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Diablo IV

Diablo 4 Penetrating Shot Ranged Rogue Build (Season 1): Paragon, Malignant Hearts

Craig Robinson
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If you’re fighting back against the meta-slaving "Twisting Blades" iconTwisting Blades build, then chances are, you’re looking to play something ranged. Luckily for you, there is a very good end game Diablo 4 Rogue Ranged build that offers solid burst, and some more survivability that the melee rogues have to contend with. Here’s a closer look at the Diablo 4 "Penetrating Shot" iconPenetrating Shot Rogue Build, granting a pure ranged Rogue build, differing from the trap and Twisting Blades meta we live in.

Here is a look at the best Diablo 4 Rogue Ranged Build, using Penetrating Shot and Imbuement to melt targets from a distance. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

Diablo 4 Penetrating Shot Rogue Build: Rogue Ranged Build

The main thing you need to know about this Diablo 4 Ranged Rogue Build is that it requires you to use Penetrating Shot a positional sniping tool. It does mean the build is slightly finicky to get rolling properly. However, the damage potential as you line foes up, and also have a lower risk of dying means this build is very good for progressing up the Nightmare dungeon tiers, offering you potentially a better time than the Twisting Blades build, despite the obvious damage advantages that build has.

Diablo 4 Ranged Rogue Penetrating Shot Build & Skils

Below are the main skills you want to use for your Diablo 4 Rogue Ranged Build:

  • Basic Skill: Forceful Arrow > Enhanced > Fundamental
  • Core Skill: Penetrating Shot x5 > Enhanced > Advanced
  • Skill 1: Caltrops > Enhanced > Disciplined
  • Skill 2: Poison Trap > Enhanced > Countering
  • Skill 3: Shadow Imbue > Enhanced > Blended
  • Skill 4: Poison Imbue x5 > Enhanced > Blended
  • Capstone: Precision

The general playstyle is that you take Forceful Arrow for the knockback, knockdown collision for CC, and to keep enemies at a distance. You also naturally get Vuln and crit modifiers every third attack, which scales with your combo points specialization. This later has synergy with other passives you take in the build.

The Penetrating Shot is your go-to core skill. This has the best sniping potential, while also has decent enough single target damage, and has the best AOE potential of any ranged Rogue Skill. You synergize it with "Trickshot Aspect" iconTrickshot Aspect, to amenable arrow splinters to destroy large groping of packs for your map clear speed increase.

Caltrops is largely a defensive skill, with it having decent scaling for crit chance and additional slowing and damage on top of it. It can also be used as an extra eade, so it doubles up as a soft movement skill.

Poison Trap: This scales with your poison passive modifiers in your build, and also serves as a knockback tool for more CC benefits and defensiveness. It also has solid damage, so, it’s more poison damage for bossing and adds destroying. It also has a skill modifier that resets your cooldowns, meaning you can get more caltrops, and imbuements out.

Shadow Imbue is your main tool for adding, and applying it to your Penetrating shot to get as much Vuln spread as possible and to pop packs.

Poison Imbue is your single target imbuement for bosses and elites. In addition, you can spread this on top of the already Shadow imbued enemies to help them to die within the 6 seconds of the Shadow imbue debuff, so you can ensure even the toughest packs die within shadow imbue windows.


  • Core Skill Passives: Stutter Step: Critically Striking an enemy grants 15% Movement for 4 seconds.
  • Agility Passive 1: Weapon Mastery: Gin a bonus when attacking based on weapon type - You want swords for the damage bonus, and both bow and crossbow are fine for Vuln damage and Crit Damage, depending on your stats.
  • Agility Passive 2: Concussive: After Knocking Back or Knocking Down an enemy, you gain 12% Increased Critical Stike chance against them for 3 seconds. Synergizes with your Poison Trap and Forceful Arrow.
  • Subterfuge Passive 1: Exploit (one point): You deal 6% increases damage to Healthy and Injured enemies.
  • Subterfuge Passive 2: Malice: You deal 95 increased damage to vulnerable enemies.
  • Imbuement Passive 1: Precision Imbuement x3 : Imbued Skills gain 9% increased Critical Strike Chance.
  • Imbuement Passive 2: Deadly Venom x3: You deal 9% increased Poison damage.
  • Imbuement Passive 3: Debilitating Toxins x3: Poisoned enemies deal 15% less damage.
  • Imbuement Passive 4: "Alchemical Advantage" iconAlchemical Advantage x3: You gain 3% increased Attack Speed for each enemy you’ve poisoned.
  • Ultimate Passive 1: "Adrenaline Rush" iconAdrenaline Rush x3: While moving, you gain 15% increased Energy regeneration.
  • Ultimate Passive 2: Haste x3: While at or above 50% Energy, you gain 15% movement speed. While below 50%, you gain 15% attack speed.

Diablo 4 Penetrating Shot Rogue Build: Legendaries & Uniques

The Aspects and other legendary drops that you can use in the build are as follows:

  • "Edgemaster's Aspect" iconEdgemaster’s Aspect: This grants more damage depending on the resource you had when casting your Core Skill. Since you want to scale it with your combo points, you can have a decent energy pool to grant even more damage.
  • "Rapid Aspect" iconRapid Aspect: More attack speed is general good for a crossbow, since they have slow attack speed. But it is a generally decent aspect to use.
  • Trickshot Aspect: You absolutely need this in your gear to use his build.
  • "Aspect of Might" iconAspect of Might: Rogues are very squishy, so defensive aspects are flat-out good.
  • "Aspect of the Expectant" iconAspect of the Expectant: You likely will want to attack three times before using Penetrating Shot, so, you get value out of this. You ideally need to attack four times to maximize this legendary, but, it doesn’t matter too much.
  • "Aspect of Corruption" iconAspect of Corruption: Your Imbuement skills do more against Vuln enemies.
  • "Blast-Trapper's Aspect" iconBlast-Trapper’s Aspect: Your traps have a chance to spread Vuln. - Helps to get even more Vuln spread when you don’t have Shadow Imbue available, or you can mod the Vuln part out for the mixed shadow Imbuement modifier. Ideally, place this on the amulet, as when you roll a 50% chance, it rolls 100% on Amulets.
  • "Aspect of Arrow Storms" iconAspect of Arrow Storms - Your !Marksman skills can call down arrow storms on locations, max of 5 active at a time. This is a nice DPS boost to stationary targets like bosses, or those knocked down in traps.
  • You can also use the "Skyhunter" iconSkyhunter Unique Bow, which grants the first hit against an enemy as a critical strike. If you had maximum Precision capstone stacks when you cast the skill, gain energy. This can only happen once per cast. - In other words, this is a large pack guarantee crit with Penetrating Shot. It also comes with crit damage modifiers, marksman damage, Dex, and Exploit passive improvement.
  • The "Condemnation" iconCondemnation Unique Dagger is also decent for this build but is not necessary. The Dagger offers more damage to skills that use 3 combo points, which is nice if it rolls well. Everything else on the dagger is not necessary.
  • "Eaglehorn" iconEaglehorn, the Season 1 unique for Rogues is great, as it directly synergizes with Penetrating Shot, offering it a chance to bounce off walls and scenery, similarly to how Bone Spear rebound damage works. Shots from the back also apply Vulnerable for 3 seconds, which is great if you can land those wall rebounds into a creature’s back.
  • "Toxic Alchemist's Aspect" iconToxic Alchemist’s Aspect got a huge buff to its AOE potential. So that is somewhat of a competitive option for some more poison splash damage.

Stat Priority

The Diablo 4 Rogue Ranged Penetrating Shot Build requires a simple stat priority. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

The main stats you are looking for on your gear are as follows. Every other stat is a nice bonus to have, though not necessary.

  • Vuln
  • Core Skill Damage
  • Crit Damage

Vuln is a key modifier in your multiplicative damage scalings, so, more damage to Vuln, the better that damage calculation modifier is going to be.
Core Skill damage is your general better damage modifier, since your damage comes from Penetrating Shot, no matter which Imbue you are using.
Crit Damage is also very good, largely thanks to the lots of Crit you get from passive talents like your Imbues, Precision capstone, Penetrating Shot modifiers, and more.

As for gems, you want:

  • "Emerald" iconEmerald in weapons because of the Crit to Vuln, as you easily apply Vuln.
  • "Topaz" iconTopaz into armor for better survivability while CC;d, a Rogue’s biggest weakness.
  • "Skull" iconSkull in Jewelry for armor, or "Diamond" iconDiamond for general resistances.

With Season 1, you now get access to Malignant Hearts, which offer a variety of bonuses. For the Diablo 4 Ranged Rogue Penetrating Shot build, you will want at least one of the following, depending on your needs at the time:

  • "The Vile Apothecary" iconThe Vile Apothecary - Decent chance to apply all Imbuements, and since you spec into two Imbuements, you get decent passive benefits from this.
  • "The Clipshot" iconThe Clipshot - It’s great for pushing enemies away from you, and its push back also makes it easier to line up enemies fro Trickshot Aspect bonuses.
  • "Prudent Heart" iconPrudent Heart - Losing 20% Life in one hit puts you invulnerability temporarily, which is good for CC’d moments, or general bossing defensiveness.
  • "The Barber" iconThe Barber - Decent offense, allowing you to dump your Penetrating Shots and Poisoned Imbue effects on the target for better burst windows.

Diablo 4 Penetrating Shot Rogue Build: Rogue Ranged Build Paragon and Glyphs

Here is a list of Glyphs you can consider using in your build. We mention the board you want to use them on, ideally in a perfect max set up. But, move things around when necessary as you progress through your board depending on your needs for your build.

  • Combat: Core Skills deal increased crit damage, and its additional bonus grants 12% energy refund. Goes on the Starting Board when you can move Ranger around.
  • Efficacy: For the best synergy, you largely want this on the Tricks of the Trade board. You get 20% increases in Imbuement skill effects.
  • Exploit: When an enemy is damaged by you, they become Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Cannot occur on the same enemy more than once every 20 seconds. Keep in mind it needs the additional criteria met to become active. This goes on the Cunning Stratagem board.
  • Infusion: Skills with Imbuements deal increased damage. Additional Bonus: Casting Imbuement skill reduces the active cooldowns of another random Imbuement skill by 0.5 seconds. This goes on the Eldritch Board.
  • Ranger: For every 5 Dex purchased within range, !Marksman Skills deal 2% increased damage. Additional Bonus: While wielding a ranged weapon, you take 10% reduced damage. You want to use this on your first board, but then swap it over to Tricks of the Trade Board later on.

Ultimate perks from Boards:
You are largely using the boards for where the Glyphs are, but, there are a few board where the Ultimate Perks are worth it.

  • Eldritch Bounty: When you attack with an imbued skill, you gain 20% Resistance and 20% increased damage for that Imbuement element for 6 seconds. This means you Poison Trap and Imbue will benefit from this node.
  • Exploit Weakness: When you damage a Vulnerable enemy, they take increased Vuln damage, up to 15%, for 6 seconds.
  • Cunning Stratagem: Your Non damage combo point bonuses are increased by 33% when you spend 3 combo points.

This concludes the Diablo 4 Ranged Rogue Penetrating Shot build. Now you know how to play this class, build it, and then benefit from all the end game content and progression systems to make this board standout.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
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