In the absence of proper deities, the inhabitants of Sanctuary are compelled to appeal to the forces of heaven - or the hells - for succor. Capricious both, neither are worthy of worship, and prayers for protection offered to such creatures are of dubious value, at best. Still, when the faithful fall afoul of Sanctuary’s many dangers, those they leave behind may wish to hear of their demise. Closure is about the only mercy humans caught between the hosts of heaven and hell can hope for. This page provides a walkthrough for the side quest A Cold Faith in Diablo 4.
(1 of 2) Seek out a corpse southeast of the eastern gate to !Kyovashad,
Seek out a corpse southeast of the eastern gate to !Kyovashad, (left), you can find this corpse at the marked location on the map. (right)
How to Start A Cold Faith in Diablo 4¶
To start this quest, exit out into the Frigid Expanse via
Kyovashad’s eastern gate. Just southeast of this gate you’ll find a body, near which is a Pilgrim’s Journal. Read it to discover the goal of this dead traveler, a prayer unanswered, a pilgrimage unfulfilled. This starts the quest A Cold Faith.
(1 of 2) Read the “Pilgrim’s Journal” near the corpse, then travel to Margrave, to the southwest.
Read the “Pilgrim’s Journal” near the corpse, then travel to Margrave, to the southwest. (left), In Margrave, inform Priest Matvey about the pilgrim’s demise to get a cold response, and a reward. (right)
Tell Priest Matvey About the Pilgrim’s Demise¶
To advance the quest, you’ll next need to travel southwest to Margrave and talk to Priest Matvey - a figure you may have come into contact with if you completed the side quest Faith in Blood, the third and final quest in the Malady of the Soul questline. Travel to Margrave (if you have already discovered the waypoint here, it’ll be a quick and easy trip), which can be found along the southwestern edge of Dobrev Taiga, and seek out Matvey, who can be found tending a pyre, as usual. Report the pilgrim’s demise by picking the dialog option “I found the body of a pilgrim from Margrave” and Matvey’s response will be equal parts self-loathing and fatalistic. Even a bit of pity and compassion for the dead was apparently too much to ask for from Priest Matvey, whose worship of
Inarius seems to have only imbued him with disdain for the suffering of mankind.
Despite the callous response, you’ll still get a reward in the form of an Herb Cache, some XP and Gold for informing Priest Matvey, completing this quest in the process.
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