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Diablo IV

How to Defeat the Khazra Abomination in Diablo 4

Nathan Garvin
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Most dungeons are home to various critters, and many of these dungeon-bound hosts are subservient to a dungeon boss of some description. Sometimes there are multiple such enemies, ranking little higher than your standard elite enemy. In other cases, however, the dungeon boss is fairly unique and notably dangerous beyond the standard elite enemy spawn. Either way, when such foes are present you’ll need to defeat the dungeon boss to complete said dungeon. This page provides a guide for besting the "Khazra Abomination" iconKhazra Abomination, the boss of the Hoarfrost Demise dungeon in Diablo 4.

(1 of 2) You’ll find the Hoarfrost Demise dungeon along the northwestern end of the Seat of the Heavens region.

You’ll find the Hoarfrost Demise dungeon along the northwestern end of the Seat of the Heavens region. (left), Its location on the map. (right)

Where to Find the Khazra Abomination in Diablo 4

The Khazra Abomination is the dungeon boss for the "Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise dungeon, which can be found a short distance north of the "Bear" iconBear Tribe Refuge, along the northern edge of the "Seat of the Heavens" iconSeat of the Heavens region in the Fractured Peaks. To reach this boss you’ll need to complete the dungeon’s objectives, which, in this case, are fairly simple - just explore the dungeon and destroy three "Skeletal Construct" iconSkeletal Constructs. These Skeletal Constructs are very similar to the effigies you have to destroy during Raze the Effigy events. They count as elite enemies and will summon minions to defend themselves, but otherwise aren’t terribly dangerous.

Destroy the Skeletal Constructs, then make your way to the “Flesh Cavern”, which is where you’ll find the dungeon boss, the Khazra Abomination.

(1 of 2) The !Khazra Abomination’s most common attack deals damage at close range, discharges a ball of phlegm as a ranged attack, and leaves toxic pools behind as area denial.

The !Khazra Abomination’s most common attack deals damage at close range, discharges a ball of phlegm as a ranged attack, and leaves toxic pools behind as area denial. (left), As the !Khazra Abomination’s health declines, it’ll slop more poison around with each Phlegm Swipe. (right)

Khazra Abomination - Attacks

The Khazra Abomination is an unsubtle opponent, possessing only three attacks, one of which, the Phlegm Swipe, it favors above the other two and will use most of the time. What it lacks in sophistication, it makes up for in both brute strength and the ability to cover large sections of the floor with poison. Its attacks are as follows:

  • Phlegm Swipe: The Khazra Abomination’s main attack, you’ll see it use its Phlegm Swipe many, many more times than its other two attacks combined. Unfortunately it’s a fairly versatile attack that not only deals physical damage to nearby enemies with a claw swipe, but it also dislodges a ball of poisonous goo that serves as a ranged attack. Hit or miss, this toxic ball will leave a pool of putrescence on the ground that deals damage-over-time, forcing you to move or suffer. As you reduce the boss’s HP, he’ll add more phlegm balls to his attack every time he swipes, gaining a second when his health is below 50%, and a third when it’s under 25%. As each of these toxic globs leaves a poisonous puddle behind, the amount of ground each attack will cover will increase, making the end of the fight quite hectic and, if you’re not mobile enough, painful.

(1 of 2) The !Khazra Abomination can also use a claw slam, which deals physical damage, bleed damage, and creates a toxic pool on the ground.

The !Khazra Abomination can also use a claw slam, which deals physical damage, bleed damage, and creates a toxic pool on the ground. (left), Not all its attacks are so multifaceted, however - its charge attack dispenses with versatility in favor of sheer power. (right)

  • "Claw" iconClaw Slam: The Khazra Abomination slams his larger, malformed arm into the ground, dealing damage and leaving behind another pool of toxic excretions - this attack will inflict bleed damage if it connects on top of physical and poison damage.

  • Charge: A simple but effective attack, with little warning the Khazra Abomination can charge forward at speed, dealing heavy damage if he connects.

(1 of 2) Keeping your distance will help you avoid damage.

Keeping your distance will help you avoid damage. (left), Once the Khazra Abomination’s health is low, unleash your most powerful attacks to finish the fight quickly to avoid being overwhelmed by the poison it flings. (right)

Khazra Abomination - Strategy

There are two primary dangers posed by the Khazra Abomination - the poison patches left behind by its Phlegm Swipe and Claw Slam attacks, and the raw physical damage it can deal. The latter can be dealt with by keeping your distance, while the former incentivizes you to remain mobile. Melee characters have it rough, as usual, as the Khazra Abomination will more easily hit them with both melee attacks and, if they choose to stand and fight, the Khazra Abomination’s poison puddles.

Staying at middling ranges (just outside of swipe range) will make it easier to dodge most of the Khazra Abomination’s attacks, but you may be too close to dodge his charge. At longer distances you’ll have more room to avoid the Khazra Abominations attacks, but he’ll naturally be loath to let you maintain that range. Hit and run attacks work well against this boss, but if you have to channel or get into melee range, expect the fight to be more difficult.

Whatever you, try to save your more powerful skills for the last quarter of the boss’s health bar, if possible. At this point in the fight the boss will be lobbing three poison globs with every Phlegm Swipe, which will quickly fill the floor with pain. The sooner you can end things, the more likely you’ll be to survive.

Defeat the Khazra Abomination to clear the Hoarfrost Demise dungeon and obtain the Blood-bathed Aspect.

Defeating the Khazra Abomination will clear the Hoarfrost Demise and unlock the "Blood-bathed Aspect" iconBlood-bathed Aspect.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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