Let’s take a proper look at the first proper town in the game!
You visited Wedgehurst earlier, to escort Leon back home, but you didn’t have a chance to actually look around town. Let’s fix that! From the entrance, the building directly ahead with a reddish-brown roof and steeple is the town’s train station. You can go inside, if you’d like, although there isn’t much to do as trains are currently delayed because of an inspection.
Head right from the train station. There will be a path going up, with a couple of the Champion’s fans standing in the way (but not actually blocking the path). Unless you’re curious, ignore this path for now and carry on right. Opposite the train station, on the right, there’s a red-brick house that you can enter. Further right is the Pokémon Research Lab, where Leon is waiting outside.
Approach Leon and he’ll usher you inside the lab. There, you’ll become acquainted with Sonia, the Professor’s assistant and granddaughter. She’ll add the Pokédex to your Rotom Phone. Now you can access the Pokédex from the main menu.
That’s part one of the preparations complete, but according to Sonia, the Pokédex actually came from her grandmother. So you should go visit her on Route 2 to give your thanks. Hey, it’s a good excuse to continue exploring! When you’re back in control, exit the lab when you’re ready. Although you’re more than welcome to look around inside. Of note, there are some interesting books up the stairs.
We’ll tell you straight, Hop, we’ve been to Pokémon Centres more times than you’ve had hot dinners.
Outside, you’ll get stopped by a man. He’ll notice your Pokédex and randomly give you a Potion to help you out. Before you go elsewhere, head right from the lab. It’s not obvious at first, but there’s a hidden path between the trees! Go around to the end of the path to find a Rare Candy lying on the ground.
Now head left, back towards the train station. Then go up, along the path in-between the train station and the red-brick house. You should notice a familiar sight–Hop–up ahead. Get near him and he’ll direct you to the nearby Pokémon Centre.
Rest up at the Pokémon Centre if you need to, then leave the building when you’re ready. Outside, go left back onto the main path. Up ahead, Hop will be waiting for you. Go there if you want, but now’s a good time to continue left. Over here, there’s a man selling a small selection of berries. These can be given to Pokémon to hold or used as ingredients for cooking curries.
(1 of 2) Use one of these to flee from a wild encounter without fail.
Use one of these to flee from a wild encounter without fail. (left), This valuable medicine wakes up a fainted Pokémon and restores their health by 50% of their max HP. (right)
Carry on left from the berry seller to reach the town’s boutique. This is where you can buy clothes and other fashion items for your trainer. If you fancy a new look, don’t be shy to head on inside! That said, fashion doesn’t come cheap, although you did get some pocket money recently… Also, go around to the left side of the boutique exterior to find a Poké Doll on the floor.
Now run back to Hop, who’s waiting up ahead on the main path. He’ll bring up the Gym Challenge again and the fact that you need an endorsement to participate. Perhaps if you speak to the Professor, she could help your cause. We guess it can’t hurt to try. Once Hop leaves the scene, follow the path as it bends around to the right. On your left, there’s another red-brick house that you can visit.
After a while, you’ll come across some steps leading down. Before descending the stairs, stop and check the medium-sized rock in the nearby corner. You should see a sparkle next to the rock. Inspect the sparkle to find a hidden Revive. Now go down the stairs. To the right, there’s a small cobblestone bridge running across a river. Past that, you’ll arrive in the next numbered route.
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