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Pokémon: Sword & Shield


Ben Chard
Vincent Lau
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Turffield has a very natural feel to it.

It’s taken us a while, but we’re almost ready to face our first Gym in the Galar region! As you arrive from Route 4, you’ll run into Hop next to the Pokémon Center. It seems Sonia wants to see you; her "Yamper" IconYamper will even come to show you the way. Before that though, head into the Pokémon Center to rest up. Back outside, head all the way east.

At the far end, there’s a League staff member blocking the way to Route 5. Head left instead. There will be a small crossroad. Go south-west and search the ground next to the stone stabs for a hidden Everstone. Give this to a Pokémon if you want them to stop evolving. Next, head north-west towards the side of the stadium. Grab TM97 Brutal Swing on the right.

Now go all the way back to the Pokémon Center. This time, head north from its left. There will be some Gym Challengers blocking the door to the stadium. Go left along the side road. There will be a flower shop. Continue past, then head north towards the stadium’s wall. Pocket the Max Revive on the floor. Go back to the Pokémon Center once more, then head west.

(1 of 2) These can be used during battle to boost your Attack by 2 stages.

These can be used during battle to boost your Attack by 2 stages. (left), This valuable gemstone evolves certain Grass-type Pokémon (and Eevee). (right)

As you go in this direction, Yamper will lead the way. Keep going until the second time it stops you, just before you reach Sonia. Turn right into the side path. Grab the 3 X Attacks in front of the stone structure. Next, turn left into the other side path. Search the bush below for a Leaf Stone.

Follow the path to the very top to reunite with Sonia. You’ll learn some more about the history of Galar. Afterwards, you’ll be given Milo’s League Card. Plus 2 Revives for your trials ahead. While you’re here, check out the water bowls towards the right. Search the lowest one for some Fresh Water. Go down and chat to the little girl standing by one of the stone slabs.

She’ll mention a riddle that’s honestly pretty hard to understand. At the very least, you want to look for a stone slab that represents the Grass-type. It also talks about going from strength to strength. This means beating other types. So you want to find a Water one next, then a Fire one.

Let’s find the Grass one first. Go back towards the town entrance, then take the north path, towards the stadium. Turn left and run past the flower shop. At the end of the path, before you go down the path to the stadium’s wall, check the big stone slab. This is the Grass one.

Next, we want the Water slab. Head back to the town entrance, then go along the west path. Keep going until you’re back near the hill top, then take a left. Where you found the Leaf Stone, go up and check the stone slab next to where the man is standing. That’s slab number 2 found.

For the final slab, the Fire one, take the east path from the town entrance. Go all the way towards the exit, which the League staff member is guarding. Then go up to the stone slab by the riverside and give it a thorough inspection. If you inspected the three slabs in the correct order, you’ll find a secret Expert Belt.

Once you’re finished here, head for the stadium. Hop will be waiting in front of it. After he leaves, step inside the stadium.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    14 November 2019
  • Last Updated
    21 March 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Welcome to our comprehensive strategy guide for Pokémon: Sword and Shield, the latest entries in the Pokémon video game franchise. Our guide also incorporates all the DLC, including the Isle of Armor and brand new Crown Tundra DLC.

In Sword and Shield, you explore the Galar region, based on the United Kingdom, alongside rivals Hop, Bede and Marnie, with the aim to dethrone the Pokémon League Champion.

The games introduce several new features such as Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing, functions that increase size and change forms of certain Pokémon; the Wild Area, a large open world with free camera movement; and raids with co-op battling. They also reintroduce features previously seen in Sun and Moon and Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee!, such as regional variants and roaming Pokémon depicted in the overworld.

Brand New October 2020:

Version 1.2

  • A Complete Walkthrough of the Isle of Armor.
  • Details of all 16 new Wild Areas, including Pokémon encounter rates.
  • All the new Max Raid Dens: Locations and Featured Pokémon.
  • Images and Locations of All 150 of the Missing Diglett.
  • The Isle of Armor Pokédex (featuring 100 Returning Pokémon).
  • Recipes for the Cram-o-matic.
  • A Full Walkthrough featuring Pokémon encounter rates.
  • All Gym Encounters and Strategies.
  • New Items: Mints & Natures Explained.
  • Post Game content including Champion Cup.
  • Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing.
  • The Galar Region Pokédex (featuring 400 Pokemon).

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