Events are semi-random activities you can engage in located at fixed locations throughout Sanctuary - where Events spawn is fixed, but what event will actually be at a location at any given time varies. When you’re near the location of an Event spawn, if there’s an active Event ready the area will be marked with a red circle. Sometimes you have to interact with some object or NPC to kick off the Event, other times the Event will start once you get close enough. All events respawn after a short period of time. This page will cover how to find and complete the Raze the Effigies Event in Diablo 4
Raze the effigies only spawns in a few spots - the northern end of the !Frigid Expanse being one such location.
How to Start the Raze the Effigies Event in Diablo 4¶
Raze the Effigies is a somewhat rare Event in Diablo 4, only appearing in certain set piece areas designed for it. One such location is Kor Vos, which can be found along the north-central end of the Frigid Expanse region. Keep in mind that while Raze the Effigies can spawn here, it’s not the only event that can appear in Kor Vos.
(1 of 2) To clear it you’ll need to destroy several effigies,
To clear it you’ll need to destroy several effigies, (left), these effigies count as elite enemies, and may make use of mods like Frozen and Summon. (right)
How to Complete the Raze the Effigies Event in Diablo 4¶
Assuming the Raze the Effigies Event spawns in Kor Vos (or elsewhere) you’ll be tasked with, as the name suggests, destroying three “enemy structures”, in this case, Frozen Effigies. Of course, these effigies aren’t unguarded, and both Ice Walls and enemies stand between you and these effigies. In addition, the effigies will summon more demons (usually Ice Clan Maulers) to defend them, and the effigies can create freezing vortexes, which deal damage and can freeze you if you don’t avoid them.
Seek out the three Frozen Effigies and destroy them - they’re sturdy, but aside from their minions and the frozen vortexes they conjure, they’re not inspired foes. You also don’t have a time limit, so there’s no need to rush. At least, not at first…
(1 of 2) Destroy all four effigies as you please, after which you’ll have a minute to dispatch a powerful event boss.
Destroy all four effigies as you please, after which you’ll have a minute to dispatch a powerful event boss. (left), Regardless if you complete the mastery objective or not, you’ll still earn a reward once the event boss is defeated. (right)
Once you raze the three Frozen Effigies an elite demon will appear somewhere in the ruins (usually in a centralized location - always the same spot) - their exact location is marked on your minimap with a skull icon. In Kor Vos we ended up fighting Eloain Bloodpulse, an elite Ice Clan Mauler with the Vampiric property. Whatever spawns, expect it to be accompanied by minions.
Kill the named enemy and you’ll complete the event, but if you want the maximum reward, you’ll need to slay your target in under 60 seconds. Either way, after the Event is complete a chest will spawn, dropping magical items, crafting components, and some Murmuring Obols. You’ll also earn XP and Gold based on your level. If you completed the “mastery” objective for the event you’ll earn more of pretty much everything above.
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