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Diablo IV

The Kor Dragan Stronghold in Diablo 4

Ben Chard
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Strongholds are a major focus of Diablo 4, they’re former towns or forts that are overrun by enemies and should you be able to cleanse them, you’ll unlock their features as a town with vendors, sometimes a Waypoint or unlock access to new Dungeons, Events, or Side Quests. This page will guide you on completing the "Kor Dragan" iconKor Dragan Stronghold in the Fractured Peaks.

You can see all of the Incubators and their Corruptions on this Kor Dragan map.

Where to Find the Kor Dragan Barracks in D4

"Kor Dragan Barracks" iconKor Dragan Barracks is the highest minimum level Stronghold in the Fractured Peaks (although it will scale with your level once you go above that), and as such, can be expected to be the toughest encounter. If you are struggling to find the location of Kor Dragan, then you will want to head to the far north of the Fractured Peaks, accessed via the Sarkova Pass sub-region.

You’ll soon spot that this is a massive fort that has been overrun by vampires and the main doors are shut tight. Instead, head over to the west side of the outer wall and you’ll find a hole you can duck under to reach the Stronghold.

Purge Kor Dragan of vampiric corruption

The main objective for the Kor Dragan Stronghold is to purge all of the vampiric corruption in the fort. This is a two-step process as you won’t be able to take out the Vampiric Incubators until you wipe out any smaller Vampiric Corruptions connected to it first. These are represented as small and large fleshy clumps, which you can trace their location by following the veins that creep out from the main Vampiric Incubator.

Once you take out an Incubator, you’ll have to take out an Elite that is higher Level than the version of Kor Dragan you entered (so Level 27 at Level 25).

Southwest Vampiric Incubator

This will be the first Incubator that you come into contact with, and the one that causes most players issues due to one being well hidden.

  • The first Vampiric Corruption can be found to the left of the Incubator.
  • The second Vampiric Corruption can be found by climbing the nearby ladder and leaping across the gap to the left.
  • The final Vampiric Corruption can be found by head up the stairs to the east of Incubator.

(1 of 3) The first corruption can be found to the left of the Incubator

North Vampiric Incubator

You’ll find the northern Incubator in the Cathedral, and once again you’ll need to locate the Vampiric Corruptions and take them out.

  • Climb the northwest wall near the southwest Incubator and look to your left for the first Vampiric Corruption.
  • The second Vampiric Corruption can be found in the Cathedral, just south of the Incubator itself.
  • The third Vampiric Corruption can be found by climbing the wall north of the southwest Incubator, heading east and then going up the steps to your south.

(1 of 3) The first corruption can be found to the left as you climb the wall near the first Incubator

Southeast Vampiric Incubator

The final Incubator can be found to the southeast of Kor Dragan, in the Chancery. You’ll need to take out the final Corruptions here.

  • The first Vampiric Corruption can be found by climbing the wall to the southeast of the Cathedral.
  • Go east and down the stairs from the first Corruption to find the second one.
  • The final Corruption can be found just to the east of the Incubator itself.

Once you take down all three Incubators, you’ll need to deal with the massive Vampiric Aberration that can be found to the far north of the Stronghold. Once the way is clear, head forward to face the boss.

(1 of 3) The first Corruption can be found by climbing the wall

Slay Nilcar, the Forgotten Bishop

Nilcar is the boss of the Kor Dragan Stronghold.

The first thing you should notice about this boss battle is that there’s not much room to move about in this relatively small boss arena. Nilcar is also surrounded by three more Incubators, which start off shielded, but these will also impact where you can and can’t move throughout the battle.

Nilcar has a variety of attacks available to him, and you can learn about them all below:

  • Blood Shot: This is Nilcar’s basic attack where he’ll shoot out a single blast of Blood, this will deal minimal damage but can add up over time.

  • Blood "Barrage" iconBarrage: When you see Nilcar fly away, get ready for his Blood Barrage attack. This sees him shoot out a stream of Blood Shots at a lightning pace, if you get caught in this, you could be seeing an early death so keep on the move during this attack.

  • Sanguine Adds: Every time you reduce Nilcar’s HP by a quarter, not only will he drop some potions, but he will break open one of the Incubators to spawn a difficult Sanguine add. Turn your attention to these enemies before returning to focusing on Nilcar.

  • Sanguine Knight: As mentioned above, Nilcar will call out adds but the Sanguine Knight that spawns from the third Incubator is the biggest issue. It has a massive aura so you’ll want to group it with Nilcar if possible and burn it down as quickly as possible.

(1 of 3) Blood Barrage can easily kill you if you’re hit by the whole stream

The battle against Nilcar is a tough one that gets more challenging as he brings out more adds. You can never fully defeat them, as they’ll only be Dazed for a while, so you’ll need to pick your moments in dealing the adds and inflicting damage on Nilcar.

Try to line up Ultimate skills with any abilities you have that can inflict Vulnerable (such as the Sorcerer’s Frost Nova) to deal maximum damage to Nilcar at any one point. AoE’s will help out once the battle gets a bit crazy at the end with all of the adds out, don’t let the Knight be active for too long!

Once the battle is finally over, you can go and ring the bell to finally liberate Kor Dragan.

Kor Dragon Stronghold Rewards

So now that you’ve finally cleansed the Stronghold (or are reading ahead to see if it’s worth it), what are your hard-earned rewards? Unlike "Nostrava" iconNostrava and "Malnok" iconMalnok, you won’t unlock any Waypoints or Vendors and it may look like your only real reward was the Renown bonuses. Look carefully though, and you’ll find a Campfire which you can interact with to get an EXP bonus.

Kor Dragan Event, The Gathering Legions

On top of this, there’s a chance for an exclusive world event to spawn here, The Gathering Legions. It’s unique to the area and there’s a chance to obtain the rare "Ghastly Reins" iconGhastly Reins Mount as a rare drop from the chest at the end. Unfortunately, if you did this Stronghold in the beta, you’re out of luck as you won’t be able to use it.

This event can take some time to spawn, so it’s in your best interest to stick around the area doing other activities until you spawn it. The goal in this event is to summon three servants of hell by clearing out the waves, then defeating them, all within the time limit. Getting this far will then spawn the boss, the "Blood Bishop" iconBlood Bishop, and you must defeat it within the time limit for the greatest rewards.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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