/Poison

Allister may be timid, but his spooky buddies aren’t. "Dusknoir" IconDusknoir has some nice coverage moves and can Disable an opponent’s move. "Cursola" IconCursola can use Strength Sap to defang physical attackers and Amnesia to tank special hits. Finally, "Gengar" IconGengar is a great attacker, although it doesn’t have much staying power. It can use Hypnosis to delay an opponent.

Gym Leader Bede

Pokémon Level Type
"Mawile" IconMawile 72 Steel/Fairy
"Rapidash" IconRapidash (Galarian) 73 Psychic/Fairy
"Hatterene" IconHatterene 74 Psychic/Fairy

Bede has brought his newfound Fairy friends to play. "Mawile" IconMawile has Intimidate to lower the opposing team’s Attack on the first turn. Galarian "Rapidash" IconRapidash has the new Pastel Veil Ability that prevents itself and its allies from being poisoned. Lastly, "Hatterene" IconHatterene can confuse both opponents if it uses its unique Gigantamax move.

Pokémon Trainer Opal

Pokémon Level Type
"Weezing" IconWeezing (Galarian) 69 Poison/Fairy
"Togekiss" IconTogekiss 69 Fairy/Flying
"Alcremie" IconAlcremie 70 Fairy

Opal has apparently come out of retirement to show you young’uns a thing or two. Her Galarian "Weezing" IconWeezing is carrying the obnoxious Toxic and Protect combo. If that fails, she’ll fall back on "Togekiss" IconTogekiss, which can put up Reflect. As for "Alcremie" IconAlcremie, it can boost its ally’s offensive stats with Decorate or heal its team with its Gigantamax move.

Gym Leader Gordie (Sword only)

Pokémon Level Type
"Shuckle" IconShuckle 72 Bug/Rock
"Tyranitar" IconTyranitar 73 Rock/Dark
"Coalossal" IconCoalossal 74 Rock/Fire

The Rock-type Gym Leader opens with "Shuckle" IconShuckle, which supports its team with moves that lower speed, negate Abilities and damage switch-ins. It won’t do much damage by itself, but it’s a great support. "Tyranitar" IconTyranitar is much more menacing and will create a Sandstorm when it enters. Last but not least, "Coalossal" IconCoalossal is notable for its Tar Shot, which make its foes weak to Fire.

Gym Leader Melony (Shield only)

Pokémon Level Type
"Mr. Rime" IconMr. Rime 72 Ice/Psychic
"Darmanitan" IconDarmanitan (Galarian) 73 Ice
"Lapras" IconLapras 74 Water/Ice

Ice-type Melony has brought along a zany "Mr. Rime" IconMr. Rime. If she’s your opponent, be wary as it can use Nasty Plot to boost its damage. Next, she’ll unleash Galarian "Darmanitan" IconDarmanitan, which transforms into an Ice/Fire-type after losing 50% HP. Her biggest trump card is "Lapras" IconLapras, which can halve damage received with its Gigantamax move.

Gym Leader Marnie

Pokémon Level Type
"Morpeko" IconMorpeko 73 Electric/Dark
"Scrafty" IconScrafty 72 Dark/Fighting
"Grimmsnarl" IconGrimmsnarl 74 Dark/Fairy

The new Gym Leader of Spikemuth leads with the cute but quick-to-anger "Morpeko" IconMorpeko. It likes to spam Aura Wheel, which alternates between Electric and Dark damage. She’s also got a "Scrafty" IconScrafty, which is carrying some useful coverage moves. When pushed to a corner, she has a "Grimmsnarl" IconGrimmsnarl capable of Gigantamaxing.

Pokémon Trainer Piers

Pokémon Level Type
"Skuntank" IconSkuntank 73 Poison/Dark
"Toxtricity" IconToxtricity 73 Electric/Poison
"Obstagoon" IconObstagoon 74 Dark/Normal

The previous Gym Leader of Spikemuth is also here, whether he likes it or not. His first ‘mon, "Skuntank" IconSkuntank knows Toxic, which inflicts deadly poison, and Snarl, which lowers the opposing team’s Sp. Attack. Unlike the other trainers, his second Pokémon isn’t fixed. Also, he won’t Dynamax his last Pokémon, so he’s less of a threat.

Gym Leader Raihan

Pokémon Level Type
"Flygon" IconFlygon 75 Ground/Dragon
"Goodra" IconGoodra 74 Dragon
"Duraludon" IconDuraludon 76 Steel/Dragon

Leon’s eternal rival is skilled at Double Battles, but what about Multi Battles? His "Flygon" IconFlygon can create a Sandstorm and it also likes to use Earthquake. If he’s your partner, you may want to use a Flying or Levitate Pokémon to avoid being hurt. To make up for this, his "Goodra" IconGoodra can heal its team using Life Dew.

Pokémon Trainer Leon

Pokémon Level Type
"Aegislash" IconAegislash 80 Steel/Ghost
"Dragapult" IconDragapult 78 Dragon/Ghost
"Charizard" IconCharizard 80 Fire/Flying

The previous Champion is one of the strongest trainers in this tournament. Be cautious if he’s your enemy. "Aegislash" IconAegislash can swap between defensive and offensive forms, weakening its foe should they strike its King’s Shield. "Dragapult" IconDragapult is fast and can do a lot of damage. Like in the regular tournament, Leon will rely on his "Charizard" IconCharizard at the end.

Gym Leader Klara (Sword only)

Pokémon Level Type
"Slowking" IconSlowking (Galarian) 68 Poison/Psychic
"Scolipede" IconScolipede 69 Bug/Poison
"Slowbro" IconSlowbro (Galarian) 70 Poison/Psychic

Klara has achieved her goal of becoming the Poison-type Gym Leader! Her Galarian "Slowking" IconSlowking can use Eerie Spell, which depletes its opponent’s PP. "Scolipede" IconScolipede is quite speedy, despite its size, and has some solid coverage moves. To finish off, she has a Galarian "Slowbro" IconSlowbro, which she can Dynamax. As a reminder, its Quick Draw lets it move first on occasions.

Gym Leader Avery (Shield only)

Pokémon Level Type
"Slowbro" IconSlowbro (Galarian) 70 Poison/Psychic
"Alakazam" IconAlakazam 69 Psychic
"Slowking" IconSlowking (Galarian) 68 Poison/Psychic

Avery, the new Psychic-type Gym Leader is very similar to Klara. He too has a Galarian Slowbro, except he sends it out first. Be wary of its Shell Side Arm, which targets your weaker defensive stat. In the middle is "Alakazam" IconAlakazam, which is fast and strong and can set up Reflect. Finally, he has a Galarian Slowking that can get really biiiiig.

Dojo Master Mustard

Pokémon Level Type
"Mienshao" IconMienshao 80 Fighting
"Kommo-o" IconKommo-o 80 Dragon/Fighting
"Urshifu" IconUrshifu (if you cleared Tower of Waters) 80 Fighting/Dark
"Urshifu" IconUrshifu (if you cleared Tower of Darkness) 80 Fighting/Water

Other than Leon and possibly Hop, Mustard is a contender for strongest trainer here. His "Mienshao" IconMienshao has some strong moves and can annoy with Fake Out. His second pick, "Kommo-o" IconKommo-o is slow but powerful and is immune to sound-based moves. When it’s time for the closing act, he’ll send out the "Urshifu" IconUrshifu form that you didn’t choose–and he’ll Gigantamax it if he can.

Pokémon Trainer Peony

Pokémon Level Type
"Perrserker" IconPerrserker 74 Steel
"Aggron" IconAggron 74 Steel/Rock
"Copperajah" IconCopperajah 74 Steel

When he’s not trying to appease his daughter, this former Steel-type Gym Leader can show up at the stadium. "Perrserker" IconPerrserker is all about attack, although it can plan a safe retreat with U-Turn. "Aggron" IconAggron you’ll have seen before. Again, it’s entirely focused on attack. Same deal with "Copperajah" IconCopperajah–and you can bet he’ll Gigantamax it when the opportunity arises.

Pokémon Trainer Sordward

Pokémon Level Type
"Sirfetch'd" IconSirfetch’d 65 Fighting
"Golisopod" IconGolisopod 65 Bug/Water
"Bisharp" IconBisharp 65 Dark/Steel

Um, who invited this guy to the party? "Sirfetch'd" IconSirfetch’d looks silly as always, but it packs a mighty Meteor Assault. So mighty it needs to rest afterwards. Like Piers, the order that Sordward sends out his next Pokémon can differ. It may be Golisopod or it could be "Bisharp" IconBisharp. Likewise, he won’t Dynamax his last Pokémon (or he rather, he can’t).

Pokémon Trainer Shielbert

Pokémon Level Type
"Sirfetch'd" IconSirfetch’d 65 Fighting
"Bronzong" IconBronzong 65 Steel/Psychic
"Klinklang" IconKlinklang 65 Steel

Of course, if Sordward is here, Shielbert can’t be too far behind, eh? Shield-hair also leads with Sirfetch’d, except it prioritises defense over attack. Next, he’ll send out "Bronzong" IconBronzong and "Klinklang" IconKlinklang in the order that’s most effective against his opponent. When he’s reached his last line of defence, don’t expect him to Dynamax his Pokémon.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    14 November 2019
  • Last Updated
    21 March 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Welcome to our comprehensive strategy guide for Pokémon: Sword and Shield, the latest entries in the Pokémon video game franchise. Our guide also incorporates all the DLC, including the Isle of Armor and brand new Crown Tundra DLC.

In Sword and Shield, you explore the Galar region, based on the United Kingdom, alongside rivals Hop, Bede and Marnie, with the aim to dethrone the Pokémon League Champion.

The games introduce several new features such as Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing, functions that increase size and change forms of certain Pokémon; the Wild Area, a large open world with free camera movement; and raids with co-op battling. They also reintroduce features previously seen in Sun and Moon and Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee!, such as regional variants and roaming Pokémon depicted in the overworld.

Brand New October 2020:

Version 1.2

  • A Complete Walkthrough of the Isle of Armor.
  • Details of all 16 new Wild Areas, including Pokémon encounter rates.
  • All the new Max Raid Dens: Locations and Featured Pokémon.
  • Images and Locations of All 150 of the Missing Diglett.
  • The Isle of Armor Pokédex (featuring 100 Returning Pokémon).
  • Recipes for the Cram-o-matic.
  • A Full Walkthrough featuring Pokémon encounter rates.
  • All Gym Encounters and Strategies.
  • New Items: Mints & Natures Explained.
  • Post Game content including Champion Cup.
  • Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing.
  • The Galar Region Pokédex (featuring 400 Pokemon).

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