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Diablo IV

Diablo 4 - Legacies of Light's Watch Walkthrough

Nathan Garvin
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The followers of "Inarius" iconInarius aren’t exactly sticklers for the truth, being more than willing to dispense with records that don’t, ironically, put their actions or faith in a positive light. Inconvenient truths can be consigned to the darkness, and the pyre is a constant, looming threat for those who pry into subjects the church deems heretical. Sometimes, however, the desire for knowledge is too strong a temptation to resist, especially when it comes to digging up information about one’s departed family. This page will provide a walkthrough for the side quest "Legacies of Light's Watch" iconLegacies of Light’s Watch in Diablo 4.

(1 of 2) To start “!Legacies of Light’s Watch” you’ll need to talk to Zalan Coste,

To start “!Legacies of Light’s Watch” you’ll need to talk to Zalan Coste, (left), who can be found along the northwestern edge of Margrave. (right)

How to Start Legacies of Light’s Watch in Diablo 4

To start this side quest, you’ll need to travel to Margrave, which is along the southwestern edge of the Dobrev Taiga. Here you’ll need to seek out an injured wretch named Zalan Coste and ask him “You’re injured. Do you need help?”. This will prompt him to reveal that he was injured trying to delve the ruins of a dungeon called ["Light's Watch" iconLight’s Watch] in search of some records that may shed light on his mother’s prior service there. There’s no request, but this will start the quest anyways, if you take it upon yourself to brave the perils of Light’s Watch and do what Zalan Coste couldn’t.

(1 of 2) Seek out the !Light’s Watch dungeon,

Seek out the !Light’s Watch dungeon, (left), which can be found north of Margrave. (right)

Where to Find the Archivist’s Journals in Light’s Watch

The ruins of Light’s Watch can be found a short distance north of Margrave, right in the middle of Margrave and "Kyovashad" iconKyovashad, just southwest of Radiance Field Cemetery. Your task in this dungeon is to sniff out three Archivist’s Journals that lie scattered about, but of course, the fiends now populating these ruins may have something to say about that. As usual for dungeon-related side quests, the Light’s Watch dungeon has its own objectives you’ll need to complete in order to advance, and while not technically objectives for this quest, if your quest objectives are hidden behind dungeon objectives, you’ve no choice but to complete them.

In this instance you need to find the aforementioned Archivist’s Journals, which are stored on Archivist’s Lecterns scattered throughout the dungeon. At least one of them was hidden behind the “Watchman’s Gate” when we played through it, however, which required us to Slay the Watchman Lead Sou and Collect the "Watchman's Key" iconWatchman’s Key, which we couldn’t do until after we had Slain the Watchmen. Expect to have to clear much of this dungeon to finish this side quest.

(1 of 3) Your goal in this dungeon is to locate several Archivist’s Lecterns,

The dungeon itself is populated by marauders and other ne’er-do-wells… not quite a literal meaning of the world “fiend” there, Zalan. The Watchmen you need to defeat in order to advance are just elite brutes - in our game, one named Grek Grauk has the Chilling Wind and Shock Lance traits, while the other, Rak Hunde, possessed the Waller and Explosive traits. Your mileage may vary. Immediately after you kill the second Watchman, you’ll be accosted by Watchman Lead Sou (Teleporter, Vampiric, Summoner), who will drop the Watchman’s Key when defeated. This should be sufficient to get you through the aforementioned Watchman’s Door, where the third Archivist’s Lectern can be found. The other two should be in the first half of the dungeon.

Progress through Light’s Watch as much as you need to in order to locate all three Archivist Lecterns and claim the three Archivist Journals from them to find the information Zalan Coste sought. Once you have these archives, return to Zalan Coste in Margrave to complete the quest and earn the standard reward - a Cache, some XP and Gold.

Cache, XP, Gold
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    14 March 2023
  • Last Updated
    19 October 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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