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Diablo IV

Diablo 4 Druid Werewolf Stormbeast Build (Season 1): Paragon, Malignant Hearts

Craig Robinson
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The Druid has a mixture of shapeshifting and elemental skills, with players able to opt for a Bear build, !Werewolf build, or to go magical, casting earthen spikes and seismic activity, or harness thunder and lightning to defend nature. If you’re more in the market for ripping targets apart and going crazy as a werewolf, then check out this Diablo 4 Druid !Werewolf Build.

Here is a look at the Diablo 4 Druid !Werewolf build, which is all about improving critical strikes and crit damage to burst bosses. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

Diablo 4 Druid Werewolf Build

The core of the werewolf build in Diablo 4 is largely a single-target playstyle. The reason why is because of the Shred Core Skill having little radius to deal damage in large packs, unless you get your storm passive effects off, and the Shred being a skill that locks onto enemies with the right talent selected.

  • Basic: "Storm Strike" iconStorm Strike > "Enhanced Storm Strike" iconEnhanced Storm Strike > "Fierce Storm Strike" iconFierce Storm Strike
  • Core: Shred > "Enhanced Shred" iconEnhanced Shred > "Primal Shred" iconPrimal Shred
  • Skill 1: Blood Howl > Extended > Preserving - Grant 20% max hp return, lowers the CD per kill and grants bonus attack speed for four seconds.
  • Skill 2: Wolves > Enhanced > Brutal Wolf Pack - When you get the Raven crit bonus, the wolves are great, as they can get bonus attack speed when your crit for more damage. Wolves also deal more damage to stunned, slowed, immobile or poisoned enemies, hence why you want "Fierce Claw" iconFierce Claw from your basic tree.
  • Skill 3: "Hurricane" iconHurricane > Enhanced > Hurricane. Provides Slowed, which helps your Wolf damage, and its Savage also make enemies deal 20% less damage, which is an important survivability part of this build.
  • Skill 4: Cataclysm > Prime > Supreme. Solid Vuln Spread, and gets its time extended thanks to a passive in the tree and in the other areas of the tree, making it last shy of 15 seconds.
  • Skill 5: If you want more defensiveness, you can swap Wolves for Cyclone Armor. Wolves was just a neat suggestion for the Storm Wolf themed unique, but Cyclone Armor will make the build more defensive, and likely push it more meta.

Spirit Boons:

  1. Deer: Wariness - 10% Reduced damage from elites.
  2. Eagle: Scythe Talons - 5% crit chance
  3. Snake: Calm before the Storm: Nature Magic Spells have a chance to lower the cooldown of your ult by 2 seconds.
  4. Wolf: Extend the duration of your ultimate by 25%
  5. Fifth: Overload - Dealing Lightning Damage has a chance to cause the target to emit a static discharge, dealing 25% lightning damage to surrounding enemies.

Diablo 4 Werewolf Build: Skill Tree Passives

Once you have your skills, the passives you want to dip into are:

  • "Electric Shock" iconElectric Shock - Dealing Lightning Damage to enemies has up to 15% chance to immobilize enemies for 3 seconds. Deal 15% damage if they are already immobilized - Scales with Storm Strikes immobilize cleave.
  • "Bad Omen" iconBad Omen - Chance when hitting Vuln, immobile, or stunned enemies to summon a Lightning Bolt that hits the target. Good for bossing, and mobbing.
  • "Charged Atmosphere" iconCharged Atmosphere - Every 12 seconds at max rank, a Lightning Bolt hits a nearby enemy dealing 45% damage.
  • "Endless Tempest" iconEndless Tempest - Increase the Duration of Hurricane and Cataclysm by 15%. One second for Hurricane, approx 2 for Cata with its skill buff.
  • "Elemental Exposure" iconElemental Exposure - Your Storm Skills has a 10% chance to make enemies Vuln for 3 seconds.
  • Defiance: Nature Magic Skills deal 12% increased damage to elites. This targets your Ult, Hurricane, and basic skill, and the procs you get.
  • Predatory Instincts - Gain 6% crit chance against Close Enemies.
  • Natural Disaster - Your Storm Skills deal 12% increased damage to enemies stunned, knocked back, or immobilized. General damage scaling for procs and Storm Strike Immobilize.
  • Resonance: Nature Magic Skills deal 6% increased damage. - other parts of the passive are irrelevant.

When you get Tempest Roar, you want to take at least one point in Neurotoxins and Toxic Claws, and cap Envenom. This is because your !Werewolf Skills and Lightning Skills are all !Werewolf Skills, which will add multipliers to your Crits for more damage scaling.

  • Neurotoxins - Poisoned enemies are slowed 8%
  • Toxic "Claw" iconClaws - Crit Strikes with !Werewolf Skills deal 7.5% of their base damage as poison damage over 4 seconds.
  • Envenom - Poisoned enemies take 10% additional Critical Strike Damage

Diablo 4 Werewolf Build: Legendaries

Here is a list of legendaries that can work very well. Some more than others mind you, but you will get the idea of which of these legendaries really do compliment your build the most. After the list you’ll get a rundown of how it affects the playstyle to enhance your core build or not.

There’s also several uniques this build can benefit from with Tempest Roar being necessary to play this build. The other two are nice additions if you want to double down in that playstyle, but its not something you really need to cap the build out:

  1. Mad Wolf’s Glee - !Werewolf form is your true form, and you gain +3 Ranks to all !Werewolf Skills. So, that increase the strength of Blood Howl and Shred, granting even better benefits.
  2. Tempest Roar - Lucky Hit - your Storm Skills have up to 15-25% chance to grant 4 Spirit. Your Base Storm Skills are also !Werewolf skills. This turns Storm Strike into a !Werewolf skill, which allows it to benefit from the above uniques + 2 ranks!
  3. "Greatstaff of the Crone" iconGreatstaff of the Crone - Claw is now a Storm skill, and now casts Storm Strike.
  4. Waxing Gibbous - Alternatively, you can take Waxing Gibbous over Crone, as you get better crit multipliers for your Shred, Lacerate, and poison crits from the poison were wolf passives me mentioned earlier.
  5. "Fleshrender" iconFleshrender - The new Druid Unique can be okay for this build, as it will scale with your Envenmom and Toxic Claws passives, however, it does mean losing Staff of the Crone, so it could be a variation you can perform if you want to.
  6. "Temerity" iconTemerity - Great defensive unique option for Barrier generation, which helps your gems and potential Malignant Heart options.

DIablo 4 Werewolf Build: Stats, Gems and Malignant Hearts

  • Crit Damage
  • Crit Chance
  • Vulnerable for the damage bucket modifiers
  • Envemon or Toxic Claws passives
  • Close Range Damage
  • Healing

As for Gems, you want:

  • "Skull" iconSkulls for Jewelry for more armor.
  • "Sapphire" iconSapphire in armor for Fortified armor reduction, especially when you get Fortified on your gear.
  • "Topaz" iconTopaz for Basic Skill damage for Crone modifiers.

With Season 1, you now get access to Malignant Hearts, which offer a variety of bonuses. For the Diablo 4 Druid !Werewolf Stormbeast Build, you will want at least one of the following, depending on your needs at the time:

  • "Inexorable Force" iconInexorable Force - Pulls distant enemies to you while you have Grizzly Rage active, meaning less time dashing, and more time lightning cleaving grouped enemies.
  • "The Unconstrained Beast" iconThe Unconstrained Beast - Grants Unstoppable because you use Grizzly Rage already to free you from the CC if it does proc.
  • "The Picana" iconThe Picana - More Lightning Damage arcing for your lightning themed passives.
  • "Tempting Fate" iconTempting Fate - More Crit damage, which is good, since you get decent crit from the poison wolf crits.
  • "The Lionheart" iconThe Lionheart - More sustain while you have Temerity and from other Fortify buffs.

Diablo 4 Werewolf Build: Paragon Board & Glyphs

Exploit: Additional bonus grants the user the ability to mass trigger Vuln on an enemy every 20 seconds when its hit for the first time. This is great for your Capstone damage bonus. It is best used on the Constricting Tendrils Board, but you can use this on the starting board while you’re still getting the gear you need to spread Vuln through as many skills as possible with the unique item drops.

Spirit: Core Skills deal increased Crit Strike. The additional bonus increases the damage an enemy takes by you by 2% scaling upwards, for 20 seconds. This has great synergy with Cataclysms and Hurricane duration, along with proccing crits through Shred while you have the Stormclaw’s Aspect and Runeworker’s Conduit legendaries on. You want to use this on the Heightened Malice board.

!Werewolf: Increases damage while in !Werewolf form. Additional bonus grants 10% damage reduction while in werewolf form. You’ll see more value from this skill when you get the Greatstaff of the Crone, which you should hopefully have by your third board. If you get the unique helmet that turns storm skills into werewolf skills, then this means your storm skills benefit from this bonus. You can use this on your starting board when you get the helmet.

Electrocute: Paragon nodes nearby gain within-range gain bonuses to their lightning damage and damage reduction modifiers. An additional bonus: Your Lightning Damage has an increased chance to critically strike enemies who are Stunned, immobilized, or Frozen. Use this later on when you have other boards filled with lots of Paragon nodes, as this is largely a Stagger and AOE Perk, and a crit ramp for all your other legendary effects. If you are finding that you dont crit all that often, you can move this to your second board if you want to.

Earth and Sky: Grants bonuses to magic nodes nearby. Additional bonus grants Nature Magic Skills to damage CC and Vulnerable enemies more. Another passive one you can place later on when you get in range of magic nodes on alter boards as it is only a minor passive buff.

Here is a list of the legendary perks you want to grab for your build:

  • Constricting Tendrils: Lucky Hit: Nature Magic Skills have up to 15% chance to entangle enemies with Vines, immobilizing them for 2 seconds and Poisoning them.
  • Heightened Malice: While there are 3 or more Poisoned enemies, Nearby, you deal 4% increased damage. Huge AOE buff after you get Constricting Tendrils. This is not too necessary if you want to skip the legendary perk, and b-line the glyph slot and go to the next board.
  • Ancestral Guidance: After spending 75 Spirit, you deal 30% increased damage for 5 seconds. - Huge must have!
  • Thunderstruck: Storm Skills deal 30% increased Critical Strike damage against Vulnerable or Immobilized enemies. Again this is a very valuable ultimate perk you need, thanks to the free Vuln procs and ramping crit in your ultimate 20 seconds window.

This concludes the Diablo 4 !Werewolf Stormbeast build. Enjoy the crit strikes you will deal, and watch nature unleash its wrath as you howl into the storm!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
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