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Diablo IV

Diablo 4 End Game Explained

Craig Robinson
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The Diablo 4 End Game is ripe with various content that players can do to pass the time or further gear up their character. Most of the stuff can be done at specific times, when events fire up, while others are more persistent end-game content you can farm when you want to. Here’s a look at what you can expect from the Diablo 4 End Game.

Here is what you can expect from the Diablo 4 end game. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

What Happens In Diablo Iv’s Endgame?

The Diablo 4 End Game typically consists of the following content, but, is not limited to:

  • Paragon Levels and Paragon Boards
  • Nightmare Dungeons
  • Helltides`
  • World Boss Events
  • Tree of Whispers

Paragon Levels and the Paragon Boards are your overarching system, which connects absolutely everything you do. When you get to 25% of a level from level 50, all the way to level 100, players can get Paragon points, which you use to spend on a tile on your Paragon Board. These grants typically primary stat increases, eventually leading you to new boards, rare nodes, glyph slots, and legendary nodes for new passives to impact your build, character attributes, or sources of damage amplification. This is you primarily end game content loop that you will increase as you play in a season or further.

Nightmare Dungeon Nightmare Dungeons alter the way dungeons play, adding affixes, higher-level enemies, and some buffs to your character, depending on the level of the Nightmare Sigil you use. This is your repeatable content farm, as once you get one Sigil, Nightmare dungeons will typically award you with even more Nightmare Sigils for you to run. When you complete one of these dungeons, you will earn experience, which will level up Glyphs, which are part of the build customization options you have in the Paragon Board. Again, this is the main content loop of your end-game experience You can typically start your adventure into Nightmare dungeons by doing Treee of Whispers content, or defeating a World Boss when they spawn.

Helltides are another source of end-game content, with the player taking part in these when they spawn on the world map. These huge areas of zones become marked in a red outline , with everything inside spawning Helltide chests you to open, impacting world events, dropping its own special temporary currency to open these boxes for dedicated pieces of loot, and of course, granting ways to get crafting resources like "Fiend Rose" iconFiend Rose, "Abstruse Sigil" iconAbstruse Sigils, "Baleful Fragment" iconBaleful Fragments, "Coiling Ward" iconCoiling Wards and "Forgotten Soul" iconForgotten Souls. Taking part in these events is very important for end-game progression, and upgrading, or applying legendaries to new and higher quality pieces of gear.

World Bosses are one of the pieces of content you can do once you have beaten the campaign, and spawn on all world tiers. These foes are large multiplayer world bosses which multiple people in the open world can fight. These tend to drop at least one legendary upon death, and a weekly box to open that contains more resources, Nightmare Sigils, and a legendary or two. However, they spawn fairly infrequently, so its a matter of the right place and the right time when you see the event fire up.

The Tree of Whispers is an end-game feature that begins after the campaign, and gives you lots of different types of content across the world with their own markers. These award Grim Favors, and earning ten of these will allow you to turn them into the tree for a reward, typically one of three options based on what the tree gives you. The result is you get another way to get crafting resources, along with a chance at a legendary or unique item spawning from the option you chosen. Therefore, the Tree of Whispers is for sure something worth doing while you’re out and about and want to some additional side content to do.

Diablo 4 End Game: Horizontal Progression

Altars of Lilith are an important horizontal prgoression feature to empower all characters, and they aslo reward renonwn for those missing skill points and paragon points.

While players can technically do most of this while leveling, players who unlock World Tier 3 and World Tier 4 will unlock the next tier of Renown farming. This allows them to claim the later renown reward, which are typically an extra skill pint, and paragon points. It means that higher end players, during their down time, are incentivized to go and farm all the Altars of Lilith Statues in each of the zones, complete all the dungeons, do side quests, explore the map, and everything else related to Renown on the map.

This is a must for those looking to cap builds, as you stop getting skill points when you reach level 49, and so, the remaining 8 skill points come from renown farming. And, once again, you need to do that for every zone, so you can get the additional paragon points for some late-game max paragon board builds, and some early max level gameplay boosts thanks to Paragon buffs.

If you need any help there, we have guides on where to find all Altar of Lilith pages for each region:

This concludes what you can expect from the Diablo 4 end game systems, and what you can begin to focus on as you complete the campaign and reach the end game.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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