Diablo 4 features a massive shared world and within it, you may notice eerie Altar of Lilith Statues. These are important for many reasons, the first is to grant you an account-wide boost to your stats along with adding a boost in Renown. If you wish to max out the renown in a region, you’ll need to find and use all of them. This page will show you where to find All Dry Steppes Altar of Lilith Locations in Diablo 4.
An overview of all of the Altars in Dry Steppes.
All Dry Steppes Altar of Lilith Locations in Diablo 4¶
Above you can see a map, showcasing marker to where all of the Dry Steppes Altar of Lilith locations are (including other locations too.). If you want more in detail notes for each one, then we have more focused area-by-area guides, images and notes.
The Scarred Coast Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
1 | Map Marker |
2 | Map Marker |
3 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #1¶
(1 of 2) Head here in The Scarred Coast
Head here in The Scarred Coast (left), to find the the statue sitting near the rock face. (right)
Start at the Alzuuda Waypoint and head east until you reach the Tamuur Hinterlands area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting in the corner against the rock face.
Altar of Lilith Statue #2¶
(1 of 2) Head here in The Scarred Coast
Head here in The Scarred Coast (left), to find the the statue sitting near the rock face. (right)
Start at the Alzuuda Waypoint and head northwest until you reach The Ashen Tread area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting against the rock face in the northern part of Ragged Shore.
Altar of Lilith Statue #3¶
(1 of 2) Head here in The Scarred Coast
Head here in The Scarred Coast (left), to find the statue sitting at the top of the cliff (right)
Start at the Alzuuda Waypoint and head northeast until you reach the Undying Marches area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting at the top of the cliff to the right.
Norgoi Vigil Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
4 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #4¶
(1 of 2) Head here in The Norgoi Vigil
Head here in The Norgoi Vigil (left), to find the statue sitting inside the rocky outcrop (right)
Start at the Alzuuda Waypoint and head northeast until you reach the Norgoi Vigil sub-region, then you’ll find the Statue sitting inside the rocky outcrop.
Dindai Flats Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
5 | Map Marker |
6 | Map Marker |
7 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #5¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the Dindai Flats
Head here in the Dindai Flats (left), to find the statue sitting against some rocks (right)
Start at the Alzuuda Waypoint and head northeast until you reach the Dindai Flats sub-region, then you’ll find the Statue sitting against some rocks in The Brackish Pans area.
Altar of Lilith Statue #6¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the Dindai Flats
Head here in the Dindai Flats (left), to find the statue sitting the eastern edge of the cliff (right)
Start at the Alzuuda Waypoint and head northeast until you reach the Dindai Flats sub-region, then you’ll find the Statue sitting on the eastern edge of the cliff, near the traversal point of Adherent’s Rise.
Altar of Lilith Statue #7¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the Dindai Flats
Head here in the Dindai Flats (left), to find the statue sitting under the bridge (right)
Start at the Alzuuda Waypoint and head northeast until you reach the Dindai Flats sub-region, then you’ll find the Statue sitting under the bridge in The Brackish Pans area.
Fields of Hatred Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
8 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #8¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the !Fields of Hatred
Head here in the !Fields of Hatred (left), to find the statue sitting on top of the raised hill (right)
Start at the Alzuuda Waypoint and head south until you reach the Akhai Prairie sub-region, then you’ll find the Statue sitting on top of the raised hill.
Temple of Rot Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
9 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #9¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the !Temple of Rot
Head here in the !Temple of Rot (left), to find the statue sitting against the wall (right)
Start at the Jirandai Waypoint and head north until you reach the
Temple of Rot Stronghold, then you’ll find the Statue sitting up against the wall in the east corner. However, there are three
Gorgers protecting this Altar if you attempt to grab it during the Stronghold.
Untamed Scarps Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
10 | Map Marker |
11 | Map Marker |
12 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #10¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the Untamed Scraps
Head here in the Untamed Scraps (left), to find the statue sitting inside some ruins (right)
Start at the Jirandai Waypoint and head northwest until you reach the Galtmaa Bushland area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting inside some ruins.
Altar of Lilith Statue #11¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the Untamed Scraps
Head here in the Untamed Scraps (left), to find the statue sitting behind a tree (right)
Start at the Jirandai Waypoint and head northeast until you reach the Desolation’s Reach area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting in a corner behind a tree.
Altar of Lilith Statue #12¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the Untamed Scraps
Head here in the Untamed Scraps (left), to find the statue sitting in the camp (right)
Start at the Jirandai Waypoint and head north into the Galtmaa Bushland area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting in the corner of this camp.
The Accursed Waste Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
13 | Map Marker |
14 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #13¶
(1 of 2) Head here in The Accursed Waste
Head here in The Accursed Waste (left), to find the statue sitting against some rocks in the eastern corner (right)
Start at the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Waypoint and head northeast until you reach The Bleak Expanse Area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting against some rocks in the eastern corner.
Altar of Lilith Statue #14¶
(1 of 2) Head here in The Accursed Waste
Head here in The Accursed Waste (left), to find the statue sitting behind some spikes. (right)
Start at the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Waypoint and head north until you reach The Bleak Expanse Area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting behind some spikes in the corner.
Qara-Yisu Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
15 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #15¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Qara-Yisu Stronghold
Head here in Qara-Yisu Stronghold (left), to find the statue sitting behind some scaffolding. (right)
Start at the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Waypoint and head southeast of the Stronghold, then break the scaffolding to find the Altar.
Jakha Basin Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
16 | Map Marker |
17 | Map Marker |
18 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #16¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Jakha Basin
Head here in Jakha Basin (left), to find the statue sitting at the end of the path. (right)
Start at the Hidden Overlook Waypoint and head south until you reach The Trails of Bones Area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting at the end of the path.
Altar of Lilith Statue #17¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Jakha Basin
Head here in Jakha Basin (left), to find the statue sitting in the cannibal camp (right)
Start at the Hidden Overlook Waypoint and head southwest until you reach the Bloodsoaked Ingress Area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting in the corner of the cannibal camp.
Altar of Lilith Statue #18¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Jakha Basin
Head here in Jakha Basin (left), to find the statue sitting in the house. (right)
Start at the Hidden Overlook Waypoint and head west until you reach the Bloodsoaked Ingress Area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting amongst the rubble of the house.
Chambatar Ridge Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
19 | Map Marker |
20 | Map Marker |
21 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #19¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the Chambatar Ridge
Head here in the Chambatar Ridge (left), to find the statue sitting behind the carts. (right)
Start at the Fate’s Retreat Waypoint and head south until you reach the Path of Stray Souls Area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting behind the carts.
Altar of Lilith Statue #20¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the Chambatar Ridge
Head here in the Chambatar Ridge (left), to find the statue sitting in a deadend. (right)
Start at the Fate’s Retreat Waypoint and head southeast until you reach The Boiling Plains Area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting behind the spikes in a small dead end area.
Altar of Lilith Statue #21¶
(1 of 2) Head here in the Chambatar Ridge
Head here in the Chambatar Ridge (left), to find the statue sitting behind some wooden boards (right)
Start at the Fate’s Retreat Waypoint and head northeast until you reach the Forsaken Ascent Area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting behind some wooden boards.
The Onyx Watchtower Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
22 | Map Marker |
23 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #22¶
(1 of 2) Head here in The Onyx Watchtower
Head here in The Onyx Watchtower (left), to find the statue sitting a small crevice (right)
Start at The Onyx Watchtower Waypoint and walk slightly to the southeast, then duck into the small crevice to find the Altar.
Altar of Lilith Statue #23¶
(1 of 2) Head here in !The Onyx Watchtower
Head here in !The Onyx Watchtower (left), to find the statue behind a tree. (right)
Start at The Onyx Watchtower Waypoint and head southwest until you reach the Bastard’s Pass area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting beside a tree in the corner.
Khargai Crags Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
24 | Map Marker |
25 | Map Marker |
26 | Map Marker |
27 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #24¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Khargai Crags
Head here in Khargai Crags (left), and you’ll find the statue near a tree. (right)
Start at The Onyx Watchtower Waypoint and head southwest until you reach the Crane Tribe Hutmoot area, then you’ll find the Statue sitting beside a tree.
Altar of Lilith Statue #25¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Khargai Crags
Head here in Khargai Crags (left), and you’ll find the statue at the end of the path. (right)
Start at The Onyx Watchtower Waypoint and head south until you reach the Bluffs of Olzei area, then climb down the cliff and follow the path to the end to find this Altar.
Altar of Lilith Statue #26¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Khargai Crags
Head here in Khargai Crags (left), and you’ll find the statue at the end of the path. (right)
Start at The Onyx Watchtower Waypoint and head northeast until you reach The Crown of Fiends area, then climb down the cliff and follow the path to the end to find this Altar.
Altar of Lilith Statue #27¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Khargai Crags
Head here in Khargai Crags (left), and you’ll find the statue sitting inside the cavern. (right)
Start at The Onyx Watchtower Waypoint and head northeast until you reach the Hapless Frontier Area, then slide across the rope to reach this cavern and you’ll find the altar to the south.
Tusmaa Rift Statues¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
28 | Map Marker |
29 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #28¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Tusmaa Rift
Head here in Tusmaa Rift (left), and you’ll find the statue sitting in the corner. (right)
Start at The Onyx Watchtower Waypoint and head north until you reach the Tusmaa Rift Sub-region, then make your wave over to the Abahru Canyon Are and towards the climb point and go east to find the Altar in the corner.
Altar of Lilith Statue #29¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Tusmaa Rift
Head here in Tusmaa Rift (left), and you’ll find the statue sitting on the ledge. (right)
Start at The Onyx Watchtower Waypoint and head north until you reach the Tusmaa Rift Sub-region, then make your wave over to the Rift of a Thousand Eyes Area and climb the ledge in the southeast to find the Altar.
Kotama Grasslands Altars¶
Statue # | Interactive Map |
30 | Map Marker |
31 | Map Marker |
32 | Map Marker |
33 | Map Marker |
Altar of Lilith Statue #30¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Kotama Grasslands
Head here in Kotama Grasslands (left), to find the altar sitting behind some pots. (right)
Start at the Ked Bardu Waypoint and head east until you reach the
Wayward Plains area, then head into the cavern and break the pots to reach this Altar.
Altar of Lilith Statue #31¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Kotama Grasslands
Head here in Kotama Grasslands (left), to find the altar sitting in the corner. (right)
Start at the Ked Bardu Waypoint and head west until you reach The Wretched Strand area, then you’ll find the altar sitting in the corner next to some pots.
Altar of Lilith Statue #32¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Kotama Grasslands
Head here in Kotama Grasslands (left), to find the altar sitting in the corner (right)
Start at the Ked Bardu Waypoint and head south until you reach the Wayward Plains area, then go into the cave and look behind some boxes in the southwest corner to find this Altar.
Altar of Lilith Statue #33¶
(1 of 2) Head here in Kotama Grasslands
Head here in Kotama Grasslands (left), to find the altar in a small narrow path. (right)
Start at the Ked Bardu Waypoint and head north until you reach the northern portion of the Wayward Plains area, then take the path to the east at the split to find this Altar.
And there you have it, you now know where to find all Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith locations in Dry Steppes. If you need help finding the rest of the Altars of Lilith for other regions, then we have pages for them too!
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