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Diablo IV

Diablo 4 - Blood Sermon Walkthrough

Nathan Garvin
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Sometimes members of the flock stray, and even the presence of "Inarius" iconInarius - the object of their veneration and their moral guide - isn’t a sufficient ward against heresy. When members of the laity stray, a brutal, public spectacle is made of their punishment to serve as an example, but when those of supposedly stronger faith end up going wayward, discretion is the order of the day. This page provides a walkthrough for the side quest "Blood Sermon" iconBlood Sermon in Diablo 4.

(1 of 4) Talk to Sister Vera and she’ll ask you to deal with an indiscretion in the ranks.

How to Start Blood Sermon in Diablo 4

Head to "Kor Valar" iconKor Valar, a holy site along the northeastern reaches of the Fracture Peaks. There you’ll find "Sister Vera" iconSister Vera, and despite her name, she’s not one to provide relief for the fiery torments due to apostates. She’ll inform you that a dying knight confessed that her partook in a dark, blood ritual meant to grant eternal life, drinking from some “Red Chalice” at the behest of a “Bishop”. Clearly this ritual was either unsuccessful, or wasn’t intended to bestow immortality upon the knight in question. Whatever the case, these deviants now occupy a dungeon called the ["Sanguine Chapel" iconSanguine Chapel], and their heresy must be expunged and the chalice used in their ritual retrieved.

(1 of 3) Kill the elites guarding the Mechanical Boxes,

How to Clear the Sanguine Chapel and find the Red Chalice

Another dungeon-based side quest, this one is a bit unusual for the fact that you have to clear the entire dungeon in order to complete it, functionally making this a walkthrough page for the Sanguine Chapel as well as Blood Sermon.

Seek out the Sanguine Chapel to the southeast of Kor Valar, and once inside you’ll be tasked with Returning the Mechanical Box to the Pedestal: 2. You know the drill; scour the dungeon in search of these objects, kill the elites guarding them, then lug them back to the pedestal near a sealed door you need to open. One Mechanical Box was guarded by an elite named "Vadim" iconVadim (Vampiric, "Plaguebearer" iconPlaguebearer, Poison Enchanted) and the second was placed under the watchful eye of "Sobek" iconSobek (Vampiric, Teleporter, Suppressor). You can only carry one Mechanical Box at a time, so ferry them both back to the Mechanical Pedestal and install them to open the door to the deeper reaches of the dungeon.

(1 of 4) Exterminate all the enemies in the Defiled Undercroft,

Beyond the sealed door you’ll find the “Defiled Undercroft”, where you’ll be tasked with Slaying all enemies in the Defiled Undercroft. Nothing too sneaky about this objective, just do what you comes natural and explore the dungeon, killing everything in your path until you’ve run out of loot bags to smash, after which you’ll get the objective to Travel to the Chamber of Mortality where you’ll face this dungeon’s boss - and the objective of this side quest - a "Blood Bishop" iconBlood Bishop. Kill the dungeon boss and you’ll complete the dungeon, earning the "Energizing Aspect" iconEnergizing Aspect in the process.

The Blood Bishop will also drop "The Red Chalice" iconThe Red Chalice, which you need to bring back to Sister Vera. Pick it up, then make your way to the "Bear" iconBear Tribe Refuge southwest of Kor Valar and inform Sister Vera that you “have the Red Chalice.” Your reward for completing this quest is the usual side quest fare - a Cache, some XP and Gold.

Cache, XP, Gold
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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